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六年级英语上册教案:Lesson16Lesson 16一.Teaching aims and demands:(一)1.Four skills:Can I have some ice cream? Sure.2. Let’s make and talk让学生在模拟的场景中用英语进行活动,活化语言知识,提高综合运用语言的能力。3.. Let's read and chant培养学生英语朗诵的节奏感,同时进行语音训练,目标是元音字母ow在单词中的读音/eu/,同时又扩展操练would like.... 等表达方式。(二)TeachingAffection1. 通过课堂制作活动,丰富学生的生活体验,培养学生团结友爱的积极情感,引导学生学会与人交往。2. 在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,培养学生学习英语的热情。三.Teaching important points and difficult points:1. Reading:Can I have some ice cream? Sure.2. Writing: kind ice cream candy四、Teachingmethods:1. Communication Teaching Method.2. Direct Teaching Method.3. Reading and writing.4. Task-based Teaching Method.5. TPR. 五.Teaching aids:1.准备本课的学生卡片、教师卡片和录音磁带。2.准备自制教学挂图和购物单。3.准备白纸和彩色蜡笔。六.Teaching Steps:1. Warming-up/ Revision (3′)1)Play agame:说形状比赛。把数学课上学过的各种形状用英语说出来,比一比谁说得多。(优胜者奖励贴纸)2)展示上节课布置的任务Do asurvey:组织学生以小组为单位开展Whatkind of cake would you like? What shape would you like? 的调查,并派代表发言。2. Presentation( 12′)1)T produce  ice cream candy2)Learnthe new words发音标准正确的奖励3)教师把各种形状的纸片贴在黑板上,让学生到前边来指图片,说形状。4)Sslisten to the tape and repeat.5)T readthe order by arbitrary word, ask Ss to lift corresponding word’s cards.6)Listenagain. Ss read after the tape.7)Acting. Teachers play a saleswoman with the students toquizT: Look at the cakes.Are they nice?Ss: Yes, they are.T: Do you want a cake?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What kind of cake would you like?Ss: I want .......Please 2 to 3 students and teachers shoppingdemonstration,模拟完整的购物过程。8) Just write.                                                                                    板书本课四会单词和句子,让学生练习正确书写.3. Practice(12′)1)Astudent playing cake shop’s boss. Two other students group to investigate theircake shops in the types and prices, and fill out survey forms.4)教师播放chant的录音2遍。学生跟着模仿,有节奏地跟读,最后边表演边说chant。4. Assessment(10′)Finish the activity book about the lesson.5. Additionalactivities/Homework (3′)1)形状抢答比赛:T: I have a clock. What shape is it?S1: It’s round.T: Yes, clever boy\\girl. One point increaseS2: I have a pencil-box. What shape is it?S3: It’s比一比哪一组最后得分高。(奖励贴纸)八. Blackboard design: 查看更多

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