


高中英语双语阅读素材:端午节快乐--说说全国各地的特色粽子 端午节已到,出游、吃粽子、戴香包之类的传统活动也少不了吧。今天我们就来聊聊端 午节的各项传统习俗,盘点各地独具特色的粽子。 The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar。 端午节(农历五月初五)是中国古老的传统节日,始于春秋战国时期,至今已有 2000 多年历史, 通常在阳历的六月份。 端午节吃什么? “粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。旧俗方储药,羸躯亦点丹。” 端午节不可不吃的美味食物就是粽子(tsung-tse/glutinous rice dumpling, zongzi),这种传 统源于汨罗江边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中的蛟龙,希望它们不要伤害屈原。 因为南北方的饮食文化差异,粽子里面的馅儿也有所不同,北方多为甜味粽子,以豆沙(bean paste)、红枣(date)等做馅儿,而南方则多为咸味粽子,以肉(meat)、坚果(nut)等做馅儿。在朝鲜、 韩国和日本等亚洲国家,也有吃粽子的习俗。 ——北京粽子 In Beijing, they are most commonly stuffed with a candied or dried jujube, the dried Chinese red date. Some zongzi are left plain, to be dipped into sugar. Other places in North China replace glutinous rice with glutinous yellow millet, and these days, some folks replace white glutinous rice with purple rice。 北京粽子通常会以 dried Chinese red date(红枣)作馅,有些粽子本身不加调料,吃的时候蘸 糖吃。华北一些地方的人用 glutinous yellow millet(黄黍)代替糯米来制作粽子,还有一些地方的 人用的是紫米。 ——广东、福建和广西的粽子 In some parts of Guangdong and Fujian provinces, and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, people soak the glutinous rice in alkaline water, which gives the rice a honey-colored glaze and a softer texture。 在广东、福建和广西壮族自治区的一些地方,人们会把糯米浸在 alkaline water(碱水)里,这 样糯米就会变成蜜黄色,质地也会更柔软。 ——四川和苏州粽子 People in Sichuan province make a spicy zongzi with chili powder and preserved pork while in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, the locals put a piece of pork fat into the dumpling to give it a special aroma。 四川人用 chili powder(辣椒粉)和 preserved pork(腌猪肉)来包一种“辣粽”,而在江苏的苏 州,当地人会在粽子里包进一块 pork fat(猪油),让粽子吃起来更香。 ——海南粽子 In Hainan, zongzi are wrapped in banana leaves, while dumplings on the mainland are wrapped in either bamboo or reed leaves。 在海南,粽子是用 banana leaves(芭蕉叶)来包的,而大陆的粽子是用 bamboo leaves(竹叶) 或 reed leaves(芦苇叶)来包裹的。 ——台湾粽子 Over on the island of Taiwan, zongzi are made with fried glutinous rice and fried pork, as well as bamboo shoots, dried mushroom and dried bean curd。 在台湾岛,粽子是用炒糯米和炒猪肉来制作的,还包有竹笋、香菇和豆腐干。 ——湖州和嘉兴的粽子 But the most famous zongzi in China are those from Zhejiang's Huzhou and Jiaxing, and these have become the national standard。 In Huzhou, salty zongzi are made with fresh pork flavored with soy sauce, while sweet zongzi are made with jujube or red bean paste, with a piece of pork fat added to make the paste even more aromatic。 Jiaxing zongzi use chicken and "eight treasure" stuffing, as well as the more common red bean paste and preserved duck egg yolk。 But fresh pork zongzi is the most popular。 The meat is taken from the hock and marinated with sugar, salt, soy sauce and baijiu (Chinese liquor) to give it plenty of flavor. It is then wrapped in bamboo leaf and boiled。 中国最著名的粽子还是浙江湖州和嘉兴的粽子,这两个地方的粽子的做法已经成了中国粽子的 标准。 在湖州,咸棕包的是加了酱油调味的新鲜猪肉,甜粽包的是红枣或豆沙,在粽子里还加了一块 猪油,让豆沙更香滑适口。 嘉兴的粽子填料用的是鸡肉和“八宝”,也有包红豆沙和咸蛋黄的。 但嘉兴的鲜肉粽是最受欢迎的。 选取蹄膀上的猪肉,将猪肉浸泡在用糖、盐、酱油和白酒制成的汁水中,赋予其丰富的口感。 然后用竹叶包好,煮熟。 查看更多

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