

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 仁爱版 / 八年级下册 / Module 2 Rights and responsibilities / Unit 7 International charities / 仁爱版英语八年级下词组专项训练

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备战期末:八年级英语专项训练--词组篇 Unit 1 Topic 1 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 be/feel sorry for 为…..感到难过 have / has been to 去过某地 have /has gone to 去某地了 take photos 照相 tell stories 讲故事 learn (sth.) from sb.向某人学习 have / live a happy/ hard / normal life 过着幸福/艰苦的/正常的生活 in detail 详细地 have sth to do 有什么要做 in order to do sth. 为了做… help support families 帮助养家糊口 give support to sb. / give sb. Support 为某人提供帮助 get a good education 受到良好的教育 search sw. for sb./ sth.. 在某处搜查,寻找 search …for sth. …搜查,寻找 go abroad 出国, at home and abroad 在国外 with the development of …. 随着……的发展 have a balanced diet 有均衡饮食 what’s more. 而且 in the past 在过去 at present 现在 see sth. oneself 亲眼所见 in the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代 enjoy leisure activities 享受闲暇的活动 keep in touch with 与..….保持联系 since 1978 自从 1978 以来 many sorts of =many kinds of 许多种类的 not only …but also…不但…../.而且 make progress 取得进步,取得进展 happen to sb. /sth. 发生在……身上 make preparations for 为做准备 draw up 拟定,起草 thanks to 幸亏,由于 Topic2 get lost 迷路,走失 each other 互相 at least 至少 at that time 那时 take place 发生 Great changes have taken place in China . 中国发生了巨大的变化. because of 因为,由于 one-child policy 独生子女政策 be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格要求 any other + 单数名词 increase by +倍数或百分数 “增加了……倍或百分之……” in developing countries 在发展中国家 in developed countries 在发达国家 So it is. 的确是, 确实如此 carry out 实行,执行 one fifth 五分之一 less living space 较少的生活空间 be short of 短缺 so far 到目前为止 take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事 less than 不到,少于 a couple of 一些,几个 be famous as …作为而出名 work well in (doing ) sth. 在某方面起作用 25 percent of 百分之 25 的 offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物 keep up with 赶上,跟上 Topic 3 the homeless 无家可归的人 in need 在困难时, 在贫困之中 once conj. 一旦…就…,adv. 一次, 从前 it is+ adj. +for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做… 是 decide on+n.\v-ing = decide to do sth 决定要做某事 provide sb.with sth. =offer sb. sth. 提供给某人某物 be sucessful in doing sth=succeed in doing sth 成功完成某事 feel good 感到愉快或有信心 break out 爆发 be/get used to(doing) sth. 习惯(做)某事 come for a visit 来参观 ride a skateboard 玩滑板 go to an amusement park 去游乐场 see a film in the open air 看露天电影 jump rope 跳绳 play tug of war 拔河 play hide-and-seek 捉谜藏 return to a normal life 重新回到正常的生活 obey /disobey the rules 遵守\违反规则 take drugs 吸毒 in the past+时间 在过去的……里 in the past sixteen years 在过去的 16 年里 the people at home and abroad 国内外的人们 be used for sth\ doing sth 被用来做某事 With the money 用这些钱 hear of 听说 hear from=receive/get a letter from 收到来信 仁爱九年级上册词组 Unit 2 Unit 2 Topic 1 There be+sth./sb.+doing sth. 有某人或某物正在做… since +点时间 (自从……以来), for+一段时间(长达…) pour…into…向…排放 be harmful to=do harm to 对…有害 produce terrible gas 排放难闻的气体 make sb.do sth. 使某人做某事 too much noise 太多噪音 too many problems 太多问题 manage to do sth.设法做某事 cause hearing loss.=lose hearing 听力失聪,丧失听力 the look of … ……的外表 not all…不是所有的都… become deaf 变耳聋 quite a few/a lot/ bit 许多,大量 no better than “同…(几乎)一样”, 和…(几乎)一样坏 during the classroom break 在课间 各种污染: air /water /soil /light /noise /litter/traffic /factory/ plants /animals pollution producer and user of coal 煤的生产者和消费者 Topic 2 as a result 结果 The government has done something useful to protect the environment. 政府已经做了些有效的事去保护环境 None of us likes pollution. 我们中没人喜欢污染 What should we do as students? 作为学生我们应该做什么 leave rubbish here and there 随处扔垃圾 step on the grass 踩踏草坪 spit in public 在公共场所吐痰 Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事 wash away 冲走 blow strongly 吹得猛烈 die out 灭绝 cut down 砍伐 A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. 许多肥田变成沙漠,只剩下沙子 stop/prevent/keep from doing sth 阻止做 run away 流走、跑走 cut off its water supply 切断水供应 Some things we’ve done are good, while some are not good for the earth.我们所做的一些事对地球很好, 也有些不好 be in bad health 身体不好 be in danger of doing sth 处于做某事的危险中 plenty of 许多 come to realize 开始逐步认识 Beach Clean-up Day 海滩清洁日 either…or 要么…要么 Since there will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, make sure you go to bed early tonight 由于明天我们有许多事要做、确保你今晚早点睡觉 make rules 制定规则 keep the rules 保持规则 follow /obey the rules 遵守规则 day by day 日复一日 My face hurt.=There is something wrong with my face.我的脸痛 The Great Green Wall 绿色长城 too many trees 太多树 too much money 太多钱 at the same time 同时 deal with 处理 Topic 3 interview sb about sth 采访某人有关某事 protect the environment 保护环境 spread the message 宣传信息 reduce the waste we produce 减少人为浪费 use both sides of paper 使用纸的两面 plastic bags 塑料袋 rather than 而不 not only … but also 不但,而且 throw…away 扔掉 collect waste paper and soft drink cans 收集废纸和塑料瓶 so that 以便 It’s kind of you to do sth 你做某事真是太好了 should = ought to = be supposed to do sth .应该 a greener person 一名绿色使者 instead of 代替 travel a short distance 短途旅行 save money and energy 省钱,省能量 Easier said than done.说比做容易 Actions speak louder than words.行大于言 deal with 对付,处理 nuclear energy 核能 acid rain 酸雨 the Maglev Train 磁悬浮列车 push…forward 向前推 May I have your attention, please ? 请(大家)注意啦 I have sth. important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉大家 Please be on time.请准时 That’s all.我要说的就这些 produce power/ electricity 发电 It’s a pity that+句子 遗憾的是 be used for doing sth 被用于做 仁爱九年级上册 Unit 3 Unit 3 Topic 1 米老鼠和唐老鸭的海报 a poster of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck 贴在墙上 stick sth on the wall 卡通人物 cartoon characters 为……做准备 be ready for sth 准备做某事 be ready to do sth 迫不及待做某事 can’t wait to do sth=can’t help doing sth. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do sth 练习做某事 practice doing sth 能够做某事 be able to do sth 从现在起,开始 from now on 设法做某事 try one’s best to do sth 以后更加努力 work much harder later on 和某人交流 communicate with sb 和…相似 be similar to= be the same as 把…翻译成 translate…into 整理包 pack one’s bag 出差 on business 作为母语 as mother tongue 第二语言 second language 外语 foreign language 官方语言 the official language (毫不)费力做某事 have (no) trouble/ difficulties (in)doing sth 进行(一次)长谈 have a long conversation, have long conversations 与……相似 be the same as 如果必要的话 If necessary 向…求助 ask …for help 把翻译成 translate …into… 偶尔 once in a while 总的来说,通常 in general =usually 随身带上某人/某物 take sth with sb. 最新研究表明 recent studies show ……的总数/ 数量 the number of…… 许多 a number of 被广泛使用 be widely used 参加一次国际性会议 take part in an international conference 上游泳课 take a swimming course 这是事实 It’s true that+ 随着世界的发展 with the development of the world 自从 19 世纪 50 年代以来 since the 1950s 在二十世纪八十年代 in the 1980s 处于领先地位 take the leading position 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 在十九世纪 in the nineteenth century 号召 call for 中国制造 made in China 把……看作,把…认为 regard… as…. 也 as well as Unit 3 Topic 2 我听不懂你的话 I can’t follow you. 请你说慢一点可以吗? Can you speak more slowly, please? 澳式英语和英式英语一样吗? Is Australian English the same as British English? 不确切,不完全 Not exactly 做得好 Good on ya, mate =Well done 我明天要飞往迪斯尼乐园 I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 祝你旅行愉快 Have a good trip! 玩得开心 Enjoy yourself! 一直,总是 all the time 当然不 Of course not 取决于,视……而定,依靠 depend on (doing sth) 与…不同 be different from 与…相同 be the same as ……和……有不同差异 have differences between …and… 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth. 使别人理解你 make sb. understood (使动用法 make sb. done ) 进行下一次的考试 take the next exam 这单词的意思是什么? What does this word mean?=What do you mean by this word?=What’s the meaning of this word? 去飞机场的路上 on the way to the airport 送别 see sb off 伸出 put out 怎么了?What’s up? 想搭车 ask for a ride 我要动身去…… I’m leaving for …. 我要走了 I’m leaving 打电话给某人 call sb 我叔叔明天会接见我们 My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. 你什么时候去迪斯尼乐园? When are you leaving for Disneyland? 我希望不会遇到什么困难 I hope I won’t have any difficulty. 无论何时你需要帮忙,发电子邮件或打电话给我 Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me. 我不明白 I’m puzzled. 我只是开玩笑 I’m just kidding. 至于某人/某物 as for sb/sth 一般来说,大体上 generally speaking =in general =generally 起居室 a sitting room =a living room 填表格 fill in a form =fill out a form 乘地铁 take the subway= take the underground 喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth. 亲自做某事 do sth in person 喜欢做某事 be fond of doing sth. 靠近 be close to sth =be near to sth 众所周知 as we know 发生 come about (强调原因)= happen (强调偶然性) 被迫做某事 be forced to do sth 在开始时 in the beginning 渐渐地 little by little 总之 in a word 你好吗? How are you doing? 写信给某人 write to sb. 写回信给某人 write back to sb. 更糟糕的是 even worse 向某人致以最美好的祝愿 Best wishes to sb. Unit 3 Topic 3 使别人理解你 make yourself understood 陷入困境 , 很尴尬 get into trouble 和某人会谈 have conversations with sb 努力工作 work hard 在……努力,致力于 work hard at…. 同意某人的看法 agree with sb. 英语口语 oral/spoken English 公开地, 公然地 ,在公共场合 in public 犯困 feel sleepy 担心期末考 be afraid of the final test 有时 at times = sometimes = once in a while 向某人求助 ask sb for help = turn to sb for help 想要做某事 feel like doing sth=want to do sth.=would like to do sth. 放弃 give up 写日记 keep a diary 请再说一遍 I beg your pardon. 给某人一些关于…..建议 give sb some advice 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth 在……方面很差/弱 be weak in 不敢回答问题 dare not answer questions 担心做 be afraid of doing sth. 担心犯错 be afraid of making mistakes 理解课文大意 get the main idea of the article 深呼吸 take a deep breath 正确发音 get the pronunciation right 如何正确发音是我在学习英语方面的困难 My difficulty in learning English is how to get the pronunciation right 做听力训练 do some listening practice 做……最佳时间 the best time to do sth. 开班会 hold a class meeting 和某人分享…share sth. with sb. 和你们分享我们小组的观点 share our group’s opinions with you 回答 reply to 回答老师的问题 reply to the teacher’s questions 谢谢你的倾听 Thank you for(your)listening. 做某事感到荣幸 It’s an honor to do sth. 尽可能经常 as often as possible 就这些 That’s all. 记住去做某事 remember to do sth. 记住做过某事 remember doing sth. 坚持做某事 insist on doing sth / keep on doing sth. 起初 at first 笑某人 laugh at sb. 造(完整的)句子 make (complete) sentences 为了做某事 in order to do sth./ in order that +句子 写日记 keep a diary 最后,但同样重要的 Last but not least 仁爱九年级上册 Unit 4 Unit 4 Topic 1 载人飞船 a manned spaceship 成功着陆 land successfully 很高心见到你 Pleased to meet you. 做某事是我的荣幸 It’s an honor to do sth. 你现在感觉怎样? How are you feeling now? 总得来说 In general 好好休息 take good care of 在飞行期间 during the flight 做了体检 have physical examinations 健康状况良好 in good health 制作录象 make a video 用录象机录下我们的活动经历 make a video of our experiences 禁不住做某事 can’t help doing sth 反复地,再三地 again and again 轮流做某事 take turns to do sth 看到一个光明的未来 see a bright future 在做某事方面取得进步 make progress in doing sth. 为感到自豪 be proud of (doing)sth.=be the pride of (doing)sth. 为…感动 be moved by 请你告诉我一些关于 Could you tell me something about ….. 劝某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth. 使(叫)某人做某事 make sb. do sth. 建议你更加努力学习使电脑更好的服务于我们的生活 …advice you to study harder to make computer serve our lives better 期望某人做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 计算机在工作和娱乐的许多方面已经变得非常重要 Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. 毋庸质疑 there is no doubt that… 在科技和商业领域 in technology and business 在…的帮助下 with the help of…/ with one’s help 使心脏正常跳 keep hearts beating well 下定单或取消定单 place and cancel orders 计算机使工作场所更安全,更好 Computers have made the workplaces safer and better. 出现,产生 come into being 多亏,由于 Thanks to…. 做生意 do business 玩游戏 play games 看电影 watch movies 购物 do shopping 在线聊天 chat on line 例如 such as /for example /for instance 头痛 get headaches 眼睛发炎 get sore eyes 正确使用 use sth. properly 发送,接收邮件 send and receive an mail 连接起来 join together 按照下面的指示做 follow these directions 打开 turn on 把……和…..连接 connet …to / with… 连上英特网 connect to the Internet 点击 click on 输入 type in 在屏幕上 on the screen 一组信息的目录 a list of messages 做完某事 finish doing sth 做实验 do experiments 期待(做)某事 look forward to (doing) sth 日出日落 the sunrise and sunset / The sun rises and sets.(句子) 祝贺你 congratulations to you Unit 4 Topic 2 When was it developed? 被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth 对……有害 be bad for 把……给某人看 show sth.to sb. 由……制成 be made of / from / in 用来发射卫星或宇宙飞船 It’s used for launching satellites or spaceships 被用来做…..be used for doing sth. 它(纸)是用来写字的 It’s used for writing on. 许多信息 a lot of information 这个用英语怎么说 How do you say this in English?= What’s this in English? 由…开发/ 发明/研制 be developed by / be invented by 在日常生活里 in one’s daily life 在某人一生期间 during one’s life 据说/据报道 It’s said /reported that + 克隆羊 the cloned sheep 到目前为止,至今为止 so far 如你所知 as you know: 人类 human beings: 生物 living things: 和…相似 be similar to 和…一样 the same as: 确切知道 know for certain 成为我们生活中的一部分 be part of our lives 作为…而出名 be known as: 对…感到惊异 be surprised at sth 独立思考 think for themselves 警告某人某事 warn sb of/about sth 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb not to do 不再 no longer=not…any longer 把……看着/视为 treast….as… 为…做巨大贡献 make a great contribution to (doing) sth 在医学领域 in the medical field 对…有(不良)影响 have some( bad) effects on… 发现 find out 对某人有用 be useful to sb 发挥很好的作用 work well in 只要 as long as 实现 come true 大约 5 点钟 around / about at 5 o’clock 在我们的日常生活中 in our everyday life 一千多个发明 more than one thousand inventions 在其余时间里 during the rest of the time 迷路 lost one’s way=get lost = be lost 在森林中迷路 lost one’s way in a forest 被公认为一项伟大的发明 be known as a great invention 总而言之 in short = in a word Unit 4 Topic 3 We will live in space one day. 太好了 /太令人兴奋 Sounds great!/ That sounds exciting. 乘宇宙飞船 by spaceship 有关太空生活 about life in space 多么有趣 What fun! 我恐怕不(会)。我希望如此(不)I’m afraid not./ I’m afraid so./ I hope so./ I hope not. 为了学习人类文化 in order to learn about human’s culture I don’t think aliens can be found in space, can they? 亲眼所见 see…with one’s own eyes= see sth.oneself 科学研究 scientific research 参加有关火星的太空飞行 take part in the space flight to Mars 羡慕宇航员 admire the astronauts 发现新东西 discover something new 长大 grow up 掌握一些基本技能 master some basic skills 在未来 in the future 进展顺利 /不顺 go well / wrong 登上火星 land on Mars 在旅途期间 during the journey 更糟糕的是 what’s worse 水供给 water supplies 限制用水 limit the use of water 值 100 元钱 be worth 100 yuan 值得做某事 be worth doing sth 绕地球 go around the earth 相隔 at a distance of 在表面上 on the surface 相当于…的三分之一的强度 one third as strong as 相当于地球的四分之一大 be a quarter as big as the earth 离…近 be close to 通过望远镜看星星 look at the stars through telescopes 在太阳系之外 beyond the solar system 把…送入… send…into… 发射卫星 send up satellites 了解某事 learn about sth 最令某人高兴的是 To one’s joy 取得很大的进步 在户外 in the open air 与某人聊天 chat with 互相 each other =with one another 与某人相聚 have a get-together with 很快,马上 (at)any minute now 及时 in time 匆忙 in a hurry 动身,出发 set off 朝回走 head back 朝回家的路走 head back home 有一个美好的未来 have a great future 期望做某事 look forward to doing sth. 给某人一个拥抱 give a hug to sb. 旅途平安 Have a safe flight! 出去散步 go out for a walk 九年级下册词组 Unit 5 Unit 5 Learning about China Topic 1 Could you tell me something about the places that you visited? 大约 5000 年的历史 about 5000 years of history 吸引了许多游客 attract many tourists 数以百万 millions of 许多 a (great) number of 第一、二、三长河 the longest river/the second longest river/the third longest river 中华民族文化的发源地 the birthplaces of Chinese culture 还有一些别的吗? Anything else? 给某人取某物 fetch sth for sb=fetch sb. sth. 我能给你一本《中国指南》 I can fetch you Guide to China. 详细介绍……introduce…in detail 位于 lie in(范围内) lie to(范围外) lie on(接壤) 穿过 ,流经 run through 汇入渤海 join the Bohai Sea 淡水湖 the fresh water lake 第二大淡水湖 the second largest fresh water lake 在中国的西南部 be in the southwest of China 青藏高原 the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 很值得做某事 be well worth doing sth 海拔 above sea level 多么令人惊奇啊 What a surprise! 最奇妙的地方 the most fantastic place 听说过 hear of 实现 come true 国内外 home and abroad 三面环山 be surrounded on three sides by mountains 陶醉于…,全神贯注于…, 沉浸于…… lose oneself in… 因为 because of sth. …之乡 the home of 龙井茶 the Dragon Well 龙井茶之乡 the home of Dragon Well Tea 寻找机会做某事 look for a chance to do sth. 与某人分享……share sth. with sb. 如此……以至 so…that… 不但……而且 not only…but also… 被认为是, 作为……而著名 be known as… 因……而著名 be known for…. 把…看作/认为 regard …as … be regarded as=be considered as … 东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl 购物天堂 Shopping Heaven 想起,考虑,认为 think of 品尝各种各样鲜美的水果 enjoy various delicious fruits 来某处旅游 come to sw. for a visit 作为……服务的桥梁 serve as a bridge 损坏,抛锚,变得恶劣 break down 驾驶执照 the driving license 拿走 take away 有不同的特点 have different feasures 与…截然不同 be quite different from 南北有很大的不同 There are many differences between the north and the south. 零度以上/以下 stay below / above zero 雪下得很大 snow heavily 雨下得很大 rain heavily 风刮得很大 blow strongly 被…覆盖 be covered with 做户外运动 do outdoor activities 堆雪人 make snowmen 仍雪球 throw snow balls 滑冰 go skating 温暖潮湿 mild and wet 享受明媚的阳光 enjoy the bright sunshine 在海滩上 on the beach 人们的生活方式 people’s way of life 习惯于吃面食 be used to eating food made with flour 面食 food made with flour 生活在北方平原 live on the northern plains 通过陆路来往 come and go by land 走陆路/走水路 travel by land / by water Topic 2 Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education. 在教育领域 in the field of education. 一个教育领域的先驱者 a pioneer in the field of education. 一个伟大的思想家 a great ancient philosopher 真知灼见 wise ideas and thoughts 人类行为 human behavior 主要思想 main ideas 礼貌 good manners 至理名言 wise sayings 从…学会 learn sth. from 在…多岁时 at the age of … 在他三十多岁时 in his thirties 温故而知新 Learn the new while reviewing the old 为...感到骄傲 be proud of =be the pride of 航海 ocean journeys 死于疾病 die of illness 总共 in total 积极参加 take an active part in 受…欢迎 be popular with 成立 set up 推翻 bring down 因…而跨掉,出故障,坏掉 break down from… 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth 去世 pass away 演讲 give a speech 讲学 give a lecture 发明杂交水稻 develop hybrid rice 获得诺贝尔物理奖 win the Nobel Prize for Physics 消灭 wipe out 到安全地点 to safety=to the safe place 一份新长征计划 a new Long March Topic 3 带某人参观某地 show sb. around sw. 给某人看…show sb. to sw. 王权的象征 a symbol of imperial power 真龙天子 real dragons and the sons of heaven 中华民族的象征 a symbol of the Chinese nation 扮演一个角色 play a/an…part in…= play a/an ……role… 在中国节日中占重要角色 play an important part in Chinese festival 龙年 the year of the dragon 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth. 承诺做某事 promise to do sth. 承诺接受意见 promise to follow the suggestions 要么..要么 either…or… 围挤在…周围 crowd around… 下象棋 play Chinese chess …和…都…, 两者都…Both …and … 两者都都不…Neither …nor … 为了…in order to … 为反对…而斗争 ,与…战斗 fight against 为了纪念某人/某事 in memory of 爆发 break out 依靠,依赖,取决于 depend on 在某人的帮助下 with one’s help=with the help of sb. 最…之一 one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数 在三世纪 in the 3 rd century 在…末梢 at the end of…. 传开, 传播,蔓延 spread to /through 仁爱九年级下册 Unit 6 Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 I wouldrather watch TV plays than sports shows 在某人业余时间里 in one’s spare time 智力游戏 quiz shows 同意某人 agree with sb. 讨厌 be tired of 宁愿做…,比起做…更愿意做… would rather do sth.than do sth. 宁愿不做…would rather not do sth. 电视剧 TV plays 儿童节目 children’s programs 新闻节目 news reports 体育节目 sports shows 教育节目 educational programs 娱乐节目 entertainment shows 相爱 fall in love 星座 star sihns 乐于做某事 be ready to do sth. 保守秘密 keep secrets 注意细节 pay attention to details 从前 once upon a time 对某人生气 be angry at sth. 对某事生气 be angry with sb. 给某人某个部位一个(突然)袭击 give sb.a sudden attack on sth. 有影响力而且充满活力的人 a powerful person full of energy 注意 pay attention to sth. 含有贬义 have negative meanings 正面行为 positive behavior 不时,时时 at times 另一方面 on the other hand 也 as well 代表 stand for 以积极或消极的方式 in positive and negative ways 幸运 52 Lucky 52 足球之夜 Soccer Night 新闻联播 CCTV News 动物世界 Animal World 动画城 Cartoon City 同一首歌 The Same Song 对…有作用/影响 have an influence on 了解 learn about Topic 2 He is my favorite character in Chinese literature. 遗憾的是 It’s a pity that… 在某方面努力工作 work hard at… 决定, 下决心 make up one’s mind 依照,根据 according to sth. 表达强烈的感情 express strong feelings 在远处 in the distance 宁愿做某事 prefer to do sth. 事实上 in fact 争论 have an argument 打某人耳光 stap sb.in the face 继续做某事 keep on doing sth. 洗澡 take a bath 挽救某人的生命 save one’s life 与某人对抗 fight against 考虑 think about 禁不住做某事 can’t help doing sth. Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever. 时光似箭 How time flies! 毕业于 graduate from 一个毕业典礼 a graduation ceremony 为…做准备 prepare for = be ready for 首先 first of all = above all 通过期末考试 pass the final examination 小菜一蝶 It’s a piece of cake. 做演讲 give a speech /give speeches 回想起 think back to 有志者,事竟成 Where ther is a will, there is a way. 制定计划 make plans 为某人送行 see sb. off 常言道 As the saying goes: 去野营 go camping 推移 go by 与某人相处很好 get along/on well with 最令某人高兴的是 To one’s joy 取得很大的进步 在户外 in the open air 与某人聊天 chat with 互相 each other =with one another 与某人相聚 have a get-together with 很快,马上 (at)any minute now 及时 in time 匆忙 in a hurry 动身,出发 set off 朝回走 head back 朝回家的路走 head back home 有一个美好的未来 have a great future 期望做某事 look forward to doing sth. 给某人一个拥抱 give a hug to sb. 旅途平安 Have a safe flight! 出去散步 go out for a walk 查看更多

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