

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 二轮复习 / 仁爱英语八年级下册总复习





仁爱英语八年级下册总复习—词汇 姓名:____________ 作业一 1. Beijing Roast Duck _______ (尝起来) delicious. 2. The teacher was angry______ ______ (因为 ) his homework. 3. Chinese people love ________ (和平)。 4. In the end, Tom ______ ______ ______ (与… 和解) his friend John 5. Jackie Chan is one of the greatest _______ (角色) in the film. 6. Students in Class One are very ______(活泼的) . 7. Mr. Green is so angry that he almost goes _____ (发疯的). 8. Bill isn’t _____ _____ (能够) come。 9. We are ______ ______ (以….为骄傲) our great country. 10. ______ ______(起初), we didn’t like swimming at all. 11. He often go to the hospital with flowers to ____ the sick boys ______(使振作起来). 12. Why does Tom ______ a little______ (似乎不高兴). 13. 我们当中没有一个人害怕困难。None of us_____ _____ _____ the difficulties. 14. 他来这儿是向我父母表示感谢的。He comes here to ______ _______ _____ my parents. 15. 中华人民共和国成立于 1949 年。The PRC _____ ______ ______ in 1949. 作业二 1. The boy tried hard to do it, but he _____ (失败). 2. It’s ______ (正常的) for you to make mistakes. You are always so careless. 3. The teacher says so fast that I can’t _____ (理解) what he says. 4. - I can’t join in your birthday party, I have to ______ ______ (照顾)my sister. -______ ______ ______ (真遗憾!) 5. We ______hate him ______ ______ (不再). 6. Many people in their teens have such _____(经历). 7. Everyone feel sad sometimes, ________ (尤其) when living in a new place. 8. Many students seem not to _____ (接受) Kate, because she isn’t friendly to others 9. Jim _____ (拒绝) to go hiking with us, because he had other things to do. 10. I want your ______ (建议), sir. I don’t know what to do. 11. Our teachers are very _______ (严格) with us. 12. I made many friends here ______ ______ (尽管)I am just here. 13. 海伦不如贝蒂细心。Helen ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Betty. 14. 他不习惯这儿的天气。He can’t ______ _____ ______ the weather here. 15. 请代我向你家人致以最美好的祝愿。Please ______ my _____ _____ _____ your family. 16. 轻松点儿,别担心你的病情。_____ _____ _____ and don’t worry about your illness. 17. 我不知道如何处理这样的事情。I don’t know how to ______ _____ such things. 作业三 1. It was a sudden _______ (决定)。 2. Different countries have different ______ (文化) . 3. 我妈妈认为历史没有英语重要。My mother doesn’t think history is ______ ______ as English. 4. She has no _____ (意识) of time. 5. If we are in good _____ (情绪),we can study or work better. 6. 我们计划给你一个惊喜。We plan ______ ______ a ______ to you. 7. 电影《妈妈再爱我一次》使我们伤感,我们眼中充满了泪水。 The film Love Me Once More, Mom _______ us feel _______. Our eyes ______ ___ ___ tears. 8. 我们应该仔细考虑,以确保他的安全。We should ______ it ______ to make sure he is safe. 9. 你是如何使这个婴儿停止哭泣的?How did you _____ the baby _____ ______? 10. 我们要以饱满的热情为我们伟大的祖国努力工作。We should work hard for our great country _______ _______ _______ . 作业四 1. 我一到上海就给你打电话。I will call you _____ _____ _____ I get to Shanghai. 2. 我期待着再次见到你。I’m ______ ______ _____ seeing you again. 3. The headmaster called on the students to ______ (筹集) money for the poor boy. 4. 我们确信住房条件不就会改善的。 We are _____ that housing ______ will change for the better soon. 5. Their expenses reached a ______ (总计) of 1000 pounds. 6. The ______ (任务) has been fulfilled. 7. All of us are afraid of ______ ______ (对付) such feeling problems. 8. They need 10 _____ _____ (标准间) to live in. 9. Don’t worry! A good idea_____ ______ _____ (出现在我脑中) just now. 10. 我有一些令人兴奋的事告诉你。I have ______ _____ _____ ______ you. 11.The little boy _____ ____ (迷路)in the forest. 12. My house is _____ (有….价值) about 100000. 13. He is cooking chicken soup on the ______(炊具) 14. When we ______(加上) in the cost of the drinks , the bill was over 100. 作业五 1. 杰克昨天又一次说了谎,他父亲忍不住生气地呵斥他。 Jack ______ ______ ______ again yesterday, so his father _____ _____ ______ ____ him angrily. 2. _____ _____(确保) all the windows are closed before you leave. 3. 顺便问一下,今晚谁愿与我一起看服装表演? _____ _____ _____, who would like to watch the fashion show with me tonight? 4. Joe looked for the keys _____ ____ _____(到处), but he still couldn’t f ind them. 5. He was so ______ (害怕) that he didn’t know what to do. 6. They are still ______ _____ (寻找) the missing child. 7. 鸽子象征着和平。The pigeon _____ _____ peace. 8. 直到别人指出来,他才知道自己的错误。 He ______ ______ his mistake ______ others pointed it out. 9. 谢天谢地,你平安无事。______ ______, you are safe! 10. 当我算不出数学题时,我经常向老师寻求帮助。When I can’t work out the math problems, I often _____ my teacher _____ _____. 11. If you can’t make it, we can invite _________(某人)else. 12. _______ ______ (谢天谢地)! I pass the test. 13. The boy ____ ____ (吃光) all the food soon.. 14. I don’t want to only ______ ______ (依赖)my parents. 作业六 1. If everyone obeys ______ ______(交通规则), there will be much fewer accidents in our country. 2. When the young man was riding very fast, he _____ _____ (撞到) an old man. 3. 我们最好一起做一个决定。 We’d better ______ ______ ______ together. 4. The bus _____ ______ (减速) as it got to the bus stop on the road . 5. 他爸爸经常告诉他,不要在马路上玩。 His father often _____ him _____ ______ _____ on the road . 6. 作为中学生,应该遵守校规。 As high school students, we should ______ the _____ _____. 7. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。 This room is three _____ _____ _____ ____ that one. 8. 在上班的路上,他遇见了他的老朋友,因此他停下来和他说了话。 He met his old friend on his way to work, so he _____ _____ _____ _____ him . 9. 小王因为违反交通规则受到处罚。 Xiao Wang got _____ _____ because he broke the traffic rules. 10. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去动物园。 We _____ ______ ______ the zoo _____ it _____ _____ tomorrow. 11. 我习惯于骑自行车上学。 I _____ _____ _____ _____ my bike to school. 12. 如果你努力学习,你的梦想会实现的。 Your dream will _____ ______ if you study hard. 13. My brother likes swimming. Now he ______ ______ ______ (习惯于)swimming in winter. 作业七 1. Let’ s _____ ____ _____ (尽我们最大的努力)to help these poor people. 2. They are going to _____ _____ ______ ______ (举办美食节). 3. When did you ______ ______ (收到…. 的来信) Jim? 4. Let’s make his dream _____ _____ (实现). 5. You can ________(想象) how surprised I was. 6. You should ______ _____ (仔细考虑) how you organize your birthday party. 7. Mary studies hard _____ _____ _____(为了) go to college. 8. I will help you study ______ _____ (稍后) . 9. 他喜欢吃甜食。 因此他经常吃巧克力。 He _____ _____ ____ _____. So he often eats chocolate. 10. 李宏学习刻苦,而且她乐于助人。 Li hong studies hard; _____ _____, she is ready to help others. 11. 张老师非常热心,所以他的朋友都愿意和他联系。 Mr. Zhang is very kind, so his friends all want to _____ _____ _____ _____ him. 12. 汤姆正在为下周五的数学考试作准备。 Tom is ______ ________ the maths test of next Friday. 作业八 1. He ____ ____ (把….切碎) the pork and put it into a bowl. 2. I heard his voice, and rushed out to welcome him ______ _____ (立即) . 3. Please _____ ______ (捡起) the book on the floor. 4. Television, like other things, has both _________ (优点) and disadvantages. 5. They finished the job _____ ______ ______ ______(同时). 6. Chinese food restaurant becomes _____ _____ _____ ______(越来越重要) . 7. Most students _____ _____ _____ (对.....感兴趣) playing computers on weekends. 8. Let’s ______ _____ (为…干杯) your health. 9. It’s helpful to you to know about some ______ _____(餐桌礼仪). 10. Miss Chen often _____ her history lessons _____ (以…..开始)interesting stories. 11. It’s ______ (不礼貌的) to eat noisily. It’s a bad manner. 12. If you don’t know how to plant trees, _______ ______ ____ _____ ______ _____(照别人的样 子做) . 13. Everyone has different ______ _____ (饮食习惯) . 14. You should _____ _____ _____ (远离) rivers. 15. 熟能生巧。_______ makes ______ . 作业九 姓名:____________ 1. It takes a lot of time and _____ (努力) to prepare for the exam. 2. Some ______ (绅士) are drinking beer in the bar. 3. People in this city are very _________ (热心的,好心的) . They often help each other. 4. He lkes drinks ______ _____ (比如) tea and coffee. 5. All the results ______ _____ ______(值得努力). 6. I want to drink a glass of _____ (柠檬水) instead of coffee. 7. The hotel takes very good care of its _____ (客人). 8. 总之,我认为你不对。你应该向她道歉。 _____ _____, I don’t think you are right. You should say sorry to her. 9. 我们午餐的主菜是北京烤鸭和蔬菜汤。 Our ______ ______ for lunch are Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup . 10. 吃健康的饮食习惯对我们很重要。 ______ very important for us to ______ _____ _____ _____. 11. 据说我们学校要建一个新的图书馆。 _____ _____ _____ we will build a new library in our school. 12. 她对儿子的进步感到满意。 She _____ _______ ______ her son’s progress. 13. 他不仅喜欢中餐,而且喜欢西餐。 He likes _____ _____ Chinese food _____ _____western food. 14. 我帮助的人越多,我就越高兴。 ______ ______ people I help, ______ ______ I will become. 15. 我可以结账吗?May I _____ _____ _____ , please? 作业十 1. They sell books _____ _____ ______ (也) newspaper. 2. Your desks _____ _____ _____ (由…..制成)wood. 3. Maybe she is an ______ (随和的) girl. Everyone is our class likes her. 4.I got up very early this morning _____ _____(以便)I could catch the early bus. 5. 人们带太阳眼镜是为了保护他们的眼睛免受太阳的侵害。 People wear sunglasses to _______ ______ _____ _____ the sun. 6. 他们除了在城里有一栋房子,在乡下还有一座别墅。 They own a house in the city _____ _____ _____ a villa in the countryside . 7. 比赛是否进行取决于天气的好坏。 Whether the game will be played ______ _____ the weather. 8. 他跑得如此快以至于我们追不上他。 He ran _____ _____ _____ we couldn’t catch up with him. 9. _____ _____ _____ _____ (正如俗语所讲), “Two heads are better than one.” 10. In the _____ (南方的) part of China , people like eating rice. 作业十一 1. Let’s _____ ______ (执行)our plan tomorrow. 2. Lin Tao wants to be a _____ (军人)when he grows up. 3. I think we should learn how to _____ _____ (穿着得体)according to different occasions. 4. There are two lights on the ______ (天花板). They make the room bright in the night. 5. Kang Wei is ________ (采访) fire fighter. 6. I’m sorry, it’s not _____ _____ (出售). 7. I think it is important that you wear suitable clothes on every ________ (场合) . 8. We must wear ______ _____ (校服). 9. The fat person in dark color clothes ____ _____ (看起来更苗条) 10. You’d better _____ _____ _____(做个调查) about the accident. 11. People _____ ______ (处于困境之中) can find the police easily if they wear uniforms . 作业十二 1. Kangkang is _____ _____ (广为人知)in our school. 2. ______ _____ ______(从那时起), we decided to learn English well. 3. Liu Xiang ____ _____ _____ (为….所熟知)the world in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. 4. China _____ _____ ______(得名) because of china (瓷器) 5. The girl looks very beautiful when she is wearing the _____ (婚姻)dress. 6. _____ _____ _____(从那时起), I got up early in the morning . 7. His two sons ______ _____ _____(与……不同)each other. 8. The government _____ this area ______ (把….设计成) a park . 9. Can you ________ (表达) your feelings correctly ? 10. _____ _____ _____(曾经),the Tang costume was very popular with people. 11. Young girls _____ _____ _____ (二十世纪八十年代的)thought they should wear colorful clothes. 12. 在高级服装界里珍妮是一个顶级设计师。 Jenny is a top designer ______ _____ ______ ______ the high fashion. 13. 汤姆想去看车展,至于其他人,都选择了去看花展。 Tom wanted to watch the car show, ______ ______ _____ _____, they chose the flower show. 14. 很少有人知道这座山是如何得名的。 _______ anyone knows how the mountain _____ _____ ____ . 15. 要么你要么她和我一起去购物,你们中的一个人必须留在家。 ______ you _____she ______ going shopping with me. One of you must stay at home. 查看更多

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