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六年级英语上册Unit6 How do you feel? Read write教学设计【目标制定的依据】(一)课标相关陈述与解读课标解读     本节课要求学生能在教师和图片的帮助下听懂、读懂故事内容,养成按意群阅读的习惯,能在教师和图片的帮助下复述故事,乐于开口说英语,积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流。(二)教材分析1、单元分析本单元学习的主题是表达情绪、心理状态和提出建议情绪疏导。A部分主要学习表达情绪的单词及用be+表示情绪的词来表达心情和感受。B部分主要学习在情景中运用句型...should...和Don’t...提出建议为他人疏导情绪。读写部分主要通过阅读Robin和蚂蚁互助的故事理解故事人物的情感变化,同时渗透不能以貌取人,团结就是力量,应当乐于助人的情感。 2、教学内容分析本节课通过Robin和蚂蚁互助的故事,讲述助人为乐会给自己和别人都带来快乐,同时渗透不要以貌取人,团结就是力量,要乐于助人的情感。(三)学情分析本节课是第六单元的第五课时,是一节读写课,在A部分和B部分充分掌握情绪表达及疏导的基础上,本课时以Robin和蚂蚁的情绪变化为主线,讲述他们相互帮助的故事,故事的趣味性很强,文本内容容易理解,学生能在情景中准确体会故事人物的情绪并乐于表达,同时通过读故事让学生明白每个人都有优势和劣势,乐于助人会给自己和别人都带来快乐。【课标目标】1. 学生能在教师、图片的帮助下理解故事大意、听懂读懂故事。    2. 学生能用正确的语音、语调读故事,并能在图片的帮助下复述表演故事。 【教学目标】    1. 通过看图片,联系上下文能够听、说、认读sit, grass, hear, ant, worried, be stuck in the mud, pull … out of the mud等单词及词组。2. 通过听故事、读故事能够理解故事大意,抓住故事的情绪主线,完成排序题并能够复述表演故事。3. 通过阅读故事,体会善待他人,互相帮助的美德,明白团结力量大的道理。【基于目标的评价设计】评价任务一: 通过看图片、听录音、默读、寻读检测目标一的达成度。评价任务二: 通过看图片、细读文本、听录音跟读、小组合作检测目标二的达成度。评价任务三: 通过看视频、回答问题检测目标三的达成度。【教学过程】一、Before-reading1.Lead inT: Boys and girls, we are going to have our English class. Are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are.T: I am very happy, too. Because you are very hard-working and friendly.Today I will introduce a new friend to you. Do you want to know her?Ss: Yes.T: Look! She is a beautiful girl. Her English name is Lily. She is not good at English. Last time she failed the English test. How does she feel?Ss: She is....T: What happened then? Look! Her friend comes to help her. She is hard-working. Now she is good at English. She can get good grades in the test. How does she feel now?Ss: She is so happy.She is so excited.T: She is interested in English. She likes studying English very much. Look! She is reading a story. Do you want to know the story?Ss: Yes, of course.(设计意图:从学生熟悉的学习上相互帮助的情景入手,学生能准确把握图片人物情感的变化并进行流利的表达,再由读故Robin和蚂蚁引出故事。)T: Look! This is the cover of the story. What can you see from the cover?Q1: Who are they?    Q2: Where are they?Q3: How do they feel?Q4: What’s Robin like?Q5: What’s the ant like?(板书标题)T: Robin is tall and strong. The ant is small.What happened to them? I think the story is interesting. I can’t wait. Let’s read the story together.(设计意图:让学生看封面读信息,故事的人物、故事发生的地点、故事人物的表情、比较Robin和蚂蚁的外形特征差异,并设置疑问“他们之间会发生什么?”来激发孩子们继续学故事的兴趣。)二、While—reading1.Read the story silently and answer: Q: What’s the story about?A. The ant is afraid of Robin.        B.The ants help Robin.C.Robin and the ants help each other(相互).(设计意图:默读故事理解文章大意并选择主旨,整体理解故事内容。)Intensive readingShow a picture of a park and introduce the background. “It is a sunny morning, Robin is in the park. He does morning exercises for a long time.” What is he going to do?Let the students read Paragraph1-3 and answer two questions.Q1: What is Robin going to do?Q2: How does the ant feel?(设计意图:创设情景Robin在一个晴朗的早上去公园锻炼了很长时间,自然引出问题他想干什么,蚂蚁感觉怎么样,为后面的故事发展做铺垫。)Show the picture.Robin is going to sit on the grass . The little ant is so afraid. What will he say? Let’s listen“Wait!”“Please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you.”Listen and imitate.What does Robin do? Does it sit on the grass? What does Robin say? Listen and imitate.Can you act Robin and the ant. Now I am the little ant. Who can be Robin?Can you act them? Try to act in pairs and pay attention to the tone and feelings.(设计意图:出示图片听他们都说了些什么?师首先示范表演,小组表演深入体会Robin要坐在草地上,蚂蚁很害怕的情感。)Let’s think: T: Robin is going to sit on the grass. The little ant is afraid. Then Robin doesn’t sit on the grass. What’s Robin like?Ss: He is kind\\friendly....T: Robin doesn’t sit on the grass. How does the ant feel now?Ss: He is so happy. He is grateful.T: He says one day he can help Robin. Do you think the ant can help Robin? Why or why not?(设计意图:蚂蚁很害怕,Robin没有坐在草地上,让学生思考“Robin是怎样的?”体会他对别人很友好善良的情感。然后提出问题Robin 没有坐在草地上,蚂蚁感觉怎么样,让学生体会它很开心很感激的情感,最后通过交流蚂蚁有一天是否能帮助Robin引出下一个故事。)Intensive readingShow a picture of a park and introduce the background. The next day, it is raining. What’s wrong with Robin? How does it feel?Read Paragraph4-7 and answer the questions.Robin is stuck in the mud. He is worried.Show two pictures to help the students understand “be stuck in the ...”The elephant is stuck in the mud. The dinosaur’s spider is stuck in the tree.What can Robin do? If you were Robin .What will you do?(设计意图:创设情景引入第二个故事, 呈现问题“Robin 发生了什么? 他感觉怎么样?”通过看图片让学生理解Robin is stuck in the mud. 的意思,同时通过出示大象陷入泥里,恐龙的尾巴钉状物插入树里理解“be stuck in  ...” 的含义,最后设置问题如果你是Robin,你会怎么做让学生发挥想象进行思维发散。)4.Robin is stuck in the mud. Who helps him? Listen and answer. We know it is the ant and all of his friends.How do they help Robin? They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.Show the picture “They pull the car out of the snow.”理解“pull...out of...”的含义How do they feel now? Everyone is happy.Listen and imitate(设计意图:动画演示蚂蚁把Robin从泥里拉出来的情景让学生理解“pull”的意思,出示图片让学生了解他们现在很开心,再听音模仿整篇故事整体理解故事内容。)三.Post—reading1. It is the whole story. Read it again and choose the right answer.What does the story tell us? A. We should always be nice to each other. B. We shouldn’t hurt the ants.We should always be nice to each other.(设计意图: 通过理解故事,选出故事告诉我们的道理。)2. Read and number the pictures.3. Fill in the blanks and retell the story .4. We know Robin is kind because he doesn’t sit on the little ant. He is big and helpful.Do you like Robin?Robin is our old friend. We know he is so clever and we know he has GPS. Why is he stuck in the mud?Because it’s raining. Because he is so heavy.The ant is so small. Can it help Robin? Why?Let’s enjoy a video about the ant. One ant is small. But many ants are strong. Everyone has strengths and weakness.So we should help each other.(Robin又高又壮但是它不伤害蚂蚁我们知道它很善良,Robin 是我们的老朋友我们知道它很聪明看关它有GPS,为什么会陷入泥里呢?让学生进行分析思考。最后播放关于蚂蚁的视频,启发学生思考,引出情感教育不要以貌取人,团结就是力量,我们应该互相帮助。)5.Emotion teachingIn fact, in our daily life, we always help each other.Look! I have a good friend. She is helpful. She is good at cooking. But I am not good at cooking. I can’t cook well. She often teaches me. Now I can cook delicious food for my family. We are very happy.How about you? Do you have a good friend? Can you say something about him or her?Enjoy some pictures about helping others and let the students know“The roses in her hand; the flavor in mine. Be nice to others is a good way to realize our Chinese dream.(设计意图:出示相互帮助的图片,进行德育渗透。)Blackboard design:        Unit6. How do you feel?             Part B Read and writeRobin is going to sit on the grass.      The ant is afraid.Robin is stuck in the mud.            He is worried.The ants pull Robin out of the mud.    Everyone is happy. 查看更多

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