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  • 2021-06-16
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浙教版七年级科学上册第三章测试卷 (本试卷共三大题 45 小题 考试时间为 90 分钟满 分为 100 分) 一.选择题(每题 1.5 分,共 45 分) 1.在月球上,天空的背景是黑色的,其原因 是…………………………………………( ) A、月球上总有一半的地方看不到太阳 B、月球上没有大气层 C、月球距离太阳比地球远 D、月球上众多的环形山挡住了太阳光 2.下列方法不能用来分析推断地球是球体的 是………………………………………( ) A.从远处开来的船先见到桅杆,后见到船身 B.根 据日食时缺损部分的边缘是圆弧形的 C.登上航天飞船从太空中观察 D.根 据月食时缺损部分的边缘是圆弧形的 3.月食发生时的月相 是……………………………………………………………… …( ) A、朔 B、下弦月 C、 上弦月 D、望 4.太空中拍摄的地球照片看上去是很圆的,这是因 为…………………………………( ) A、地球本身就是一个正球体 B、地球的外 面有大气层 C、过去的测量有误差 D、地球的赤 道半径和两极方向的半径相差很小 5.发生在太阳光球层的太阳活动 是……………………………………………………( ) A、太阳黑子 B、日珥 C、 耀斑 D、太阳风 6.宇航员在月球上的感受正确的 是……………………………………………………( ) A、这里是无声的世界,只有陨石的撞击声打破了月 球的寂静。 B、他们穿着沉重的宇航服,手拿探测器在月面上举 步维艰。 C、闲暇时宇航员可以放放风筝轻松一下。 D、他们可以看到地球从月球的地平线上升起,只是 看到的天空背景是黑色的。 7.牛郎星和织女星分别位 于……………………………………………………………… ( ) A、大熊座和天鹅座 B、天鹰座和天琴座 C、仙后 座和小熊座 D、猎户座和天琴座 8.有时在天空中会看到一些拖着尾巴的星星,它们 是由岩石的碎片、固体微粒和冰球,它们 是……………………………………………………………… ……………………( ) A.恒星 B.彗星 C.行 星 D.卫星 9.下列关于太阳的说法中正确的 是……………………………………………………( ) A、太阳黑子是太阳表面温度较低而显得较暗的气体 斑块。 B、太阳风的强弱作为太阳活动强弱的主要标志。 C、太阳活动对地球的影响不大。 D、太阳黑子活动周期是 22 年 10.大荆一中中学东西长 180 米,南北宽 150 米,请 你在长宽为 10 厘米的纸上绘制一张该学校地图,下列比例 尺合适的 是…………………………………………………………… ( ) A、1:180 B、1:100 C、 1:2000 D、1:200 11.试根据某学校的平面示意图判断正确的 是…………………………………………( ) A、 学校操场在教学楼的东面 B、 学校食堂在学校的西南角 C、 学校的大门朝西 D、 教学楼在操场的北面 12.四幅地图的图幅一样大小,比例尺不同,则表 示实地面积最大的是-----------( ) A、1:200000 B、 0 20 千米 C、图上 1 厘米代表实地距离 30 千米 D、 二百五十万分之一 13 、下列天体系统是按照由大到小排列的 是 …………………………………………( ) A、太阳系、河外星系、银河系 B、银河 系、宇宙、地月系 C、银河系、太阳系、地月系 D、地月 系、银河系、宇宙 14.在中秋节中你可能看到的天文景观是 -………………………………………………( ) A、北斗七星的斗柄朝东 B、发生月食现象 C、 发生日食 D、看到一个弯弯的月牙 15.右图中的甲位 于……………………………………………………………… ……( ) A、 东半球、低纬度 B、 东半球、中纬度 C、 西半球、低纬度 D、 西半球、高纬度 16.同过英国伦敦格林尼治天文台原址的 是…………………………………………( ) A、0°纬线 B、西经 20° C、东经 160° D、0°经线 17.某人发现他的东侧是西半球,西侧是东半球, 南侧是南半球,北侧是北半球,则他所处的位置 是……………………………………………………………… ……………………( ) A、东经 160°,0° B、西经 20°,0° C、 东经 160°,90° D、0°,0° 18.有关木星的叙述中正确的 是………………………………………………………… ( ) A、和木星临近的行星是地球和土星 B、木星 上的大红斑是木星表面激烈喷发的岩浆 C、木星上没有大 气,却有光环 D、木星的体积是太阳系中居于 第二位的天体 19.月球的各种圆缺的形态 叫…………………………………………………………… ( ) A、月蚀 B、月象 C、月相 D、月食 20.太阳之所以成为太阳系的中心,主要原因 是……………………………………( ) A、能发光 B、能发热 C、质量大 D、温度高 21.若今天是公历 12 月 28 日,农历十一月初八。 下列图片中可以表示昨晚月相的是 ( ) A B C D 22.下列能表示一次完整月相的过程的 是………………………………………………( ) A、 A→B→C→D→E→F→G→H→A B、 E→A→G→B→F→C→H→D→E C、 F→A→G→B→F→C→H→D→F D、 E→D→H→C→F→B→G→A→E 23.夏季的夜晚,北斗七星斗柄所朝的方向 是…………………………………………( ) A.东 B.南 C.西 D.北 24.发生月食时,日、地、月三者的位置关系中正 确的是………………………………( ) A、地-日-月 B、日-地-月 C、地-月-日 D、日-月-地 25.月球景观和地球景观相似的 是………………………………………………………( ) A、有风、云、雨等天气现象 B、有碧海蓝天 C、有 日光、彩虹和风 D、有平原、高原、山地 26.右图判断方向的方法 是………………………………( ) A、上北下南,左西右东 B、找方向标 C、根据经纬网 D、无法判断 27、土星的周围有一圈美丽的光环,20 世纪 70 年 代末宇宙飞船拜访她时发现,组成光环的物质居然 是…………………………………………………( ) A、土星表面激烈运动的大气 B、土星内部激 烈活动释放的巨大能量 C、碎土、尘埃和冰屑 D、不存在任何 东西,是人的幻觉 28、肉眼可看见的最暗的星 是……………………………………………………( ) A、3 等星 B、4 等星 C、5 等 星 D、6 等星 29.当地球上看到发生月全食时,在月球上的人将 看到…………………………( ) A、日环食 B、日偏食 C、 日全食 D、明亮的地球 30.已知甲的经纬度为 135°E、30°N,乙的经纬 度为 120°E、45°N,则甲在乙的( ) A、正东方 B、东北方 C、东南 方 D、西北方 二.填空题(每空 1 分,共 25 分) 31.离地球最近的恒星是 ,现在国际上把 天空划分为 个星座。 32.地球仪上连接北极和南极的线是 ,也 叫 。在两极中间,与两极等距离的线 叫 ,与它平行的线叫 。以 和 为界,可以把地球分为东、西两个半球。 33.1:2000000 其含义 是 ,若甲、乙两地的实 地距离是 60 千米,绘制在该图上的图上距离为 。 34.在星空中找北极星,首先要找到 , 并将其 即为北极星。星空图上的方 位是 。 35.月相的形成是:由于日、地、月三者的 在 一个月中有规律的变化,月相的一个变化周期是 天,又称为 ,农历的日期就是根据它来确定的。 36.月食始于月面的 ,终止于月面 的 。其方向和日食的方向 。 37.太阳黑子的活动周期为 年。 38.地球的赤道半径为 千米,两极的半径比 赤道半径 (填:少或多)21 千米。 39.通过哈勃望远镜,目前人类能够观测到的最远 天体距离地球约为 光年。 40.月貌最基本的特征是环形山,它的形成是由 于 。月球表面较明亮的部分 是 。 三.填图题(每空 1 分,共 24 分) 41 写出下列星座的名称 A_________ B_____________ C ____________ D_____________ 41.读图,回答问题: (1)A 在 B 的 方向,C 在 B 的 方 向, A 在 C 的 方向。 (2)填出 A 地的经纬度数值 A: 。 42.如图:是日食的不同日伦,根据此图回答下列 问题 ①日食有 、 、 三种类型; ②此图反映的是日 食的过程; ③请按日食的先后顺序将图中的代号进行排列(2 分) 。 ④这种现象发生在农历的 ,此时,日、地、 月三者的位置关系是怎样的? (填在下图中): 43.2006 年 11 月 9 日晨 7 时左右在广州可以看到 “水星凌日”的天文奇观。水星是地球的内行星。水星凌 日是由于太阳、水星和地球排成一条直线而出现的天象, 它发生的原理与日食相似。图为发生“水星凌日”现象时 的示意图,图中水星的位置在( ) A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 44、如图是地球正视图,图中有 7 条经线将半个地 球平分成 6 等份, 第 44 题图 读图后回答: ①写出 A 点的经纬度: 、 ; ②A 点在 C 点的 方向; ③B 点既在___________,又在 半球。 三、探究题(共 6 分) 45.小军同学通过高倍望远镜观察月亮,发现月面 是凸凹不平的,如图 1 所示。这是由于流星在太空中运行 到靠近月球时,在月球的引力作用下坠落到月面,与月面 发生碰撞而形成的坑洞,叫做月坑。 小军同学猜想:月坑的深度可能与流星的质量、体 积及下落的高度有关。 于是,他设计了一个用一只铺满厚厚的细沙的盘子 和几个不同的小球及刻度尺进行探究月坑深度的模拟实 验,如图 2 所示。经过实验,数据记录如下表: 图 1 图 2 请你分析实验数据,并回答下列问题: ⑴ 由 1、2、3 三组数据可得: “月坑”的深度与流星的 有关。 ⑵ 由________、________、________三组 数据可得:“月坑”的深度与流星的质 量有关。 ⑶ “月坑”的深度还与流星的体积有关: 相同质量体积越大,“月坑”的深度 。 中物富能(北京)节能科技投资股份有限公司 业务管理制度集 (暂定稿) 第一章 客户档案制度 第一条:凡初次接触客户,在任何情况下都需做尽 可能详细的登记,填入客户登记表。 第二条:每周例会、部门依据登记表,根据具体情 况进行讨论,并将部分登记立 为客户档案,包括项目名称, 具体应用计划等,余下登记表由秘书立档。 第三条:项目完成后,秘书需将成功与未成功档案 分别归档。未成功项目,业务人员需写明项目失败原因分 析报告,秘书并同客户档案归档,交于部门 经理。 第四条:每月第一周,由秘书将归档的客户登记表 及客户档案整理存档,以备查证。 第二章 合同制度 严格业务合同管理制度 第一条:业务人员在业务过程中与任何客户发生的 交易都必须按公司原则签订购 销合同(合同根据项目具体 情况拟订),并双方签字盖章。如有些随机业务而无需或 无法签定双方合同,依照合同范本(范本样式根据具体情 况而定),项目负责人需自身补齐合同交于部门经理,并 同时备份给秘 书立档,秘书需依照档案保管程序妥善保 管,并连同其它文件做为销售 审核文件。 第二条:每个销售人员在签定每份购销合同中,应 明确标出合同号。合同号表明格式为:时间(年度、月份) -项目名称-流水号。秘书应协助业务人员 立档,以备存查。 第三条:合同管理;凡签定的正式合同,一律须及 时交于公司秘书立档、存档。秘书需依照档案管理程序妥 善保管。并须及时将签定的正式合同复印件交于财务,财 务立档以便督促收款。 第四条:所有协议管理同上。 第三章 报价制度 向用户报价的原则:向用户报价前,必须了解清楚 用户特性,是否属于系统集成商、一般用户、重点发展的 用户并且其是否有特殊服务需求;是否已和公司其它业务 人员联系过、是否属于自己的负责业务范围等,然后根据 公司或各部门情况制定的市场统一原则报价。 第四章 印章管理 第一条:公司印章(含行政公章、财务专用章、合 同专用章、业务专用章等)必须严格管理,严禁违章使用。 第二条:印章实行专人保管,严禁任何员工随身携 带各种公章外出办事。 第三条:印章实行领用审批和使用登记制度,凡需 用公司印章者,须填写使用登 记表(包括使用何种印章、 目的等内容),经有关领导批准后方可使用。 第四条:印章使用登记册必须妥善保管,归档长期 保存,以备检查。 第五条:严格控制使用已盖有公司印章的空白函件 (如空白介绍信,空白合同书 等)。如确需使用,必须经 有关领导批准,并登记备查。 第六条:对任何印章必须保管,严防丢失、被盗。 一旦丢失、被盗,应及时报告 有关领导并采取补救措施。 第七条:财务专用章和银行帐户印鉴的保管和使用, 按《财务管理制度》规定执 行。 第八条:违反印章保管、使用规定,视情节和后果 追究当事人的责任;触犯法律者,追究法律责任。 第五章 入、出库制度 第一条:外购产品购入后,需马上办理入库手续, 原则不超过第二个工作日。库 管人员填写入库单,经办人 员签字。入库单中需详细注明有关产品各项 情况(包括供 货单位),并注明项目名称、合同号及用途。填毕交与库 管 签字后办理入库。库管人员须随入库产品收其所附外购合 同。入库单 一联交于库管;二联用于交财务报帐;三联交 库房负责人;四联自留。 第二条:办理出库,需由库管人员填写出库单,经 办人签字。单中应详细注明有 关产品各项情况(需与购入 货品名一致),并注明所做项目名称及合同 号。填毕交与 部门经理签字后办理出库;二联做财务开发票之用;三联 交于库房;四联自留。 第三条:发生退货情况,经办人应马上办理有关退 库手续,因未及时办理,出现 差错或损失,由经办人负责。 第四条:财务将其相应的入、出库同放,做为相应 合同的销售执行完结单的审核 凭证。 第五条:公司人员如需外购产品或用于其它业务需 请领资金,首先必须按财务规 定填写外购申请单。申请单 上须表明合同号或项目名称。填毕交于部门 经理签字后, 由总经理签字后办理支票请领手续。费用发生完成后,按 财务规定,及时办理相应入库、报销手续。外购时需与购 货单位签定购 货合同,以备日后维修。此合同由库管人员 保管存档。 第六章 销售业务费用支出制度 销售人员在项目过程中,如需大额资金周转或需客 户服务费用支出,需填写销售支出表,并注明所做项目及 合同号。交部门经理签字,凭支票请领单办理支票或现金 请领手续申请。 第七章 销售执行完结单制度 第一条:所有销售人员在一个项目合同完成后(合 同签署-款项收齐),都需认 真填写销售执行完结单。除 详细填写完结单上所规定的各项内容,还需 >附上有关此 项目入库单、出库单、销售支出费用单复印件一同交与公 司 秘书。 第二条:公司秘书需与财务审核后确认,做为销售 数额、利润统计情况凭证。 第三条:每季度第一周公司秘书将公司的每个销售 人员的销售执行单整理归档, 以备查证,并做为总经理对 业务状况分析及业务人员考核资料。 第八章 设计任务及质量的管理制度 第一条:开发任务以每月为考核单位。 第二条:按质量完成公司布置的任务,可全额发放 工资;未完成扣减工资;超额 或提前完成给予奖励。 具体办法: (1)设计人员,未按计划完成任务量扣月工资 10%; 提前完成,奖励月工资 10%。 (2)部门经理,未按计划完成任务量扣月工资 12%; 提前完成,奖励月工资 10%。 (3)副总,未按计划完成任务量扣月工资 15%。 每 月终填写工作任务验收报告。年终考评。 其实这只是对于多数公司而言的,如果你是一家小 公司的话,就大可不比照盘全收,只要管理好客户档案、 备案还有公司财务方面的有关事情就好了,其他方面不如 人性化强一些,会更有利于公司的稳定发展!如果有兴趣 以后我们可以多多交流! (二)Translation: ---5 分钟完成 5 个句子, 句子长度在 15 词左右, 要翻译的内容大约有 3 到 8 个词 考点分析: 1. 语法考查 1) 被动语态, Though a skilled worker, he was fired by the company last week because of the economic crisis.(他 被公司解雇了) (06.6) 2) 虚拟语气 a. The professor required that we (should) hand in our research reports by Wednesday.(06.6)(同 时考查了词组 hand in 的用法) b. The victim would have a chance to survive if he had been taken to hospital in time.(本来有机 会活下来)(06.12) 3) 从句(状语从句, 宾语从句等) a. In order to finance my studies, Mother often takes on more work than is good for her. (为了挣钱 供我上学) (06.6) b. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is the field in which we can cooperate.(我们可以合作的领 域)(07.6) c. I am going to pursue this course, no matter what sacrifices I will make.(无论让我做出什么样的牺 牲)(07.12) 4) 比较结构 a. The more you explain, the more confused I am. (我愈糊涂) (06.6) b. I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because the latter is more convenient and time-saving.( 它 更 加 方 便 和 省 时)(07.12) c. Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading. (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)(06.12) 2. 词汇及固定短语搭配 a. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble in finding the way to the history museum. (找到历史博物馆的路) (06.6) b. The findings of the study failed to take people’s sleep quality into consideration/ account. (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内)(07.6) c. Because of the leg injury, the athlete decided/ determined/ make a decision to quit/ give up/ drop out of the match. (决定退出比赛)(07.6) d. To make donations or for more information, please contact/ make a contact with us at the following address.(按以下地址和我们联系)(07.6) e. Owing to (thanks to) a series of new inventions, doctors can treat this disease successfully.(多亏了一系列的新发明)( 07.12) f. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to adapt oneself to life in different cultures.(适应不同文化中的生活) (06.12) g. The nation’s population continues to rise at a rate of 12 million every year.(以每年 1200 万人 的速度)(06.12) 3. 综合考查 a. In my sixties, one change I notice is that I am apt to (incline to ) be more easily tired than before. (我比以前更容易累了) (07.12) (比较结构+固定 词组) b. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life is weighed upon how much they can borrow, not how much they can earn.(是用他们能够借 到多少来衡量的)(07.12) (词汇+被动语态) c. Some psychologists claim that people might feel lonely when they are far from home. (情态动词 +状语从句) 语法补充: 1. 从句: 状语从句 1. 时间状语从句(Adverbial clause of time) 引导词 when, while, as(当…时), before, since, until, as soon as, once(一旦…就) 1) Once she arrives, we can start. 2) Whenever I met with any difficulty, he came to my help. 3) The instant she saw him, she knew he was her lost brother. 4) Everybody was assigned a job as soon as they left university 2. 地点状语从句(adverbial clause of place)( where, wherever) 1) Where there is a will, there is a way. 2) Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home. 3. 方式状语从句(adverbial clause of manner)(as 就像,the way) 1) You must do the exercises as I show you. 2) She is doing her work the way I like it done. 4. 原因状语从句(adverbial clause of cause) 引导词: because, as(因为,由于), since(既然), now that, seeing that(由于,考虑到), not that… but that(不是因为… 而是因为) 1) Now that I have finished my lessons, I intended to go for a walk. 2) Seeing (that) she’s legally old enough to get married, I don’t see how you can stop her. 3) Not that I don’t like the film, but that I have no time for it. 4) He came here not that he wanted to do some sightseeing, but that he was on business. 5. 结果状语从句(adverbial clause of result) 引导词:so…that , with the result that 1) He had overslept, so that he was late for work. 2) I was in the bath, with the result that I didn’t hear the knock at the door. 6. 目的状语从句(adverbial clause of purpose) 引导词:lest(唯恐), so (that)(以便), in order (that) 1) The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can understand well. 2) They climbed to the top of the building in order that they could get a bird-eye view of the city. 7. 条件状语从句(adverbial clause of condition) 引导词:if, even if(即使), unless(除非), in case(如果,以防), provide/ providing (that)…(要是, 只是), supposing/suppose that(假定,要是(只用于问 句)),as/so long as(只要), on condition that (只要, 条件是) 1)I will agree to go provided/providing (that) my expenses are paid. 2) In case it rains, we won’t be able to go there on foot. 3) You can go out, as/so long as you promise to be back before 11. 4) Even if you saw him pick up the money, you can’t be sure he stole it. 5) I will lend you the book on condition (that) you return it on Monday. 6) Suppose/supposing (that) he won’t agree, what shall we do? 8. 让步状语从句(adverbial clause of concession) 引导词 although/though, while(尽管) While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 9. 比较状语从句(adverbial clause of comparison) 引导词:as…as 像…一样, not so(as)…(as) 没 有… 那么 1) I took as much luggage as was allowed. 2) The earth is 49 times as large as the moon. 3) The bookseller didn’t sell half as/ so many books as he thought he would. 4) This text is a little more difficult than the one we learned last week. 5) Sam would have got far more constructive results if he had listened to the workers. 2.被动语态 (Passive Voice) A. 构成: 一般现在时: is, am, are+ done 现在进行时: is, am, are + being +done 现在完成时: have/has+ been+done 一般过去时 :was/were+ done 过去进行时: was/were+ being+ done 过去完成时: had been +done 一般将来时: will/ shall+ be+done 将来完成时: will/shall+have been done 情态动词被动结构:can, may, must be done B. 特殊句型: 1) It is estimated/ reported/ said/ known/ believed…+that… “据…” It is estimated that China’s population will reach 1.4 billion in2020. It is reported that about 20people lost their lives in this accident. It is known to all that these islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction.(管辖) 2).带补语的被动结构(补语可以是名词,形容词, 不定式,过去分词等) He was appointed Mayor of Tianjin. Their house is painted red. He was caught cheating in the exam. The problem is considered settled.(了结) The children were asked to keep quite. 3). smell/ taste/ sound/ feel +adj. 主动表示 被动含义 The cake tastes good. The flowers smell sweet. The idea sounds reasonable. 4). have +object( 宾语)+done 用来强调“对宾语 作了什么” Mrs. Smith has her hair cut every Saturday morning. Helen had that dress altered to fit her. I must have these files copied immediately. 5). –ed 分词形容词化,与固定介词搭配,而这个 介词通常不是 by. Conditions here are not what she’s accustomed to.(这儿的条件不是她所习惯的) He is addicted to alcohol. I’m tired of boiled eggs. Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen. We are all concerned about/ for her safety. He is engaged in letter writing. We were astonished at the news. 3. 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood) A. 条件句中三种时态的虚拟语气的构成: 1)表示与现在事实相反的条件或结果 从 句 : did/ were 主句:would+ 动词原形 If I had enough money, I would buy a cell phone. If I were in his position, I would agree to the proposal. 2) 表示与过去事实相反的条件或结果 从句:had+done (过去完成时) 主句:would have done If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. If she hadn’t been so strict with herself, she wouldn’t have made such great progress. 3) 表示与将来情况相反 从句: should+ 动词原形 or were to do 主 句:would+ 动词原形 If she should ask you, how would you answer? If I were to do the job, I wouldn’t be able to have enough time for study. B. 省略 if 的倒装结构: Had it not been for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand. Had I have enough time, I would go into that subject deeply. Were this to happen again, what would be the outcome? C. 用在某些从句中的虚拟语气 C1. be—型虚拟式 :1)虚拟语气用于表示命令, 决定,建议等词(可以是动词或同源形容词,名词)引起 的 从 句 中 ( advise, suggest/ suggestion, insist, propose/proposal, recommend, require, request, maintain…)(should) + v. I suggested that we cancel the conference. The bank insisted that they pay the money right away. She proposed that we go to tomorrow’s art exhibition together. 3) It is/ was+ adj. +that It is vital to her health that she take this medicine regularly. It is essential that all these figures be checked twice. It was important that we take part in it. 4)lest/ for fear that/ in case(以免,以防, 生怕,唯恐)引出的从句,动词形式: (should/ may/might) +动词原形 He ran away lest he should be seen. He’s working hard for fear that he should fall behind. He left early in case he should miss the last train. C2. Were-型虚拟式 would rather/ wish(表示未实现的愿望),if/ as though(就像)(引导方式或比较状语从句), if only(但 愿,要是…就好了), It is (high) time+主语+过去式(该 是…时候) 以上词组或短语引导的句子用虚拟语气, 从句中 动词用过去式 Eg. I wish there weren’t so many cars on the street. I wish you had come to our New Year’s party. (没参加晚会) To be frank, I would rather you were not involved in the case.(已经卷入这件事情了) I would rather you had told her about the whole thing.(实际是没告诉) My mother looked after the orphan as if he were her own child. He talked as if he had really been there. The tree looked as if it hadn’t been watered for a long time. If only I were ten years younger! If only I could help you! If only he hadn’t left! It’s time we went to school. It’s high time you had a holiday. 练习: 1. It has been decided that the meeting____________________________ (延期到下星期六) 2. He put his coat over the child for fear that______________________(她会着凉) 3. He claimed to _______________________(被 恶劣地对待) at yesterday’s party. 4. ____________________________(月亮环绕地 球转动) is well known to all of us. 5. How many students are there in your class__________________________ (父母在政府机关工作)? 6. __________________(不是我而是你) who are the first to run to the goal in that competition. 7. The machine is ___________________(在很 多方面比那台好) 8. The substance does not dissolve in water________________________ (不管是否加热) 9. Not only ____________________(他向我收费 过高), but he didn’t do a good repair job either. 10. Your losses in trade this year are nothing_________________(与我的相比). 11. On average, it is said, visitors spend only __________________(一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London. 12. By contrast, American mothers were more likely _________________(把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. 13. (不管到世界的任何地 方)______________________, you will be able to have a taste of Chinese food. 14. (考虑到所有的情况以后) ______________________, the company canceled the plan to move its headquarters to Shanghai. 15. Never lose your heart._______________________________(这一点你要 永远记住) 16. ____________________________________(我 避免提及那个敏感的话题) lest she might be offended. 17. It is no use waiting for the bus, (我们 不防走回家)__________________. 18. _________________________(一个人的穿着) may express his social status. 19. Children in this country, especially those in the rural areas, should be encouraged to ____________________________________(利用一切教育 机会) 20. __________________________________he will support you under whatever circumstances.(你 不该想当然认为) 学习目标: 1、复习 tall, big, small, young, old, girl, boy, animal, 能听懂、会说、会认读 fat, thin, long, short, woman, man, bear, snake 并能在一定的情景中熟练运用 以上单词进行交际。 2、通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,轻 松融入英语学习的氛围中,感受乐趣,体验成功。 3、通过小组合作,养成团队互助的精神,树立英语 学习的自信心。 教学重点:能在一定的情景中熟练运用所学单词进 行交际。 教学难点:熟练运用所学的知识 教具学具准备:图片,玩具,录音机,多媒体课件, 奖品。 教学过程: /ei/-----name game face table take make jane lake age tape cake snake plane late paper radio baby lady afraid again tail train way today play may day May say away -----they grey eight /æ /-----can cat hat has bag bad jam map man flag have and hand glad happy panda black maths thank jacket grandma family that Saturday blackboard / /-----she he we me Peter zebra these Chinese evening queen see sheep sweet keep three bee weekend green teeth between feed feel free knee beach clean meat peach please read sea season speak tea easy eat cream weak leaf people /e /------yes ten hen pen egg get jet let desk pencil then leg lesson red twelve twenty seven seventeen eleven elephant exercise umbrella help well together very guess them bed tell lesson :hafo.yeryy/ better letter every telephone television Wednesday yellow friend bread head ready weather breakfast any many / /-------like bike fine nice ice ride time white shine drive write kite beside pineapple nine knife tiger Chine behind beside library bicycle Chinese dialogue Friday lion nineteen exercise light night right fly my sky why by try buy eye / /-------pig big it is six ink thin him ill its bin zip Jim dish little thin give swim with ship sing pink quilt quick river film Miss which spring bring winter listen litter sister radio window think picture office picnic children biscuit English begin fish eleven behind beside between family story sorry orange Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday baby / /-------no go so rope those phone nose home coke close old cold hello over postmen sofa radio photo open only don’t soldier snow yellow know show slow tomorrow window throw low boat coat road / /------not on dog box fox cock clock of stop Tom from top lot off hot Bob sorry strong soft John office bottle tomorrow dialogue what want wash watch / /-------use excuse pupil Tuesday student music new you / /-------run sun mum but up under cup must butter bus duck lunch uncle number hungry Sunday supper much umbrella rubber us some one come brother mother colour money monkey son love Monday wonderful cousin touch / /-------class ask basket basketball fast glass grass mask father after afternoon classroom classmate past answer star card pardon hard park party March arm art car farmer garden guitar sharp star start supermarket far farm large aunt laugh half heart / /-------short sport corn or for horse ball wall tall all talk autumn august daughter quarter warm ward war draw strawberry before your four door water blackboard / /-------bird birthday circle dirty shirt skirt sir first girl thirteen thirty her certainly nurse survey Thursda word work worker homework early / /-------ruler blue to do who two cool moon room root school smooth too tooth food zoo choose afternoon soon spoon shoe whose fruit juice group / /-------air chair pair hair bear pear wear their there where square Mary / /-------year dear near hear ear idea here engineer / /-------how now down brown flower cow playground round count trousers out loud house mouse about ground blouse cloud mouth cloudy shout / /-------noise point join noisy boy toy / /-------cook football good book foot classroom wolf woman put would / /--------river rubber ruler supper together weather answer under over winter litter letter runner teacher number paper September sister summer super driver tiger mirror doctor colour picture again about above afraid umbrella sugar Saturday / /--------thank thin three birthday think bath both mahts mouth smooth thick thing throw tooth / /--------brother mother father that this these those the there their then them they together with weather / /--------she sheep ship wash English shake shape sure / /--------watch teacher China lunch chair match much beach bench sandwich / /--------pick thick duck black pick snake like picnic cake cave classroom classmate / /--------morning sing bring anything evening spring :hafo.yeryy/ 查看更多

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