



Section A Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? Section A 课前自主预习 课堂互动探究 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? 课前自主预习   Section A 单 词 闯 关 1. 邮政 /pəʊst/________ 2. 办公室 /ˈɒfɪs/________ 3. 警察 /pəˈliːs/________ 4. 旅馆;酒店 /həʊˈtel/________ 5. 餐馆 /ˈrestrɒnt/__________ post office police hotel restaurant Section A 单 词 闯 关 6. 银行 /bæŋk/________ 7. 医院 /ˈhɒspɪtl/________ 8. 大街 /striːt/________ 9. 付费 /peɪ/________ 10. 在 …… 附近 /nɪə/________ bank hospital street pay near Section A 单 词 闯 关 11. 过;穿过 /əˈkrɒs/________ 12. 前面 /frʌnt/________ 13. 在 …… 的后面 /bɪˈhaɪnd/________ 14. 镇;市镇 /taʊn/________ 15. 在 …… 周围;在周围;大约 /əˈraʊnd/________ 16. 北;北方;北方的 /nɔː(r) θ/________ across front behind town around north Section A 短 语 互 译 1. 在格林大街上 __________________ 2. 邮局 ________________ 3. 警察局 ________________ 4. 付费电话 ________________ 5. across from ________________ 6. in front of ________________ 7. next to ________________ 8. far from ________________ on Green Street police station post office pay phone 在 …… 前面 在 …… 对面 远离 紧挨着 Section A 句 型 在 线 把问句和相应的答语进行连线。 1.Is there a bank near here?   A. They're between the post office and the library. 2.Are there any restaurants near here? B. It's behind the police station. 3.Where’s the hotel? C. Yes, there is. It's on Center Street. 4.Where are the pay phones? D. Yes, it is. 5.Is it on Bridge Street? E. Yes, there's one in front of the post office. [ 答案 ] 1—5   CEBAD [ 辨析 ] across 与 through across 表示从表面“穿过;越过; ( 走 ) 过”; through 一般指从空间内部“穿过”。 课堂互动探究 词汇点睛 Section A   1   across adv. & prep. 过;穿过 [ 观察 ] You must go across the bridge and then turn right. 你必须先过桥,然后右拐。 Section A [ 图解助记 ] 活学活用 Section A He walked________ the field. A. with     B. across C. at D. for B Section A 2 in front of 在 …… 前面 [ 观察 ] The pay phone is in front of the library. 付费电话在图书馆前面。 [ 辨析 ] in front of 表示“在 …… 的前面” ( 某一范围外的前面 ); in the front of 表示“在 …… 的前部” ( 某一范围内的前部 ) 。 There is a dog in front of the taxi. 出租车前面有一条狗。 There is a boy sitting in the front of the taxi. 有一个男孩坐在出租车前部。 Section A [ 图解助记 ] [ 拓展 ] in front of 的反义词是 behind ,意为“在 …… 的后面”。 活学活用 Section A (1)There is a desk__________ the classroom. It's for the teacher. A. in front of B. in the front of C. Behind D. across from B Section A (2)2017· 丹东 —Why are you unhappy these days, Julie? —I can't see the blackboard because two tall boys sit _______ me. A . behind B . next to C . in front of D . between C 【 解析 】 考查介词 ( 词组 ) 辨析。句意:“ Julie ,你这些天为什么不开心?”“因为两个高个子男孩儿坐在我 ________ ,我看不到黑板。” behind 意为“在 …… 后面”; next to 意为“在 …… 旁边”; in front of 意为“在 …… 前面”; between 意为“在 …… 中间”。由语境及常识可知,“我”看不到黑板是因为被挡住了。故选 C 。 Section A (3)2017• 成都 I can't see Lucy because she is ________ the tree. A . in front of B . behind C . next to B 【 解析 】 考查介词 ( 短语 ) 辨析。句意:我看不见露西,因为她 ( 藏 ) 在树的后面。由“ can't see” 可知,用介词 behind ,意为“在 …… 的后面”。故选 B 。 Section A   —Is there a hospital near here? 这儿附近有医院吗? —Yes, there is. 是的,有。 句型透视 [探究] there be 表示“某地存在某人 / 某物”,其一般疑问句及回答: —Is/Are there… ? —Yes, there is/are./No, there isn't/aren't. Section A [ 拓展 ] (1)have 表示“某人 / 某物拥有某物”。 There is a table in the room. But the table has three legs. 这个房间里有一张桌子,但这张桌子有三条腿。 (2) 常用的问路句型: ① Is there… ? ② Can you tell me the way to… ? ③ Which is the way to… ? ④ Where is… ? ⑤ How can I get to… ? Section A 活学活用 2018· 湘潭 ________ a clock on the desk. It wakes me up every day. A . There are   B . There be C . There is C 【 解析 】 考查 there be 句型。该句型谓语动词的单复数要和离它最近的主语的单复数保持一致,故选 C 。 查看更多

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