


lesson 13 Danny’s big scare 章节名称 冀教版八年级下册 第三单元 lesson 13 Danny’s big scare 学时 1 教材分析 本节课是冀教版初中英语七年级上册 unit 6 let’s go lesson35 let’s go to the museum . 在 教学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下 6 个部分的学习内容:⒈首先让学生们掌握本 课的重要和基本的词汇;⒉通过听力与阅读,让学生们对课文的内容有了大概的了解;⒊ 让学生根据课本里的语言和多媒体课件的辅助对描写宠物有个全面深入的认识,以及用这 个表达法来;⒋扩展训练,让他们用所学知识,新词汇以及新句型来描写你最喜欢的宠物 完成本课的学习目标和任务,并进行相关的写作训练;⒌利用游戏,巩固和总结本节课的 重难点;从而达到能力目标。6.结合本课的重难点让学生知道保护动物人人有责。在处理 这六部分的教学内容时,我把重难点放在了让学生理解和掌握 描写宠物的表达法上,通过看、听、说、练,写等练习,巩固句型及其用法。 学习者分析 八年级的学生,由于年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、 特别感兴趣。本节课使用了直观的图片视频等作为教学辅助。但是八年级的学生实际操作 过程中,却有很多问题。有的学生已经说得很好,有的学生可能说的不好,有的还不敢说。 再加上小学阶段对英语的重视程度不高且参差不齐,学生一开始对英语还有兴趣,但随着 英语知识的深入,这种兴奋往往会很快地减退,还很容易产生厌学情绪。因此最后能有一 定英语基础的学生并不多,本人针对这种现状,在本节课的设计上尽量简洁明了,突出重 点,以注重培养学习英语的兴趣,营造学英语的氛围,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差 生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。 教学目标 Teaching Aims and Demands ● 知识目标: (1)掌握词汇:loyal dog gentle rabbit sofa go on a vacation tiny tiger scream scare ring the doorbell (2)掌握短语及句型: 学习一些用于介绍宠物的句式 1. I would like to have a ........ because ......... 2. She is/ gentle/ quiet/loyal /lovely/cute/ helpful/ useful/cool/smart/ friendly. ●能力目标: 运用所学的知识介绍自己喜欢的宠物 ●情感目标: 让学生知道动物是我们的朋友让我们一起去保护它们。 Teaching Im portant and difficult points 学习一些用于介绍宠物的句式 2. I would like to have a ........ because ......... 3. She is/ gentle/ quiet/loyal /lovely/cute/ helpful/ useful/cool/smart/ friendly. Teaching Method 创设情境法、口语交际法、游戏法 信息技术应 用 多媒体课件 教学过程 教学内容 教学活动 设计意图 Step1: Leading-in 导入 Let’s students watch a short film to lead in today’s topic “pet” 由关于宠物的视频 来导入,容易激发学 生的学习兴趣 Step 2: new words 新词输入及输入 T: Do you like them ? do you want them as your pet? Today your friends Jenny and Danny are talking about their favourite pet ? if you want to know what is their favourite pet ,first let’s learn the new words. Show the words with pictures , English and Chinese meaning, let’s students read the words after teacher three times and practise by themselves with 2minutes. Then do a easy game to check if they can remember the words well. 新单词的机械操练 为接下来课文的阅 读和听力奠定扎实 的语言基础 Step 3 :task-based listening 任务型听力 Step4: task-based reading Let students listen the two times and Listen to the story and write true (T) or false (F). 1 .Brian has been to the zoo in Edmonton yet. ( ) 2.Aunt Jane and her family went on a vacation. ( ) 3.Zoe is gentle and noisy. ( ) 4.Zoe is Jenny's pet cat( ) Let students read the text loudly and Read the lesson and find the sentences that describe 通过听力训练让学 生大概理解课文的 内容以及接触地道 的英语读音来培养 扎实的英语语感 通过任务型的阅读, 让学生对本节课的 重难点有个初步的 认识. 任务型阅读 Step5: practise and produce the target language Step6: produce the target language 输出目标语言 pets. Zoe likes to eat fish, she doesn't like donuts. She’s gentle and quiet. Dogs are friendly and loyal. They even help people sometimes.(helpful) Show some names of pets and their features. T: f for me I would like to have a dog,because dogs are loyal and friendly. What would you like to have ? why ? Make a dialogue with your partner? Give three pets’ picture and let them choose their favourite pet as a group and then write the description on a piece of paper. Then give a presentation to the whole class loudly. 通过展现的单词以 及句型, 让学生以 问答形式操练句型。 以小组的方式,学生 自主完成,培养学生 写和说的能力以及 合作能力 以小组的方式,学生通 过写简单的地图和简单 的对话,培养学生根据 地图找到目的地能力以 Step7:summarize 小结 Step9: Homework 作业 Step10 teaching reflection Summarize today’s class by playing a game. Let students choose a number and then answer the question. To check if they learn well in this class,here are some exercises connect with every number and each exercise is related with today’s target language. By the way let students know that animals are our friend and let’s protect them together. Write a short passage about a pet that you or your friends have. you must use words or phrases what you have learned in today’s class. 本课涉及宠物的介绍,学生在课前做的准本足 够充分,而且课堂参与率也很高。 在教学过程中,教师始终要起好主导作用,想 方设法让学生发挥主体作用,这不是很容易做到 的,尤其是那些学习上有困难的同学,更应当受到 老师的关注。 本堂课在 practise 的环节, 为了提高课堂参 与率,题目设计的很简单,因此那些平时不太敢发 言的同学也有了举手回答问题的勇气,这真的是作 及写英语的能力 通过选数字做练习游 戏,促进提高学生课堂 参与率,检验本节课的 掌握率。 顺便通过本节课的问路 与指路,给学生做一个 情感价值观的教育 课后进一步巩固今天的 重难点 板书设计 为教师值得欣慰的! 但是可能是因为学生听力基础的薄弱,虽然全 堂课上教师努力放慢语速,有些指令学生还是没有 听清楚。第二,由于课堂时间有限,没能让同学们充分 展示小组讨论成果,有些地方学生都没有足够的时间 去操练。 Unit3 Animals Are Our Friends Lesson13 Danny’s Big Scare Describe pets: 1She’s gentle and quiet. 2 Dogs are friendly and loyal. 3 They are helpful. 4 What would you like to have?why? 5 I would like to have .....because....... 查看更多

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