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电大附中 2007 学年(上)八年级英语第一次阶段性检测 笔试部分(120 分) 一、单项选择(15 分) ( )1. Milk is good _______ our ________. A. to , healthy B. for , healthy C. for , health ( )2. Although he is very ill , ________ he works very hard . A. and B. but C. / ( )3. - _______ do you read English books ? - Twice a day . A. How long B. How often C. How soon ( )4. _________ color ,I like yellow very much . A. As B. As for C. for ( )5. What do you usually do ______ weekends ? A. on B.of C. in ( )6.He watches TV for half _____ hour every day . A. the B. a C. an ( )7.- _______ the matter with you ? - I have a sore throat . A. Who’s B. What’s C. How’s ( )8. You look sick . You _______ see a doctor . A. should B. can C.do ( )9.If you have a sore throat , you should drink some hot tea _______ some honey . A. with B. in C.on ( )10.Mr Li was ill .- ____________. A. Thank you B. I’m sorry to hear that C. OK ( )11. ________ are you going for vacation ? – Italy . A. Where B. When C. What ( )12. I’m going to Huangshan . - _______________. A. Don’t be too happy . B. Have a good time C. How is the weather . ( )13.She _______ sightseeing tomorrow . A. goes B. going C. is going ( )14.Can I ask you _______ questions about your vacation plans ? A. some B. any C. much ( )15.They are going to Beijing _______ vacation. A. in B. to C. for 二、完型填空(10 分) Dear Robert, I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter. You ask me about Mid-autumn Day. Now, let me 1 you something about it. Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Day. It 2 comes in September or October. 3 that day, everyone eats mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. It 4 the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them, 5 some have meat or eggs in them. My friend Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat. But I think the 6 with nuts in them are 7 . Han Meimei says the nicest cakes 8 Guangdong. At night, families often stay 9 the open air near their houses. There they 10 the moon, and eat the cakes. Mmm! How delicious they are! Yours, Sun Huimin ( )1. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )2. A. never B. usually C. sometimes D. not often ( )3. A. On B. At C. For D. In ( )4. A. like B. likes C. looks for D. looks like ( )5. A. but B. until C. and D. so ( )6. A. moon(月亮) B. sun C. ones D. earth(地球) ( )7. A. delicious B.better C. bad D. bigger ( )8. A. hear from B. comes from C. is from . come from ( )9. A. under B. with C. into D. in ( )10. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up 三、阅读理解(30 分) (A) Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary . Mary is her daughter . Mary will be thirteen years old . A lot of Mary’s friends are going to the party . There are going to be twenty girls at the party . Mrs Green are getting ready for the party . Mrs White is helping her . “ That’s a pretty ( 精致的) cake , ” Mrs White says to Mrs Green . “ Thank you very much .” Mrs Green is going shopping now . She’s buying fruit for the party . She buys a lot of oranges ,apples and bananas . Then she goes home . It’s three o’clock in the afternoon . Everything is ready . Now the first girl is arriving . The party is going to start . ( ) 1. Who is going to give a party for Mary ? A. Mrs Green B. Mrs White C. Mary D. Mary’s friend ( ) 2. How old is Mary now ? A. Eleven B. Twelve C. ten D. Fourteen ( ) 3. How many girls are going to come to the party .? A. Less than twenty B. More than twenty C. Twenty D. Many and many ( ) 4. What is Mrs Green buying for the party ? A. Bananas B. Oranges C. Apples D. All of above ( ) 5. What time is the party going to start ? A.At 2:00 B. At 3:00 C.At 4:00 D. In the evening (B) Philip likes to play football. He often plays football after school with his friends. Sandy likes to play basketball. She teaches her friends how to play it every Sunday afternoon. Han Mei is very good at the computer. She always uses it to draw pictures three times a week, and she uses it to surf the Internet. She has a good friend in America. Her name is Mary. Lin Tao is also good at drawing pictures. But he never uses computer to draw. ( ) 1.What do Sandy and his friends do on Sunday afternoon? A. Play football B. Play basketball C. Draw pictures D. Play computer games ( ) 2.How often does Han Mei draw with computer? A. Once a week B. Three times a week. C. Once a day D. Every day ( ) 3.Who likes to surf the Internet? A. Philip B. Sandy C. Han Mei D. LinTao ( ) 4.How often does Lin Tao use computer to draw? A. Never B. Hardly ever C. Three times a week D. Every week ( ) 5.Who's Mary? A. She's an English girl. B. She's Sandy's friend. C. She's Han Mei's friend. D. She's Lin Tao's classmate. (C) This story is about a young man. He worked hard at his lessons. He was too busy. He didn’t have time to rest, so he was ill. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep(睡觉). But he couldn't. He thought: “I must go to see the doctor.” He said to the doctor. “I can't go to sleep at night.” Try counting numbers. When you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. The next day the man came back to the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “How are you today?” “Yes, ”he said, “ I tried counting one, two, three. . . up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy (感到困倦). I had to get up and drank some tea. Then I went on counting up to one thousand. But I still couldn't fall asleep. ( ) 1. The young man couldn’t go to sleep because ________ . A. he didn't finish his lessons B. he worked too hard and was ill C. he was worried about his homework D. there was a lot of housework to do and he couldn't have a good rest ( ) 2. The doctor asked the young man ________ . A. to count numbers before he went to bed B. to put all numbers from 1 to 1000 together C. to count numbers while he was lying in bed D. to go to bed earlier ( ) 3. The young man came back to the doctor's office the next day because ___ A. he wanted to thank the doctor B. he was better C. he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers D. he still couldn't go to sleep at night ( ) 4. The young man ________ . A. counted from 569 to 1000 B. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep C. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea D. counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep ( ) 5. The young man ________ in fact. A. didn't understand the doctor's words. B. couldn't count numbers C. didn't try to sleep D. wasn't ill at all 四、 任务型阅读。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 请阅读下面关于宠物的材料,给 a—e 选择恰当的标题。 a. Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Pet hospitals are very busy. Kind persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals. They will teach you the job. b. Scientists think that pets will probably be much smaller, because people in the future will be living in much smaller spaces. Scientists are already working on making very small farm animals. The same things might be done to make smaller cats and dogs. c. It is said that some day you might own a panther(豹)as a pet. Scientists might have to start turning wild(野生的)animals into pets. This might be the only way to save them from dying out. d. What about a robot(机器人)for a pet? This may sound silly, but it could become true. Robot dogs have been made to get things, to bark like real dogs. These “pets” might become more and more popular in the future. After all, robots don’t lose hair or eat things the way real pets do. e. Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holiday. One hotel in Minnesota has solved this problem. They lend cats to their guests. Many experts (专家)believe this idea will become more and more popular. It is very possible that in the future you will be able to have a pet while in a hotel. ( )46. Pet Hotels. ( )47. Smaller Pets. ( )48. Robots for Pets. ( )49. A Panther for Pet. ( )50. People Needed in Pet Hospital 五、单词拼写(10 分) 1.There are some __________ (不同点) between the two words . 2. Where do you do ______________ (锻炼) . 3. He plays computer games ____________(两次) a week . 4. ______________(大多数) students exercise three or four times a week . 5.I’m _____________(口渴) , I would like something to drink . 6.I’m always ____________ (压 力 ) out and angry . Maybe I have too much yang in my life . 7. I have a _____________(头疼) today . 8. Most young people want to go abroad for studying at the _________(目前) . 9. Let’s go _________ (野营) . That’s really exciting . 10. We see with our eyes and we hear with our _________ (耳朵). 六、改写句子。(10 分) 1.Kevin comes to China once a year .(划线提问) ________ ________ does Kevin come to China ? 2.We usually have a party on Sundays . _______ ________ you usually do on Sundays ? (划线提问) 3.How’s the weather there ?(同意句转换) ________ the weather ______ there ? 4.Mike is going to Hangzhou .(改成一般疑问句) _______ Mike _______ to Hangzhou? 5.often , in , the , park , Tom , exercise.(连词成句) ______________________________________. 七、完成对话(10 分)(有两项多余) (Sarah –S , Tim –T ) S: What do you usually do on weekends , Tim ? T: __1___ After that I watch TV . S: 2 T: In the morning I usually go to the park with my parents . S: Do you play sports ? T: Yes , we often play volleyball there . 3 S: Really ? Tai chi is a popular sport . T: 4 S: Do you visit them every Sunday ? T: Of course . They miss me very much . S: Then do you play computer games on weekends ? T: 5 I think it’s boring . A. Sometimes we do tai chi . B. I often do my homework on Saturdays . C. Do you like going skateboarding ? D. What sports do you play ? E. How about Sundays ? F. No, never . G. In the afternoon I always visit my grand-parents . 八、书面表达(25 分) 周末快要来了,在你家会有一段休闲的好时光。根据提示,写一篇 70 词 左右的短文。 Where are you going ? Why are you going there ? When are you going ? What are you doing there ? How long are you staying there ? Who are you going with ? __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 查看更多

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