


Topic 3  We should do our best to fight SARS.   一、重点词组: 1.       talk with                                  与……交谈 2.       hurry up                                  赶紧/快 3.       go ahead = go on                           继续(问) 4.       spread easily                               易传播 5.       be afraid of…                              害怕…… 6.       catch SARS                                患上非典 7.       do one’s best to do sth                        尽力做某事 8.       fight SARS                                 抗击非典 9.       keep away from animals                      远离动物 10.   do house cleaning                            打扫屋子 11.   go to crowded places                         去拥挤的地方 12.   all the time = always                         总是/一直 13.   examine the patients                         检查病人 14.   take a message                              捎口信 15.   take care of…                               照顾…… = look after / care for 16.   tell/ask sb. to do sth                          叫某人做某事 17.   call back                                   回电话 18.   leave a message                             留口信 19.   take an active part in                         积极参加 20.   care for patients                             照顾病人 21.   save the patients                            挽救病人 22.   spend the time                              度过时光 23.   teach oneself                              自学 24.   help mother cook                           帮助妈妈煮东西 25.   on the phone/Internet                        在电话中/在互联网上 26.   enjoy oneself                              过得愉快 27.   tell sb. a story / stories                       给某人讲故事 28.   take some Chinese medicine                  吃些中药 二、重点句型 1.       We don’t have to be afraid of catching SARS.  我们没必要害怕患上非典。 2.       Please tell my father to take care of himself. 请告诉我的父亲照顾好他自己。 3.       Could you please ask her to call me back? 请叫她给我回电话好吗? 4.       He took an active part in the battle against SARS. 他积极参加抗击非典的战斗。 5.       He cared for the patients day and night. 他日日夜夜照顾病人。 6.       It’s my duty to save the patients. 挽救病人是我的职责。 7.       What do you think of Kangkang’s father? 你认为康康的父亲怎么样? 8.       Long time no see! 好久不见! 9.       You could cook for us next time. 下次你能为我们煮东西了。 三、重点语言点 1.       talk with sb. 表 “与……交流” , 指 “与人平等地交流、讨论” talk to sb.   表示 “找某人谈话” , 在口语中常 “责备某人” 如: Jim’s father is talking with the teacher. 吉姆的父亲正在和老师交谈.    I will talk to him about his careless. 我要找他谈话,批评他的粗心大意. 2.       常用的反身代词词组: take care of oneself = look after oneself  照顾某人自己 teach oneself = learn by oneself  自学 enjoy oneself = have a good time  玩得高兴 3.       help sb (to) do sth = help sb. with sth.  帮助某人做某事 如: I helped my mother cook at home.    = I helped my mother with the cook at home. 我在家帮我母亲做饭. 四、重点语法   (一) 情态动词: must 与 have to ① must    "必须;一定”, 表示有做某一动作的必要或义务,侧重表达说话者的主观看法.(只有一种时态) 如:We must wash hands before meals. 饭前我们必须洗手.               We must eat healthy food. 我们必须吃健康的食物.      ② have to   “不得不,必须”, 侧重表示因客观条件或客观环境的迫使而"不得不做某事".(可用于各种时态) 如:It’s too late. I have to go now. 太迟了.现在我得走了.                 I had to borrow some money at that time. 那时我不得不借了一些钱. *----Must we keep the windows open all the time? ----No, we don’t have to. / No, we needn’t.  (注意回答时不能用No, we mustn’t.)  (二)电话用语: 1.       Hello! Could /May I speak to…, please? 你好! 我能跟……通话吗? 2.       May I take a message?  我能捎个口信吗? 3.       This is Kangkang. 我是康康. 4.       Hello! Who’s that? 你好! 你是谁?                  Review of Units 1---2 1.       break the window                打破窗户(玻璃) 2.       get lost                         丢失;迷路 3.       on one’s way (to)                 在….的路上 4.       take the wrong bus                搭错车 5.       one of the most popular sports      最受欢迎的运动之一 6.       a group of people                一群人 7.       form an international organization   成立一个国际组织 8.       put sth in low places              把某物放在低处 9.       eat sth by mistake                 误吃 10.   put…away                      把…收起来 11.   ask for three days’ leave            请三天的假 查看更多

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