

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 外研版 / 七年级下册 / 外研版七年级下册英语期末复习课件(1)

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七年级(下) Modules 1-6 外研版七年级下册英语期末复习课件(1) whose find purple camera leave plane airport hundred thousand boat tennis piano term board ready score kite nobody nothing silly late early carry change future need maybe machine robot space heavy certainly price fresh anywhere compare product receive several almost museum along street underground middle above river clear bridge finish lost careful careless swimming swam swum player left left collection worried flew flown winner won won rose risen hopeful hopeless took taken across beautiful beautifully windy truly truth ability safety height third summer holiday one day post office look for go out worry about get on well with sb. would like look forward to make friends (with) enjoy oneself take a walk come true wait a minute try on be careful with be able to ready to do sth. in the future from now on in a hurry hundreds of one of just like as well first of all that's all not … any more not only…but also… Don't stay at home alone play the piano there won't be no more won't any more not only but also Why not ask the way to What can I do for you What colour What size May I try it on Can I help you How much B C eft A B A C B C C C C B others other the other the others A C B B B B B A C bring Take get carrying B D B D B C D A B C B A C cross through D D A return ummer our Wednesday July safety A D nothing another mine C thousand fifth C orward hardly early especially B fly taught impossible easy D B A famous tidy Cross almost safe clearly visiting cheerful vegetables careful D E C B A 考点精练三  七年级(下)Modules 1-6 C B C B D A A B B B D D B A C A D B C B T F T F T B C A B C ready early thousand your visiting D E C B A 查看更多

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