



第 4 课时分层训练 Unit 8   Is there a post office near here? 第 4 课时分层训练 课内基础自测 课后巩固提升 Unit 8   Is there a post office near here? 课内基础自测 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1 . I like m________ best because I love to watch them climbing around. 2 . I am f________ tomorrow, so I can help you with your homework. 3 . Your parents are old. You should s________ more time with them.           onkeys ree pend 第 4 课时分层训练            4 . I can't buy the book because I don't have any m________ with me. 5 . I often go on a vacation in the mountains because the a________ there is fresh. oney ir 1 . I know the town well, and I can find the hotel ______ in the town. 2 . I live in a ________ neighborhood. 3 . She likes living here ________ she likes the clean air and sunshine. 4 . Excuse ________. Is there a bank around here? 5 . Go along this street and turn right at the ________ crossing. noise, easy, I, one, because 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅱ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空           easily noisy because me first 第 4 课时分层训练            Ⅲ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 . Jane with her classmates always goes to the library ________ (do) some reading. 2 . She often ________ (skate) on the river in winter. 3 . ________ (get) there, you just need to walk for ten minutes. 4 . Some children enjoy________(climb) trees in the village. 5 . Julie often spends two hours ________ (read) books after supper. to do skates To get climbing reading 课后巩固提升 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅰ. 单项填空                    (    )1. I watch the boys ________ in the park. They're playing happily. A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play A 【 解析 】 watch sb. doing sth. 意为“观看某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行; watch sb. do sth. 意为“观看某人做某事”,强调经常性或整个过程。由“ They're playing happily.” 可知选 A 。 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )2.—Is there a pay phone ________ the neighborhood? —Yes, it's________ Center Street________ the right. A . in; down; on B . on; on; in C . in; on; on D . on; down; on 【 解析 】 考查介词的用法。“在居民区”用介词 in ;“在 …… 大街”用介词 on ;“在左边 / 右边”用介词 on 。因此选 C 。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )3. You can walk ________ the road and the school is ________ your right. A. along; in B. down; at C. along; on D. down; of 【 解析 】 along/down 意为“沿着 ……” ;表达“在左 / 右边”要用介词 on 。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )4. Just go down North Road and turn right at the first ________ . A. cross B. crossing C. to cross D. crosses 【 解析 】 cross 是动词,其后加 ing 变成名词 crossing, 意为“十字路口”。 B 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )5. My parents enjoy ________ their old friends. to visit B. visits C. visiting D. visit 【 解析 】 enjoy doing sth. 意为“喜欢做某事”。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )6. There ________ any hotels ________ the neighborhood. A. aren't; in B. are; at C. isn't; in D. is; at 【 解析 】 由句中 any 判断是否定句,由 hotels 是复数形式判断用 aren't; in the neighborhood 意为“在附近”。 A 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )7. —Excuse me, where can I draw( 支取 )some________ ? —There's a bank on the second floor. A . books B . food C . money D . stamps 【 解析 】 考查名词的词义。根据答语中 bank 确定选名词 money ,因此选 C 。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )8. —Why do you get up so early? —________ the first bus. A . Take B . To take C . Taking D . Takes 【 解析 】 考查非谓语动词的用法。回答 why 提出的问题,用动词不定式,因此选 B 。 B 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )9. I spend an hour ________ English in the morning every day. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 【 解析 】 “spend +时间+ (in) doing sth.” 表示“花时间做某事”。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )10. —Is there a school around here? —________. Let me show you the way. A . Yes, it is B . No, it isn't C . Yes, there is D . No, there isn't 【 解析 】 考查 there be 句型的答语。根据“ Let me show you the way.” 可知作肯定回答,因此选 C 。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅱ. 句型转换 1. There is a video shop near here.( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答 ) —________ ________ a video shop near here? —________ , ________ ________ . 2. I sit on Jack's right and on John's left.( 改为同义句 ) I sit ________ Jack ________ John. Is there No there isn't between and 第 4 课时分层训练 3 . To spend weekends in the countryside is very relaxing.( 改为同义句 ) ________ is very relaxing ________ ________ weekends in the countryside. 4 . She lives on Bridge Street . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ does she ________ ? 5 . We often go to school by bike . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ________ you often go to school? It to spend Where live How do 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅲ. 完形填空 I live on Happy Avenue. It is a good place __1__ live in. It's a very __2__ avenue. There are many green trees and beautiful flowers on both sides of the avenue. It's __3__ from the busy shopping center. So when you come back __4__ work, you can __5__ the city's quietness here. And there is a beautiful park in the __6__ . 第 4 课时分层训练 After __7__ in the evening, you can have a walk in the park. It is relaxing.__8__ the park is a big supermarket. There are many different kinds of __9__ in the supermarket. You can __10__ almost everything in it. 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )1.A.for B . to C . of D . with (    )2.A.beautiful B . bad C . busy D . noisy (    )3.A.near B . next C . far D . around (    )4.A.of B . with C . from D . to B A C 【 解析 】 此处为动词不定式作后置定语。故选 B 。 【 解析 】 根据后面的“ quietness” 可知,它离繁华的购物中心远,因此选 C 。 C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )5.A.enjoy B . like C . love D . hear (    )6.A.neighbor B . zoo C . shop D . neighborhood (    )7.A.breakfast B . lunch C . meal D . dinner (    )8.A.Next B . Next to C . Between D . In front (    )9.A.books B . money C . things D . rooms (    )10.A.sell B . buy C . look D . eat A D D 【 解析 】 句意:因此,当你下班回来的时候,你能享受这儿的安静。故选 A 。 【 解析 】 句意:紧挨着公园有个大超市。 next to 意为“紧挨着”,因此选 B 。 B C B 第 4 课时分层训练 Ⅳ. 阅读理解 Jeff, an old man, lives in a tall building in a neighborhood, in Downingtown, America. The neighborhood looks nice with many big trees and beautiful flowers. But Jeff feels very bored after living here. He always stays at home and has nothing to do. 第 4 课时分层训练 It's a nice morning. Jeff goes outside to have a look around the neighborhood. First, he goes into a restaurant near the tall building and has breakfast there. Then, he walks along the street. On the corner( 拐角 ) of the street, he finds a supermarket. He wants to go into it, but he stops because too many people are in it. Across from the supermarket, there is a hospital. He doesn't like to 第 4 课时分层训练 go there. In front of the hospital, there is a post office. He doesn't need to post anything. So he leaves there. At that time he feels tired. He wants to go home. “But where is my home ?” Jeff says to himself. 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )1.How does Jeff feel about living in the neighborhood? A . Sad. B . Bored. C . Happy. D . Afraid. (    )2.Jeff doesn't go into ________ . ① the restaurant ②the hospital ③the post office ④the supermarket A .①②④ B .①③④ C .①②③ D .②③④ B D 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )3.Where is the hospital according to the passage? A . Across from the restaurant. B . On the corner of the street. C . Behind the post office. D . Next to the tall building. C 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Everyone likes the neighborhood. B . There are not many people in the supermarket. C . Jeff goes out to post something. D . Jeff gets lost at last. D 第 4 课时分层训练 (    )5.What's the best title for this passage? A . A Fine Morning B . My Home C . How to Go Home D . A Busy Neighborhood C Ⅴ. 书面表达 根据下面的路线、图示及英文提示,写一篇语法正确、意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。 假如你是王伟,刘峰是你的朋友。他打算乘车去你家看望你,但不知道怎样从车站去你家。你家在图书馆后面,请你在他来之前给他发一封电子邮件,告诉他从车站去你家的路线并表示欢迎。词数: 50 左右。 第 4 课时分层训练           第 4 课时分层训练           参考词汇: the way to, go across, pass 第 4 课时分层训练 One possible version : Dear Liu Feng , Welcome to my home. Let me tell you the way to my home. Take a taxi from the station. Go down Bridge Street. Go across First Avenue and Second Avenue. Turn left at the post office. Then go down Long Road, and you will see a library on your right. My home is behind the library. Yours , Wang Wei 查看更多

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