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Module 2 Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin.‎ 主备人:‎ 马淑梅 修改栏 教学目标:‎ 1. 知识目标:‎ 学会运用sunny, warm, windy, cold, cool, hot, snow, rain等表示天气的单词。It will snow in Harbin. It will be warm and sunny in Sanya.等描述天气的语句;运用句型I ‘m going to read a book at home.表述自己的计划。‎ 2. 能力目标:‎ 能够用It will...句型谈论天气,并根据将来的天气状况制定计划。 ‎ 3. 情感目标:‎ 培养学生有计划的合理安排自己事情的意识。‎ 教学重点:‎ ‎1.能正确口头运用It’s going to snow in Harbin.It’s going to be sunny and warm in Dalian.预报某地的天气。识别运用单词snow, rain。‎ ‎2.根据天气制定活动计划。‎ 教学难点:‎ 用It will (be)...句型谈论未来的天气,并根据天气制定活动计划。‎ 教学准备:PPT、单词卡、点读笔 教学课时:1课时 教学过程:‎ Step 1. 创设情境,激情导入 ‎1. Greeting.‎ ‎2. Listen and sing a song: Rain, rain, go away.‎ ‎2. T: What’s weather like today?‎ Ss: It’s sunny.‎ ‎ T: Yes, today the weather is sunny. Now, show me sunny.(学生出示相应的天 ‎ 词汇卡片,教师板书,并把卡片贴到黑板上)。‎ Step 2. 利用资源,学习新知 ‎1. T: Today we will learn something about weather. And this one...(出示下一张天气词汇卡片,请学生认读,认读完毕后将图片贴到黑板上。)‎ 给出表示天气的单词,会画图标;给出图标,会写相应的单词。‎ ‎2. 将谈话内容过渡到新内容上 。‎ Show the PPT of Activity 1: Now let’s watch a weather report and then say the chant together.‎ ‎3. T: Now, we are going to listen to another weather report. Be careful the time. It’s today or tomorrow.(将today 和 tomorrow 板书到黑板上)‎ ‎4. Listen to the e-pen and choose the time today or tomorrow. ‎ ‎(板书The Weather Tomorrow) And find” What’s the weather like inHarbin/Beijing/Xi’an and Sanya tomorrow?‎ ‎5. Listen to the e-pen and read after it ‎6. Read together.‎ Step 3. 梯次练习,规范到位。‎ ‎1. Show another picture and report the weather like Activity 2. Work in group and then show.‎ ‎2. Finish activity3. Ask and answer: Where am I?‎ Step 4. 运用语言,交流巩固 ‎1. Finish Activity 5. Game.‎ 运用句型:It will be hot on Friday. It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou.‎ ‎2. 学习活动4. Chant.‎ ‎3. 请学生在课堂作业本上写一段天气预报,至少包括4 个地名,地名由学生 任意自选,写完后在小组内读一次,比一比谁的流利,将最流利的选手作为天气预报员的候选人员。‎ Eg: The weather tomorrow. It’s going to snow in Harbin. It’s going to be sunny in Dalian. It’s going to…‎ Step 5. 内化实践,检查回顾 ‎ 根据活动6的要求,学生以小组为单位,根据未来的天气状况制定计划。‎ ‎ Eg: It’s going to be sunny on weekend. I’m going to go to school.‎ 可制作如课本上的卡片或海报。可给学生提示:weather, where, how, what, who Step 6. Homework ‎1.整理活动6‎ Eg: A: It’s going to rain on Thursday. What are you going to do?‎ B: I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do? ‎ ‎2.熟读韵律诗。学习本首韵律诗,可以以时间为线索,安排不同的时间从事不同的活动。‎ 板书设计: ‎ Unit2 It will snow in Harbin.‎ It will be cold and windy in Xi’an. ‎ I’m going to go to the park to play.‎ It will be warm and sunny in Sanya. ‎ It will be hot on Friday.‎ What are you going to do today? ‎ It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou.‎ 教学反思:‎ 查看更多

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