

天天资源网 / 小学英语 / 教学同步 / 人教PEP版 / 三年级上册 / Unit 1 Playtime / 三年级英语PEP2练习题


  • 2021-04-28
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  • 29 KB




三年级PEP2练习卷(1) 班级 : 姓名 : 学号: 一 听音写数字:10% (1) 、 、 、 、 。 (2) 、 、 、 、 。 二 听音,补上所缺的字母:17% 1. _oy 2. g_rl 3. _pp_e 4. _ather 5. ei_ht 6. tea__er 7. s_st_r 8. _i_k 9. k_y 10.four____ 三 找出同一类的字母:15% j g A C H i D a f E e d B c b F I h G J 四 找出跟所给字母不同的字母开头的单词:6% ( )1. A a. apple b. bag c. ant d. afternoon ( )2. M a. milk b. mouse c. night d. mother ( )3. D a. boy b. duck c. dad d. dog ( )4. G a. girl b. goodbye c. jump d. goose ( )5 F a. yellow b. fish c. father d. fourteen ( )6 J a. jeep b. lion c. jump d. jacket 五 分类,填入相应的序号:12% A. grandfather B. Hamburger C. mother D. thirteen E. ice-cream F. father G. Coke H. twenty I. coffee J. grandmother K. twelve L. fifteen My Family:________________________________ KFC: ________________________________ Numbers: _________________________________ 六 选词填空(填序号):20% (1)A、 mother B、student C、eleven D、boy E、father F、China I am Wu Yifan. I'm a _____. I'm _______. I'm from _______. I love my _________. I love my _________. They love me. (2)A、 see B、can C、fourteen D、How ______ many kites can you ______? I ______ see ______________. 七 连线:20% 1. Nice to meet you. A. I can see 17. 2. How many cats can you see? B. I have 19 books. 3. Where are you from? C. That's OK. 4. How many books do you have? D. Nice to meet you, too. 5. Who's that boy? E. Great! 6. How many pencils do you have? F. I have 12 pencils. 7. How old are you? G. I'm from America. 8. Who's that man? H. I'm 9. 9. Let's watch TV. I. He's my grandpa. 10.I'm sorry. J. He's my brother. 查看更多

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