


Unit 2 It’s Show Time! Lesson 9 Danny’s School Project 教学设计 一、学习目标: ①掌握单词:describe build important soldier more 的用法 ②掌握短语:try your best a long time ago a little bit more 二、重点难点: ①For my project, I will describe some places and things from China. It comes in many colors. ②Improve students ’ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing 三.教学环节: Step 1.lead-in. Show the pictures . Do you know about them? What does Danny describe them? Let’s look at Danny’s project. Step 2. New words. 1.describe v. 描写;描述 I will describe some places and things from China. 2.build v.修建;建造 People built them a long time ago. These buildings are very tall. 3.ago adv. 前;以前 4.Army n.军队;陆军 5.clay n. 黏土 6.soldier n. 战士;士兵 7.important adj. 重要的 Is there anything important in today’s newspaper? 8.tool n. 工具;用具 9.desert n.沙漠;荒漠 10.more adj.&pron. 更多,较多 a little bit more 一点点 much many 的比较级 Step 3. Listen and answer. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. (1) What is an important tool on the Silk Road? (2)What is Danny wearing? Step 4.Read and answer. 1.For his project,Danny will describe______ and ____ from China. 2.How many riddles does Danny make? What are they? 3.Does Danny show any pictures of the Terra Cotta Warriors? 4.翻译(1)It comes in many colours. (2) Can you tell us a little bit more,please? (3) We can make clothes from it. Step 5.Language points. 1.Just try your best. try one’s best “尽某人最大努力”,相当于“do one’s best。 例:He tried his best to help me. 他尽力帮助我。 2. They look like an ancient army. look like 看起来像=look the same 例:What does it look like? 它看起来像什么? 3.It’s an important tool on the Silk Road. important 形容词,意为“重要的”。 She often forgets something important. 她经常忘记重要的事。 unimportant 形容词,“不重要的”,是important的反义词。importance 名词,“重要性”。 It is an unimportant thing. 这不是一件重要的事。 We all know the importance of learning English. 我们都知道学习英语的重要性。 4.We can make clothes from it. make from 和 make of 都表示“某物由……制成”。 make from 的原材料是看不到的,是一种化学变化; make of 的原材料是看得到的,即平常我们说的物理现象。 The chair is made of wood. 椅子是有木头做成的。 Paper is made from trees. 纸张是由木材做成的 Step 6.Play Act and Guess One student tries to describe something and the others try to guess what it is. Take turns guessing and describing. Step 7. Exercise. Rewrite these sentences in the simple present tense. 1. They looked at the picture. 2. Army rode a horse. 3. They built a bridge over the river. 4. We lived in the desert. 5. The new TV came in a big box. Step 8.Home work. 1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2.Search the Internet and find more places of interest in the world. 3.Write a passage about one of your trips with the Simple Past Tense. 四. 板书设计 describe build important soldier more try your best a long time ago a little bit more the Simple Past Tense. 查看更多

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