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2007-2008(上)八年级英语期中试卷 (满分:100 分,考试时间:120 分钟) 命题人:梅山中学 吴丽英 Ⅰ.听力(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) A 听句子,连线。(句子念两遍) Persons Used to Now 1. My teacher computer games playing soccer 2. Mr. Black light music traveling 3. The old man movies reading 4. My parents fishing painting 5. The students walking dancing B. 听对话,选择正确的答语。(对话念两遍) ( ) 1. A. Sorry, but I can. B. I am afraid I can’t. C. Not at all. ( ) 2. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Thank you. C. You can’t be late. ( ) 3. A. By bus. B. Lie down and have a rest. C. Three times a day. ( ) 4. A. Thank you. B. I am not beautiful. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 5. A. It sounds great. B. Pop music. C. What a pity. C. 听短文,选择正确的答案。(短文念两遍) ( ) 6. The Browns like ______. A. different music B. sweet music C. the same music ( ) 7. Jim’s grandfather thinks pop music is too ______. A. noisy B. wonderful C. boring ( ) 8. His grandmother hates ______. A. rock music B. folk music C. jazz ( ) 9. What kind of music does his mother like? A. Pop music. B. Rock music. C. Country music. ( ) 10. Who is Jim’s favorite pop singer? A. The Beatles. B. Liu Huan. C. Zhou Jielun. D. 听对话,完成电话留言。(对话念三遍) Telephone Message From: ___11 To: ___12 Message: The class will __13 on Saturday morning. Please meet at 8:00 a.m. __14 . Don’t forget to bring some ___15 . 11._________ 12.________ 13._______ 14._______ 15._______ Ⅱ.单项选择 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个可填入空白处的最佳答案。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( )21.When _____ they _____ for Canada, do you know? A. do; leave B. are; leaving C. do; leaving ( )22. We often hear her _____the piano in her room. A. plays B. play C. to play ( )23. _____fishing is my favorite hobby, and I enjoy_____ comics. A. Going; reading B. Go; reading C. Going; to read ( )24. He often plays _____ guitar at home. A. a B. / C. the ( )25. Look! Grandma is sitting _____ those boys. A. among B. in C. between ( )26. It is necessary _____us _____clothes often during SARS. A. to; to change B. for; for changing C. for; to change ( )27. I’m sorry _____ being late. A. for B. to C. of ( )28. Would you mind _____ the radio. A. turning up B. turning down C. to turn down ( )29. ---_____ lovely day! Why not go for a picnic. --- Good idea! A. What B. What a C. How ( )30. ---Who taught you _____? ---Nobody. I taught _____. A. skate; myself B. to skate; my C. to skate; myself Ⅲ. 完形填空 从每题的三个选项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) On April 19, we left school and stayed at home because of a new disease called SARS. We started an unusual holiday. It’s not very __31__ for us to stay at home all day. I think going to school is much better than staying at home, although our classes are sometimes __32 It would be good to see my classmates because I started to __33 them so much. After two weeks, my parents took me to the Great Wall. I felt __34 when I was able to be outside again. It was not crowded there because __35 people left their houses. My school asked me to do a special job during this unusual holiday. Every day I __36 ten of my classmates and asked them to take their temperature. I also asked them if they did their homework.. Then I gave the __37 to our teacher. This was a lot of fun. I __38 so many phone calls to my classmates before. It’s the end of the month now. __39 knows how long this holiday will last. When we go back to school, I __40 everything will return to normal (正常), and SARS will never come back again. ( )31. A. bad B. nice C. safe ( )32. A. interesting B. surprising C. boring ( )33. A. miss B. know C. think ( )34. A. worried B. afraid C. happy ( )35. A. little B. many C. few ( )36. A. visited B. phoned C. taught ( )37. A. composition B. attention C. information ( )38. A. already B. ever C. never ( )39. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody ( )40. A. find B. hope C. decide Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) (A) Books are our greatest friends. They tell us stories of every country in the world. They give us all kinds of knowledge. Life is short, One cannot know and see everything in the word. With the help books, one is able to know what happened thousands of years ago and what is happening in every part of the world now. Books give us not only knowledge but also pleasure. Reading good books is the best way of spending our free time. And many beautiful stories for children are interesting and full of wisdom. All the great men love books. Knowledge from books help them to succeed. Because books are source of knowledge and knowledge is the source of success. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案 ( ) 41. One of the human’s friends is _____ A. a story B. books C. world itself ( ) 42. Which sentence is NOT true? A. Books give people all kinds of knowledge. B. People can know what happened around the world with the help of the books. C. Though life is not long, one hear and see everything in the world. ( ) 43. Many beautiful stories can make children _____. A. happy and clever B. successful and sad C. unhappy and surprised ( ) 44. The passage tells us the best way to _____ is reading good books. A. do well in our lessons B. spend our free time C. make us happy ( ) 45._____ love book. A. All the great men B. All the children C. Everyone from every part of the world (B) One day, a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer(律师)went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying bills. So he said to the lawyer before he went into the house, “If I do cure your wife, I am afraid you may not pay me.” “Sir,” answered the lawyer, “Here is$500. No matter whether you cure my wife or you kill her, I will give you all this.” The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reached the woman’s beside, it became clear to him that he could do little. She was badly ill, and thou he gave her some medicine, she soon died. He told the lawyer he was very sorry, and asked for the money. “Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer. “Of course I didn’t.” said the doctor. “Well! Did you cure my wife?” said the lawyer. “I’m afraid that was impossible(不可能).”said the doctor. “Well then.” said the lawyer, “Since you neither killed her nor cured her, I needn’t pay you.” 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案 ( ) 46. Who was ill? A. The lawyer. B. The lawyer’s wife. C. The doctor’s wife. ( ) 47.What does the word “cure” mean? A. 看病 B.杀死 C.治愈 ( ) 48.What was the lawyer famous for? A. Not paying bills. B. Giving others money. C. Looking after his wife. ( )49. What did the doctor do to the patient? A. He killed the patient. B. He gave some medicine to the patient. C. He cured the patient. ( ) 50. Which is NOT true? A. The doctor some money from the lawyer. B. The lawyer didn’t want to pay any money to the doctor. C. The doctor didn’t kill the patient. (C) People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports are good for people’s health and sports make people strong. Some people like playing games by themselves, but some enjoy watching others play. They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets to watch games. They usually have “their teams” or “their players”. When “their teams” can’t win the game, they are even sadder than the players themselves. Sports change with seasons. People play different games in different seasons. Most people’s favorite sport in summer is swimming and skating is usually a winter sport. Sometimes people play games inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can find sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting and many people like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. Men and women, the old and the young all like it. People from different countries can not understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题 51. What do you think of sports? _____________________________________________________________________________ 52. How do they when “their teams” or “their players” lose the game? _____________________________________________________________________________ 53. What is the most people’s favorite sport in summer? What about in winter? _____________________________________________________________________________ 54. What kind of ball is mentioned in the passage? _____________________________________________________________________________ 55. Can people from different countries understand each other after a game? ______________________________________________________________________________ Ⅴ. 口语运用 A. 根据对话,完成下列表格。(5 分) Li Ming: Hello. May I speak to Lily. Lucy: Sorry, she isn’t in right now. Who’s that? Li Ming: This is Li Ming, Lily’s friend. Lucy: Oh, do you want to leave a message? Li Ming: OK. Please tell her we’re going to High Gate Park. Lucy: When and where are you going to meet? Li Ming: We will meet at 7:00 tomorrow morning outside the park gate. Lucy: Is that all? Li Ming: Yes, thank you very much! Goodbye! Lucy: Bye! B. 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中一项多余)(5 分) A: Do you often collect something in your spare time? B: Of course. I collect stamps. 61 A: Wow! How beautiful! 62 B: I can learn a lot about people, places, history and special moments from the stamps. By the way, 63 A: I used to go to the movie theater a lot. But now 64 B: Look, here are my collections. 65 My friends from many countries sent them to me . A: What interesting hobbies! They will make us relax after our daily work. B: You are right. 61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______ Ⅵ.词汇 A. 将方框中的单词按其所属的类别归类。(6 分,归类后每多写两个附加 1 分,最多加 2 分) 66.特征状态:__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ 67.疾病名称:__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 68.食物名称:__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 69.反身代词:__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(4 分) 70.Would you mind__________(give) me another one. 71. The boy is too young to look after _________ (he). 72. There are many people in the room. It’s very _________(crowd). 73. It’s our duty _________(save) water. Ⅶ. 书面表达(10 分) 根据以下提示词,写一篇 70 个词左右的英语短文。 假如你叫李梅,昨天放学回家的路上淋了雨,傍晚你头痛,妈妈带你去医院,医生叫你好好 休息,你要写请假条给你的班主任。 be caught in the rain (淋雨),on my way home, have a headache, take…to…, check over, give some medicine, a good rest, can’t go to school, ask for leave…… Dear Miss wang: A. Why do you collect them? B. What’s your hobby? C. Look at the stamps! D. They are from different countries. E. It’s a good job. F. I collect some post cards. They are very beautiful. MESSAGE From: _________________________________ To: ____________________________________ Message: _______________________________ _______________________________________ Time: __________________________________ Place: __________________________________ toothache, myself, sandwich, fever, ugly, themselves, flu, beautiful, strawberry, sausage, brave, herself ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 附加题:(10 分) 友情提示:请同学们做完上面的考题后,再认真检查一遍,估计一下你的得分情况,如果你 全卷的得分低于 60 分,则本题得分将计入总分。 用 must, 或 must not 填空。 1. You ________stay up at night. 2. You ________read in the sun.. 3. You ________do morning exercises. 4. You ________wash hands before meals. 5. You ________throw litter about. 附:听力材料 A:1. My teacher used to enjoy listening to light music, but now she loves painting very much. 2. Mr. Black was a movie fan two years ago, he didn’t use to dance but now he like it. 3. The students used to play computer games, but now they are interested in playing soccer. 4. My parents enjoyed fishing before, but now they are fond of traveling. 5. The old man loved walking three years ago, but now he prefers reading. B: 1. Hi, Kangkang. It’s time to play sports now. Will you join us? 2. I’m sorry I’m late. 3. How do I take this medicine? 4. How beautiful your skirt is! 5. I missed the concert of Zhou Jielun. C: My name is Jim Brown. There are six people in my family. My family members like different kinds of music. My grandfather likes classical music, but he thinks pop music is boring. My grandmother enjoys folk music. She hates rock music because she thinks it’s too noisy. My father prefers jazz to country music. My mother likes pop music very much. She doesn’t like classical music and she thinks it’s too serious. My favorite music is rock music, it’s exciting. And my favorite pop singer is Zhou Jielun. D: M: Hello. Who’s that? W: This is Jane. Could I speak to Maria, please? M: Sorry, she isn’t in. Can I take a message? W: Yes, please. Our class will have a picnic on Saturday morning. We’ll meet at 8:00 a.m. in the classroom. Please tell her to bring some delicious food. M: OK. I’ll give her the message. W: Thank you. Bye. M: Bye. 查看更多

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