


回答问题(二) 生活方式 +事物介绍 +社会问题 请阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。 A Many of us have feelings of loneliness as we grow up. Some teenagers can't stand eating alone in the dining hall, and girls even go to the restroom hand in hand. They fear being called a “loner”. In these cases, we might use the word “loner” in a disapproving(不赞成的) way. However, it can actually have a good meaning as well. It all depends on our attitude toward being alone. “It's hard to feel lonely when you're trying to master a new skill, practice a hobby or try out a new recipe,” wrote US lifestyle writer Adrienne Breaux. She used to be a terrible cook, but whenever loneliness hit her, she would buy a lot of ingredients and figure out how to make them into delicious dishes. After a few months, she became good at cooking. If you can make use of your solo(单独的) time, you'll find that it won't trouble you. People are becoming more peaceful about being alone. This doesn't mean we should totally shut ourselves from the outside world, of course. But it doesn't hurt to have some “me time” once in a while. “Honjok” in South Korea “Honjok” has become a growing lifestyle in South Korea. The word comes from “hon” (alone) and “jok” (tribe 一族). These people eat alone, travel alone, and enjoy being by themselves. “I hope it grows into a self-supporting culture of happiness,” said Jang Jae Young, a South Korean who runs a website about this solo lifestyle called honjok.me. Loner Economy(经济) in Japan There are many solo karaoke bars and solo cafés in Japan. Ramen( 拉 面 ) restaurants for solo diners are especially popular. Boards separate each seat. Diners fill out a form to place an order, and then press a button to call the waiter. They don't see the faces of other customers or waiters. 1.What does the writer want to tell us by mentioning the US lifestyle writer Adrienne Breaux? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.How do you like the “loners” in South Korea? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.In the passage, the underlined word “this” refers to . 4.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (不超过 25 个汉字) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Do you want to be a loner? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ B When was the last time you used a phone booth(电话亭) on the street?With the rise of mobile phones, they have become something out of date. But Shanghai is trying to bring a new life to the old phone booths by turning them into mini-libraries. 电话亭将被分成三种类型。 One type is that each will offer 60 books for people to read or borrow. A second type will allow users to listen to audio-books(有声书) and even record their own voices. A third type will show old photos and works of famous artists. Once Upon a Place It's an art program for phone booths in New York City. Three phone booths are built on Time Square. When visitors pick up the phones, they can listen to stories about the newest New Yorkers. They can also open the books inside to know more about the storytellers. Or they can share part of their own stories if they wish to. Shanghai isn't the only city trying to save the old phone booths.The British care about them even more, since the red phone booths have long been a part of the country's symbol. The world's first phone booth was built in the 1880s in Germany. But in the 1930s, the UK painted them red. In recent years,the country has come up with many ideas to help phone booths stay useful. The phone booth is a pretty special space and has been roles in many movies. Movie Scenes ·Superman Every time the man plans to become Superman, he hides in a phone booth to change clothes. ·Doctor Who The hero is a scientist from outer space. He time-travels through a police phone booth. ·Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix In the movie, a red phone booth acts as an elevator. Harry uses it to enter the Ministry of the Magic. They added screens and free Wi-Fi to some booths. Users can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports. Also people can rent(租)some booths to change them as they want to. Since 2009, more than 1,500 phone booths have been turned into shower rooms, according to the Sina News. Maybe in the future phone booths will be used in a more creative way. 1.What can people do in mini-libraries in Shanghai?(One or two examples are OK.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.The underlined word “they” in the sentence refers to . 3.Please translate the underlined sentence into English. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(不超过 30 个汉字) ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ 5.What does the “Movie Scenes” part mainly tell us? ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ 6.Can you think of other creative ways to make use of the phone booths? Tell us one of them. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ C You might not think of England as a place with a water shortage(短缺) problem. However, Bevan, a government worker, warned at a recent meeting that England will run short of water in 25 years. He said that it is facing “the jaws of death(鬼门关)”. A major reason for the water shortage is the change of weather. As recently as 2017, Britain saw its driest 10-month period in more than 100 years. In 2018, many lakes ran dangerously low because it rained much less than ever. By 2040, more than half of UK summers will be hotter than the summer of 2003, and water supply from rivers could fall by between 50—80 percent. In 2003, the UK experienced one of the most serious heat waves in recorded history. 另一个主要原因是英国人在日常生活中浪费太多水。 Water Use at Home Bathroom: 56 liters, 40% Toilet: 31 liters, Each person in Britain uses about 140 liters(升) of water every day through taking showers, washing machines and gardening. “People don't see water as something we need to save…everyone thinks that we are a wet country,” Hannah Freeman, a charity worker, told the BBC. Bevan said that people should try to save water and that people could cut their daily water use from 140 to 100 liters. “There are simple steps we can all take…Get a low flush toilet(抽水马桶). Take short showers, not deep baths…Don't water your lawn( 草 坪 ): It will survive without you,” he said at the meeting. Wherever you are in the world, water is valuable. Our world is 70 percent covered by water, but only 2.5 percent of it is fresh, and only 1 percent is easily to get. So we should all do our best to save the water we are lucky enough to have and not be wasteful. 1.How soon will England suffer from a shortage of water? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.According to the chart, where do the British use the most water? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.List one reason for the water shortage in the UK. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Translate the underlined sentence into English. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 22% Cold water (drinking, etc): 31 liters, 22% Washing machine: 13 liters, 9% Dish: 7 liters, 5% Outdoor: 3 liters, 2% 6.How will you use water while you're in the UK? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考答案】 A 1.If you can make use of your solo time (by doing something), loneliness won't trouble you./… 2.In South Korea, more and more people enjoy being alone./In South Korea, being alone is a trend and more and more people enjoy it./… 3.People are becoming more peaceful about being alone. 4.只要我还有自我,他们来去对我都一样。 5.Yes, I do. Because I can make use of my solo time to improve my life skills./… No, I don't. Because I'm afraid of loneliness./…(开放性试题,言之有理即可。) B 1.They can read or borrow books/listen to audio-books and even record their own voices/see old photos and works of famous artists. 2.visitors 3.The phone booths will be divided into three types. 4.近年来,这个国家已经想出了许多让电话亭继续发挥作用的主意。 5.It mainly tells us that the phone booth has been roles in many movies. 6.答案不唯一,合理即可。 C 1.In 25 years./In 25 years' time. 2.In the bathroom. 3.The change of weather./The waste of water. 4.英国经历了有文字记载的历史上最严重的热浪(袭击)。 5.Another major reason is that the British waste too much water in daily life. 6.Take short showers./Get a low flush toilet./Don't water the lawn./Cut down the use of water./Recycle waste water./Use less water. (Any possible answers) 查看更多

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