

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 外研版 / 七年级下册 / Module 1 Lost and found / 外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module1写作素养提升练





外研版七年级下 写作素养提升练 外研版七年级下 本模块以介绍失物招领处的物品以及某人丢失物 品的信息为话题,内容包含: 失物招领处所在地、人们 丢失物品的原因、招领处物品介绍,人们寻找自己物 品的情景,要细心保管自己的物品的观点等。 素材典藏 (A) 物品类1. 蜡笔crayon 2. 手套 glove 3. 手表watch 4. 字典dictionary 5. 钥匙key 6. 橡皮擦eraser (B) 颜色类1. 红red 2. 白 white 3. 黑black 4. 绿green 5. 黄yellow 6. 蓝blue 7. 紫purple 8. 棕brown 单 词: 素材典藏 at the airport, at the station, on the plane/train/ bus, in the taxi (注意介词的不同) 短 语: 素材典藏 1. First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! 2. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. 3. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 4. Hundreds of people come here every day. 句 型: 经典例题 假如你是Tony, 你心爱的宠物狗毛毛走失了,你特 别着急,现在请你用英语写一则寻狗启事。毛毛的特点 :黑白相间;短腿;大耳朵;小眼睛;长毛;粉色的鼻 子。你的电话号码是:236-0360。 注意: 1. 词数60 左右; 2. 文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。 经典例题 Lost My pet dog was lost yesterday._____________________ _____________________________________________ ____ _____________________________________________ ____ _____________________________________________ ____ _____________________________________________ ____ 经典例题 1. 体裁:应用文 2. 人称:描述事件以第一人称为主 3. 时态:主要使用一般现在时 【审题指导】 经典例题 【思路构建】 Lost What 说明内容 When 说明时间 Where 说明地点 How 如何联系失主 经典例题 Lost My pet dog was lost yesterday. I am very worried. His name is Maomao. He is black and white with short legs. He has big ears and small eyes. His nose is pink and his fur is quite long. He is very lovely. I miss him very much. If you find him, please call Tony at 236-0360. Thank you! 【范文赏析】 经典例题 点评:语言简洁明了,要点没有遗漏。作为一则寻物 启事,对丢失动物的特征表述清楚,可以让读者快速获取 信息,对于宠物狗外形的表达句式多样,with 结构更显示 出小作者的语言功底,是一篇佳作。 写作实践 请根据下面的内容提示写一则“寻物启事”。 提示 :在公园散步时,你把书包落在长椅(bench) 上 了。书包里面有一本语文书、一本数学书、一本英语书和 一些练习本,还有一个文具盒和一张学生卡,学生卡上面 有你的姓名、班级、学校等信息,你的电话是282-9888。 要求 :请根据以上信息写一则60 词左右的寻物启事 。 写作实践 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Lost Do you see a schoolbag on the bench in the park? Maybe it's mine. I'm sorry to leave it there. There is a Chinese book, a maths book, an English book and some exercise books in it. There's also a pencil box and a student card. There is information about my name, my class and my 写作实践 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ school on the student card. If you find it,please call me at 2829888. It's very nice of you to do so. Thank you! 查看更多

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