


六年级英语上册4-5单元知识点总结Hey,Yifan. What are you doing?I’ m writing an email to my new pen pal in Auatralia.Does he live in Sydney?No, he doesn’t. He lives in Canberra. His name is John, too.Really? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes, he does.Amazing! I like thoses  too! Can I also be his penpal?Cool ! Come and see my new pen pal.His name is John, too.Really? Does he live in China, too?No, he doesn’t . He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese. Cooks Chinese food studies Chineses does word puzzles goes hikingDoes Oliver do word puzzles every day?Yes, he does. Shall we dance? There is a dancing class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing ,and I need a partner.Goal ! Goal ! Goal !What  do you do on Sundays?  Join our football club. See you on the playground.Let’s read together! What is your hobby? I have a great books. We can share!Science club.Do you want to learn about  robots? Come  to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots.We can share.I like dancing.     He lives on a farm  What are Peter’s hobbies? Zac lives in f a forest. He likes singing and dancing very much. Every day the squirrels have to give the monkey king gifts. Then the monkey king lets them get food from his forest.  查看更多

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