


Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? Why is he laughing? Why is he crying? Why is she laughing? Why is Sam in the closet? Why is Sam here? Because he's playing hide-and-seek. Why is Amy here? Because she's playing hide-and-seek. Why are you here? Why are you here? Why are you here? Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? It's going to be sunny. It's going to rain. Let's read! Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Because it's going to be sunny. Why are you wearing a ______? Because it's going to be ______. Why are you wearing a ______? Because it's going to be ______. Let's say! Why are you wearing a dress? Because I'm going to _______. Why are you wearing a ______? Because I'm going to _______. Why are you wearing a ______? Because I'm going to _______. Guessing! Guessing! Let's sing! Thank you! 查看更多

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