


Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear When he was a baby He could see. He could______. He could______. He could______. But he couldn't _______. could couldn't Helen Keller Listen. could couldn't talk see hear read and or born Where? When? Listen. was born in the US. in 1880. He was born in _________ in ____. She was born in the US in 1880. Zhejiang 1881 I I was born in _________ in _____. Read and answer. Who helped Helen? How did she teach Helen? Her teacher. She drew letters in Helen’s hand and taught her to spell. a book. lived to be read, write and speak. eighty-seven. Read and fill. More about Helen Keller. Helen Keller was born in this house. She leant the first word “water” by her teacher. She went around the world for blind people. She is a role model for blind people and also for you and me. Listen and read. Listen and sing. 香 梨 儿 Thank you! 查看更多

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