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Lesson 10 Music and Dance 冀教版七年级下 Unit 2 It's Show Time! 习题链接 1 rich 2 Western 3 violin 4 realize 6 7 8 9 thinking about so much the same way wait to play music 先练后背 提示:点击 进入习题 5 traditional 答案呈现 10 take part in 习题链接 6 7 B B 题组专训 答案呈现 1 2 3 4 5 A B A C wait; on 8 Why not 9 10 D B 1 2 3 4 5 C A D B B 6 7 8 9 10 B A A B C 课后巩固 习题链接 课后巩固 答案呈现 11 dancer 12 Western 13 traditional 14 to play 15 buying 16 17 18 19 20 will be didn't give; any Why not Will; use Who did; visit 习题链接 课后巩固 答案呈现 21 22 23 24 25 I want to play music for you We have a colourful school life He is a good basketball player My father is going home from work I have so much homework every day 26 27 28 29 30 B C D E G 先练后背 一、根据汉语提示完成句子, 并背记相应英语词汇 1. Nobody gets ________ (富有的) from writing nowadays. 2. I like ________ (西方的) art. 3. The girl plays the ________ (小提琴) very well. rich Western violin 先练后背 4. I don't think you ________ (意识到) how important this is to her. 5. Drinking tea is a _____________ (传统的) custom in China. realize traditional 先练后背 二、根据提示完成句子, 并背记英语句子 6. 我仍然在想我们丝绸之路的旅行。 I'm still ________ ________ our trip to the Silk Road. thinking about 先练后背 7. 中国有如此悠久的历史。 China has ________ ________ history.so much 先练后背 8. 我也有同感。 I feel ________ ________ ________. the same way 先练后背 9. 我等不及要为我的所有朋友演奏音乐了。 I can't ________ ________ ________ ________ for all my friends. wait to play music 先练后背 10. 然后我们可以一起参加春节演出。 Then we can ________ ________ ________ the Spring Festival show together. take part in 题组专训 1. John's birthday is coming. Let's ________ the gift. A. think about B. ask for C. look after D. thank for A 题组专训 2. —What do you ________ talk shows? —They are interesting. I love them. A. thinks about B. think of C. think back D. think over B 题组专训 3. Every evening my daughter plays ________ piano for an hour. 【中考•宿迁】 A. the B. a C. / D. an A 题组专训 4. —Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join? —I want to join a sports club. I can ________ very well. 【中考•湘西】 A. play the football B. play a football C. play football C 题组专训 5. 暑假快到了, 我迫不及待想和家人去旅游了。 【中考•乐山】 It's almost summer vacation. I just can't ________ to go ________ holiday with my family. wait on 题组专训 6. I couldn't wait ________ the program The Reader. A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching B 题组专训 7. —Excuse me! Is there a supermarket near here? —Sorry, I'm new here too. Why not ________ the old lady over there? 【中考•广安】 A. asking B. ask C. asks D. to ask B 题组专训 8. Why don't you watch a talk show? (改为同义词) ________ ________ watch a talk show? 【中考•重庆B】 Why not 题组专训 9. Why don't you ________ the speech contest? A. to join B. to take part in C. to join in D. take part in D 【点拨】join表示参加活动时, 后加介词in; join后可直 接加人或组织; take part in指参加活动, 并在活动中起 积极作用。句意为“你为什么不参加演讲比赛呢? ”。 why don't you后跟动词原形, 故选D。 题组专训 10. —Shall we ________ the singing activity? —That's a good idea. Let's __________ them. A. join; join in B. join in; join C. join in; join in D. join; join B 【点拨】句意为“——我们参加唱歌活动好吗? ——那 是一个好主意, 让我们加入他们吧”。join in 参加(活 动); join sb.参加到某个人群中。故选B。 课后巩固 一、单项选择 1. —What did you do last night, Grace? —First, I did my homework, and then I played ________ piano for 30 minutes. 【中考•河池】 A. a B. an C. the D. / C 课后巩固 2. Our country has a very long history and ________ culture. A. rich B. fast C. quick D. slow A 课后巩固 3. Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is ________ in China. 【中考•河北 】 A. patient B. lucky C. possible D. traditional D 课后巩固 4. She can't wait ________ her grandmother. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw B 课后巩固 5. The two girls ________, so I think they are twins. A. look like B. look the same C. looks like D. look same B 课后巩固 6. We should ________ how important nature is to us. A. look B. realize C. expect D. like B 课后巩固 7. Anyone who is good at singing can ________ the activity in our school. 【中考•阜康、米泉】 A. take part in B. take off C. take out D. take care of A 【点拨】句意为“任何擅长唱歌的人都可以参加我们 学校的这个活动”。take part in参加; take off起飞; take out拿出; take care of照顾。故选A。 课后巩固 8. You look tired! Why not ________ a rest? A. stop to have B. stopping having C. stop having D. stopping to have A 【点拨】句意为“你看上去很疲劳!为什么不停下来 休息一会? ”。stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事; stop doing sth.停止做某事。结合句意, 可知选A。 课后巩固 9. When I wear this Tshirt, I will ________ Li Ming. A. think through B. think of C. think over D. think B 课后巩固 10. —Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? —________ It has been hot for a week. A. So it is. B. I'm afraid so. C. I hope so. D. Of course. C 课后巩固 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 11. Grace loves dancing. She wants to be a ________ (dance) when she grows up. 【中考•云南】 dancer 课后巩固 12. We want to try ________ (west) food in the restaurant. Western 课后巩固 13. The Spring Festival is a ____________ (tradition) festival in China. traditional 课后巩固 14. Jim's sister is learning ________ (play) the erhu.to play 课后巩固 15. My brother thinks about ________ (buy) a car.buying 课后巩固 三、按要求完成句子 16. I hope to be a scientist someday.(改为同义句) I hope that I ________ ________ a scientist someday. will be 课后巩固 17. He gave us some good ideas.(改为否定句) He ________ ________ us ________ good ideas.didn't give any 课后巩固 18. Why don't you have a rest? (改为同义句) ________ ________ have a rest?Why not 课后巩固 19. People will use robots more and more in the future life.(改为一般疑问句) 【中考•孝感】 ________ people ________ robots more and more in the future life? Will use 课后巩固 20. We visited our friends last night. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ last night?Who did visit 课后巩固 四、连词成句 21. want, you, music, I, to, play, for _____________________________.I want to play music for you 课后巩固 22. colourful, we, life, have, school, a ______________________________.We have a colourful school life 课后巩固 23. player, he, good, is, basketball, a ______________________________.He is a good basketball player 课后巩固 24. from, father, home, work, going, my, is ____________________________________.My father is going home from work 课后巩固 25. much, day, I, homework, so, have, every __________________________________.I have so much homework every day 课后巩固 五、补全对话 根据上下文意思, 从方框 中选择五个句子补全对话, 使 其意思完整(有两项多余)。 A: Hey, David. We'll have a threeday holiday. ________26 A. That's interesting. B. What are you going to do? C. What for? D. What kind of festival is it? E. How will you celebrate it? F. I have never tasted it. G. Would you like to go with us? B 课后巩固 B: Nothing much. What about you? A: I'm going to my hometown with my parents. B: ________27 A: To celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. A. That's interesting. B. What are you going to do? C. What for? D. What kind of festival is it? E. How will you celebrate it? F. I have never tasted it. G. Would you like to go with us? C 课后巩固 B: ________28 A: It's a traditional festival in China. B: ________29 A: We'll have dinner with my relatives together, watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi. A. That's interesting. B. What are you going to do? C. What for? D. What kind of festival is it? E. How will you celebrate it? F. I have never tasted it. G. Would you like to go with us? D E 课后巩固 B: Zongzi? What is it? Is it delicious? A: Yes. Every year my grandmother makes it with some rice, meat and the leaves of bamboo. ________30 We can celebrate it together. A. That's interesting. B. What are you going to do? C. What for? D. What kind of festival is it? E. How will you celebrate it? F. I have never tasted it. G. Would you like to go with us? G 查看更多

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