

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 仁爱八年级英语试题


  • 2021-04-06
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仁爱八年级英语试题 一、根据句意及首字母填空(10分) 姓名: 分数: 1. Singing can r_______ourselves. 2. Which team are they going to play a_______ ? 3. Nothing is difficult if you put your h_______ into it! 4. --Can you tell me the r_____ for coming late ? –Sorry ,I got up late. 5. My pen is broken. So I use a pencil i______. 6. —May I help you with the homework? –It’s very nice of you, but I think I can m______ it myself. 7. My mother f ____ ill yesterday evening, so my father stays at home to look after her today 8. Which sport do you p_________ , skating or skiing? 9. Soccer is p________ all over the world 10. China got 28 gold m_________ in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. .二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. ---What do you mean by ________ (shout) at me? 2. She always practices _______ (sing) every morning. 3. Please ask him ________ (not go) out. 4. The _______ (win) of the long jump was Kangkang . 5. It’s a good way _________(keep) fit 6. Many _______ (visit) come here to see the places of interest . 7. We should build _______ (we) up. 8. He spent two years _______ (write) the book. 9. He is fond of ______ (read) stories after class. 10. Mother often feels tired after _______ (work) a day. 三、选择。(20分) ( )1. Please keep ___.I’m trying to study. A quietly B quite C quiet D quietly ( )2. We had ____ fun at my birthday party. A a B / C a lot D the ( )3. Liu Xiang tries his best to practice and he’s running ___ in the matches. A fast and fast B faster and faster C more and more fast D more and more faster ( )4. Learning English well is important___ you. A for B with C of D to ( )5. -- ____ you ___ me carry the bag? —Certainly, I’m coming. A Do, help B Will, help C Did, help D May, help ( )6. He is not the best, but he is ___ very famous. A too B also C either D as well ( )7. I often help my mother ___ the house. A to clean B cleaning C cleans D cleaned ( )8. Jim got up early ___ he can catch the bus. A that B instead of C so that D then ( )9. -- ___ we go at 6:00? ---What about ___it ___ 8:00? A Shall, making ,/ B Shall , meet, at C Will ,making, / D Will ,meet, at ( )10. –Would you mind ____ my pet dog? A look after B to looking after C to look after D looking after ( )11. They were ____ at the ___ news. A exciting excited B exciting exciting C excited exciting D excited excited ( )12. It’s a good way ____ English. A to study B studying C studied D studies ( )13. Mr. Black ___ 100 Yuan ____ his watch. A spent on B spent in C took to D cost for ( )14. Yesterday my mother and I went ___. A somewhere else B else somewhere C else anywhere D anywhere else ( )15. Sam enjoys ____ TV. A watches B watchs C watching D to watch ( )16. There is ___ for the cat. A a few food B food enough C enough food D few food ( )17. –Where is Lucy ? --I’m not sure. She ___ in the library. A maybe B must be C may be D will be ( )18.It is a ____ river. A 2.5- meters-wide B 2.5- meter-wide C wide- 2.5 -meters D wide- 2.5 -meter ( )19. Playing soccer can make your body __. A strong B strongly C to strong D to be strong ( )20. What ____the weather ____ this weekend? A will be , like B will , be C is , like D will, be like 四、完形填空(10分) There is an old man _1_ near a small mountain. The old man likes getting up early. Often he likes to hike to the small mountain. He is very old, so he does not hike quickly. If he walks _2__five hours, he can arrive at the top(顶部) of the mountain. He is very __3_, so hiking is not a problem. His brother lives in a big city, he’s always very tired and he is afraid he will _4__ soon. The old man is not afraid. When the old man gets to the __5__ of the mountain, he rests for two hours. From the top ,he can see many things that are very _6__. He can see the __7_ where his brother lives. At the top of the mountain, the wind feels a little cold, but the sun makes the man _8__. After two hours he starts _9__ back down the mountain. Maybe tomorrow he will hike up again. Maybe he will visit his brother and his friends. He is very _10__ and he thinks life is beautiful. ( )1. A live B lives C living D lived ( )2. A for B in C on D with ( )3. A tired B healthy C tall D excited ( )4. A die B hike C climb D arrive ( )5. A foot B top C city D mountain ( )6. A far away B healthy C easy D near ( )7. A room B office C garden D city ( )8. A cool B cold C happy D warm ( )9. A go B goes C to go D to going ( )10. A glad B sad C tired D afraid 五、阅读理解(30分) One time every month my village has a basketball game. Our village plays basketball with another village. It is quite fun. In the center of our village is a big building where we play basketball. Our basketball team is quite good. Our village is not very big. We do not have a lot of people, but we have one boy named Lenny who is the tallest boy in the village. He is the best player on the team. He is tall, strong and fast. If our village did not have Lenny, our basketball team would not be very good, but because we have him, we are very good. Lenny also always has a big smile. He is very popular. All of the girls love him, and all the boys want to be his friends. He is the most popular boy in the village. We all love Lenny. Our village is called “Happy Town”, but we are thinking of changing the name. We want to call our village “Lenny Town”. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( )1.How often do they have a basketball game? A Once a week B Once a month C Once a year D Every day ( )2.Why is their team very good? A Because their village is big. B Because they play it every day. C Because they have Lenny. D Because they have many people. ( )3.What do they think of Lenny? A He is the tallest. B He is the best player. C He is the most popular. D A,B and C ( )4.Where do they play basketball? A In a big building B In another village C In the school D Near the village. ( )5.Which is right of the following sentences? A Lenny is the tallest, strongest and the fastest of the village B If they don’t have Lenny , their team won’t be very good C The girls love Lenny, but the boys don’t like him. D Their village is named “Lenny Town”. There will be a basketball game in Shanghai this Sunday. The basket team of our country will play against a team of NBA from America. The American players arrived in Shanghai this morning. And the Chinese players has left Beijing for Shanghai by air. Now they are on their way in the sky. They will have a rest tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, they will play the game against each other. The American team is a little stronger. But we still have the chance to win. We mustn’t miss the game and cheer them on. 根据短文内容选择正确答案 ( ) 1. What day is it today? A It’s Wednesday. B It’s Friday. C It’s Saturday. D It’s Sunday. ( ) 2. Where are the Chinese players? A In Beijing B In Shanghai C In America D On their way to Shanghai ( ) 3. What will they do tomorrow? A Have a rest B Go to Shanghai C Return Beijing D Fly to Beijing ( ) 4. Chinese players go to Shanghai ____. A by bus B by train C by plain D by sea ( ) 5. Who will won the game? A The Chinese players B The American players C Both of them D We don’t known. Once a great boxer(拳击手), Tom Black, went to a restaurant for supper. He took off his coat and left it at the door, but he was afraid that somebody would take it away. So he took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. “The great boxer, Tom Black, has left his coat here. He’ll be back in a few minutes”. He put the paper on his coat and went to have his dinner. When he returned, however, his coat was not there. He just saw a piece of paper in its place. It said:” A great runner has taken away your coat, and he will never come back again” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( )1. Tom Black was a great boxer and he could also run quickly. ( )2.This story happened(发生) at noon. ( )3.If somebody took his coat, Tom would hit him heavily. ( )4. His friend took his coat to play a joke(开玩笑) with him. ( )5. The thief(贼) took his coat away and wrote another piece of paper. 六、补全对话。(10分) --- Hello! Li Ming ! --- Hi! Zhang Jun. ______________________________________? --- I’m going to the library to return the book. ---____________________________________________? ---Yes. I think I will be free this Sunday. Why? ---There will be a football match in the gym and I have two tickets(票) here. ________________________? --- Yes. I’d like to. _________________________________? --- It will begin at 3:00 in the afternoon. Let’s meet at 2:00. ---______________________? --- Outside the gym. --- OK. See you then. -- See you. 七、书面表达(10分) 请你以第一人称写一篇80字左右的关于体育运动的文章。 要点:1. 你喜欢体育运动,例如跑步、滑冰、打篮球等,但你最喜欢的运动是游泳。 2. 6岁时,你父亲带你去学游泳,现在你非常喜欢游泳。 3. 游泳很有趣,但最重要的是可以使你强身健体。 4. 你参加了游泳比赛,并获得了第一名。 5. 希望大家都能喜欢游泳。 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————— 查看更多

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