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外研版七年级下 写作素养提升练 外研版七年级下 音乐既是一门艺术,也是一种文化,在人们的 生活中有着不可替代的作用。本模块以音乐为话题, 主要介绍西方古典音乐及其音乐家,同时也引导学 生更多地了解中国音乐和音乐家。编者试图让学生 通过这三个单元的学习更多地了解音乐,热爱音乐, 培养审美情趣,帮助学生开阔视野,了解西方文化, 并渗透爱国主义教育。 素材典藏 lively, modern, noisy, pop=popular, rock, sound, violin, Western, musician, centre, European, century, elder, another, piece, poor, perfect 单 词: 素材典藏 Beijing Opera, think about, pop music, Western music, dance to, hundreds of wonderful pieces of music, play music, traditional music, take place, at the same time, the rest of 短 语: 素材典藏 1. Do you know anything about him? 2. What a beautiful city! 3. I’m a fan of rock music. 4. Give us a break! 5. I don’t believe it! 句 型: 素材典藏 6. Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. 7. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 8. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. 9. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. 经典例题 周杰伦——备受千万“粉丝”青睐的明星之一,不仅 在音乐方面有很大的成就,而且在表演方面也有一定的天赋。 请根据下表提供的信息,以My Favourite Star—Jay Chou 为 题写一篇不少于90 词的短文。 姓名 Jay Chou 出生日期 1979.1.18 出生地 台湾 经典例题 身高 1. 75 m 外貌 …… 音乐方面 创作大约120 首歌曲、获得300 多项奖 表演方面 曾主演《头文字D》(Initial D)、《大 灌篮》(Kung Fu Dunk)、《满城尽带黄金甲》 (Curse of the Golden Flower) 等影片 经典例题 1. 体裁:记叙文 2. 人称:以第三人称为主 3. 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时 【审题指导】 经典例题 【思路构建】 人物介绍 My favourite... He was born... He also... I hope... 经典例题 My Favourite Star—Jay Chou My favourite star is Jay Chou. He was born in Taiwan on 18th January 1979. He’s 1.75 metres tall. He’s cool (smart, handsome, etc.) with small eyes. He’s one of the most popular stars loved by millions of fans. He’s good at not only writing but also singing songs. He has 【范文赏析】 经典例题 written about 120 songs and got over 300 awards. He also does well in acting. He played the leading role in the films Initial D, Kung Fu Dunk, Curse of the Golden Flower and so on. In 2005, he won the Best Newcomer Award at the Golden Horse Awards. I hope he’ll be even more successful in the music and acting fields. 经典例题 点评:本文时态、人称使用正确,写作要点全面,并 就周杰伦的外貌作适当补充。语言通顺流畅,句式和词汇 运用准确,如one of the most popular stars “最受人们欢迎的 明星之一”,not only... but also “不但……而且……”,do well in sth. “擅长……”, play the leading role in sth. “在…… 中扮演主角”等体现了作者深厚的语言功底。作者开篇明 义,然后着重介绍周杰伦的成就,文章行文结构清晰。 写作实践 根据提示,写一篇关于冼星海的简介。 冼星海,1905 年出生于澳门, 在巴黎上学,是中国 伟大的古典和传统音乐作曲家之一。在1939 年创作《黄 河大合唱》,并以此闻名。1945 年去世,被誉为“人民 音乐家”。 参考词汇:Macao 澳门 The Yellow River Cantata 《黄河大合唱》 写作实践 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Xian Xinghai was born in 1905 in Macao. He studied in Paris. He was one of the great Chinese composers of classical and traditional music. He wrote the song The Yellow River Cantata in 1939 and was famous for it. He died in 1945 when he was only 40 years old. He was called the People's Musician. 查看更多

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