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2020-2021 年英语中考英语阅读理解 100 及答案 1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟) . Don't argue (争辩) with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解) . Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try! (1) According to the passage who have a communication problem? A. parents and other people B. only school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages (2) How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5. B. 4. C. 3. D. 2. (3) The underlined word "bridge" in the passage means "___________". A. 建立 B 消.除 C 通.过 D 到.达 (4) If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you'd better ___________. A. argue with them B. keep away from them C. agree with them all the time D. tell your parents what you care about (5) The best title for the passage is ___________. A. How to bridge the generation gap B. How to deal with family problems C. How to be good parents D. How to be a good child 【答案】 ( 1) D (2) C (3) B (4) D (5) A 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:短文 了家 和孩子之 有代沟,主要原因就是缺少沟通,当我 彼此了 解了 方的 点和想法以后,就能很容易的理解 方,从而消除代沟。 ( 1) 理解 。根据第二段第一句 Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages, 于父母和所有年 段的孩子来 ,交流是个 ,可知交流是父母与孩子的 。故 D。 ( 2) 。根据整篇文章内容及其第三段第一句 Don't argue (争 ) with your parents 。不要和你的父母争 。第四段句子 Try to reach a compromise (和解)。 达成 妥 。第六段句子 Talk about your values 。 你的价 。可知一共 了三点建 。故 C。 ( 3) 猜 。根据上下文 If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents worry about it 。 Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟) , don't "如果你很 和你的父母沟通,不要担心, 里有一些建 可以帮助你 ⋯代沟。可知作者提供的是如 何消除代沟的建 , 合 ,即 里有一些建 可以帮助你消除代沟,所以 bridge 意 消除。故 B。 ( 4) 理解 ,根据倒数第二段句子"The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own 。 Tell your parents what you care about , and why 。 " 你父母的价 可能与 你自己的价 不同。告 你的父母你关心什么, 什么。可知 父母了解你的价 ,可以帮助父母更加的了解你,故 D。 ( 5) 。根据整篇文章内容及其第二段句子 Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages 。 If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents , don't worry about it 。 Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟)。 于父 母和所有年 段的孩子来 ,交流是个 ,如果你很 和你的父母沟通,不要担心, 里有一些建 可以帮助你消除代沟。可知本文主要介 怎 消除代沟的建 , 消除代沟提出一些建 ,故 A。 【点 】考 理解。本文考 和主旨 等常考 型, 要注意从文中抓住关 找答案;主旨 需要 通 全文,了解大意之后找出主 句。 2. 理解 What do you see when you look at abstract (抽象的) art? Can you understand it? Does it look like anything? Abstract art became popular in the early 20th century. Artists did not want to paint, draw, or sculpt things exactly like they looked. They didn't want their art to be realistic ( 的) . They were more interested in basic shapes and colours. Picasso is probably the most famous of these artists. He painted and drew in many, many styles. Sometimes he used a lot of blue colours ( his "blue period" ) . Later, he used more red and pink colours ( his "rose period" ) . Many of his other paintings are called "cubist ( 立 体 派 的 ) " because they are made of painted squares. After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract. He painted people and things using strange shapes. His work was so strange that many of his workmates didn't understand it. Kandinsky, another famous artist, used lines, shapes, and patterns to paint his subjects. His paintings also used strong colours to express feelings. Other artists like the surrealists (超现实主义 画家), were interested in subconsciousness (潜意识) . Painters like Breton and Magritte used many symbols in their work. The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that looked like dreams. There are still many abstract artists around the world. That's the way many artists prefer. They want each person to look at art and find their own meaning in it. (1) Which would be most like abstract art? (2) What happened to Picasso's work after a long time? (3) How did Kandinsky express feelings? A. By using strong colours. B. By painting realistic people. C. By painting with a lot of symbols. D. By painting in red and pink colours. (4) Which of the following is NOT true? A. Picasso painted in many different styles. B. Dali was interested in dreams. C. Abstract artists feel each work of art only has one meaning. D. Magritte's art was full of symbols. 【答案】 ( 1) D (2) A (3) A (4) C 【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了抽象派艺术及其代表人物毕加索。 ( 1)推理题。根据毕加索是抽象艺术的代表人物 Sometimes he colours (his "blue period" ) . Later, he used more red and pink colours used a lot of blue 有时他使用很多 蓝色,后来,他使用了更多的红色和粉色, 可知 一幅红色和蓝色的画,没有清晰的主题最 像抽象艺术 , 故选 D。 ( 2 )细节题。根据 After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract 可知 很久以后毕加索的作品变得更加抽象 , 故选 A。 ( 3)细节题。根据 His paintings also used strong colours to express feelings 斯通过使用强烈的颜色基表达感情的 , 故选 A。 可知康定 ( 4)细节题。根据 The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that looked like dreams. 他们工作的意义或主题 并不总是清楚的。另一位超现实主义艺术家达利画的画看起来像梦 件艺术品只有一种意义是错误的 , 故选 C。 可知抽象艺术家觉得每 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断 题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。 3.阅读理解 Denies Walme in Texas, USA, now 14 years old, published his best-seller Unbending Gisula eight years ago. The book is about a little whale named Gisul. One day, Gisula did not take his mother's words and went up the beach. Then he got lost and had to learn to live by himself. The colour pictures were drawn by Denies himself. Denies published the books at the age of six He is said to be the youngest writer and picture artist. Another surprising thing about the book is that it became a best seller immediately after it was published and brought him a lot of money. Because he spent much time writing the books, his study was not very good and he had to learn the year's work again but his gift of writing is highly praised by the teachers and student. And he was even invited to give talks on writing. But Denies does not want to be a writer. He said, 'I like planes most. I dream of becoming a pilot someday.' (1) From the story we can learn that Denies__________. (2) What Denies liked most is________. A. writing stories B. drawing pictures C. whales D. planes (3) When did Denies publish the books? A. At the age of six B. At the age of eight C. At the age of sixteen D. I don't know. 【答案】 ( 1) C (2) D (3) A 【解析】 【分析】大意:本文主要介绍作者丹尼斯个人的一些基本情况以及他的最畅销的 书,他虽然学习怎么好,但是他善于写作,他梦想将来能成为一名飞行员,他的书主要介 绍一只小鲸鱼,有一天小鲸鱼 Gisula 不听妈妈的话,爬上了海滩。然后迷路不得不独自生 活的故事。 (1)细节题。根据 The colour pictures were drawn by Denies himself. 可知,通过这个故事我 们知道丹尼斯为自己的书画画,故选 C。 ( 2)细节题。根据 I like planes most. 可知,丹尼斯最喜欢飞机,故选 D。 (3)细节题。根据 now 14 years old, published his best-seller Unbending Gisula eight years ago. 丹尼斯现在 14 岁,他的最畅销的书是 8 年前出版的,可知,他那是才 6 岁,故选 A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻找答案。 4.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 D If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don ’ t know what ’ s coming. Sure, it ’ s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的) light when you ’treofouwork, or when you feel like you ’ re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance. When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chan ces all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting (咨询) , but s he knew she wouldn ’ t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income (收入) by teaching students. Still, she didn ’ t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she wasn’ t doing what she wanted, but she didnt know what she’ wanted. She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的) plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we ’ re being honest with ourselves. The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own —it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, bu t it doesn ’ t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty. (1) From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that . A. being out of work is a sad thing C. life in a film is more exciting than real life. (2) What troubles Allison after graduation? B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting D. chance never appears when we need it A. She couldn ’ t find a well-paid job. B. She had no money to start a business. C. She was not sure what to do. D. She didn ’ t score high enough for graduate school. (3) How did Allison feel about her six years ’ working experience? A. Uncertain. B. Amazed . C. Sorry. D. Satisfied. (4) What may be discussed in the following paragraph? A. How to deal with uncertainty. C. Why people fear uncertainty. B. What role uncertainty plays in life. D. Whom to go to when facing uncertainty. 【答案】 ( 1) B (2) C (3) D (4) A 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇关于人生的议论性短文。短文以艾莉森为例描写了人生的不确 定性,也正是正在不确定性才让我们的生活变得更加有趣。但是短文最后并没有提出解决 办法。 (1)细节理解。根据 The excitement of living is that you don ’t know what ’可 s 知 coming 生 活. 的刺激性正是因为他的不可预知性,故选 B。 (2)细节理解。根据 but had no idea what she wanted to do. 及下文描述可知选 C。 (3)细节理解。根据 Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: 及本段描述可 知选 D。 (4)推理判断。根据 you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty.及上文描述可知本 段对不确定性进行了描述,但是并没有提出解决办法,故选 A,如何处理不确定性。 点评:阅读中,要注意作者的观点,注意根据关键语句了解作者要表达的观点。然后带着 问题,再读全文,完成阅读。 5.阅读理解 One day, when I arrived at school, an ice cream truck was parked in the schoolyard. Ice cream men usually drove their trucks to primary schools. I had never thought one ice cream truck would come to bring ice cream to us older kids. When I went up to the truck, I was quite surprised to hear the man call out, "Free ice cream!" To make sure of his words, I asked, "I'm sorry. What did you say?"" Free ice cream. Choose whichever you like," he said, smiling. After I was certain that the man was just giving away the ice cream, I talked with him for a long time. He told me that his dream was to travel around, giving away ice cream, and that's what he was now doing. With his mother's support, he kept doing what he loved even during hard times. Now, some large companies were helping him with his plan. The man said he wanted to encourage people to do exactly what their hearts told them to do during their lives. I kept asking him, "So your dream was just to drive around and give away ice cream? It seems like a very unusual goal." "Yes, just meeting people and making them smile," he replied. At that point he handed me my ice cream. I thanked him, but what I got from him was much more than just ice cream. It can't easily be expressed in words. I believe what he was doing is exactly what great people do all the time: small acts of big love. (1) From the story we know that the writer was most probably at that time. A. a middle school student B. a primary school student C. a middle school teacher D. a primary school teacher (2) Why did the writer ask the ice cream man to say what he had said again ? A. Because he was not sure whether what he had heard was true. B. Because the ice cream truck had never been here. C. Because the ice cream man said in a low voice. D. Because his hearing was very poor. (3) With his mother's help and some large companies' support, . A. the man became rich B. the man could produce ice cream C. the man could drive D. the man realized his dream (4) What's the best title for this story ? A. A great man B. Small acts of big love C. A kind of charity D. My dream 【答案】 ( 1) A (2) A (3) D (4) B 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:通过作者在上中学免费领取冰淇淋的事,给我们讲述了一个 大道理:小行动大爱。 (1)逻辑推理题,根据 Ice cream men usually drove their trucks to primary schools. I had never thought one ice cream truck would come to bring ice cream to us older kids. 可知作者是一个中学生,故答案是 A。 (2)细节理解题,根据 When I went up to the truck, I was quite surprised to hear the man call out, "Free ice cream!" To make sure of his words, I asked, "I'm sorry. What did you say?" 可知,作者对于卖冰淇淋人的活不太相信,故答案是 A。 (3)细节理解题,根据 With his mother's support, he kept doing what he loved even during hard times. Now, some large companies were helping him with his plan.可知,在妈妈的帮助 下,作者实现了自己的梦想,故答案是 D。 (4)标题判断题,根据 I believe what he was doing is exactly what great people do all the time: small acts of big love. 可知本文的标题应该是:小行动大爱,故答案是 B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题、逻辑推理题和标题判断题。细节理解题可 以直接从文中寻找答案;逻辑推理题需要结合具体语境,有已知内容推出未知的可能的事 实;标题判断题需要在充分理解文章的基础上归纳文章中心,凝练句式得出结论。 6.阅读理解 When you think of a museum, I bet you don't think of a place where children run around. But the Science Museum is different. It's noisy! You can get to the Science Museum by going on the London Underground from Waterloo on the Jubilee Line to Westminster. Then take the Circle or the District Line to South Kensington. When you walk out, take a look around you, and you should see it. What to bring: at least two bottles of drinks for the kids and f 10 to spend in the cafes. Entrance is free! The most interesting and exciting part of coming here is to go to the kids' area, the Launch Pad on the 3rd floor. At busy times, you may have to wait in line, but staff (工作人员) will provide science toys for you and the kids to play with. It is great fun there. And if you love science, it should indulge (满足) you as you will learn about science in a fun way. There are also simulators (模拟装置) on the 3rd floor, so think of Floor 3 as a "fun floor". If you want to learn about the museum, then go to the ground floor. They have some things which will interest you. Over all, it's a fun experience for the kids and you may enjoy it too. It's also free to get in! (1) How is the Science Museum different from other museums? A. It's big. B. It's free. C. It's busy. D. It's noisy. (2) Paragraph 2 is mainly about ________________. A. how to get to the Science Museum B. when to visit the Science Museum C. what to bring to the Science Museum D. how to plan a trip to the Science Museum (3) You can _______________ at the Launch Pad. A. buy your favourite drink B. get some science toys for free C. learn about science in a fun way D. learn the history of the Science Museum (4) What do the underlined words "Over all" mean in Chinese? A. 另外 B 总.之 C 因.此 D 相.反 (5) The passage is most probably ________________. A. a story B. a piece of news C. a review D. an advertisement 【答案】 ( 1) D (2) A (3) C (4) B (5) C 【解析】 【分析】大意:本文介绍怎样去科学博物馆及科学博物馆里面的一些好玩的地 方,如第三楼的航天器等发射平台,有许多模拟装置。 (1)细节题。根据 But the Science Museum is different.It's noisy! 可知,科学博物馆很吵,故选 D。 ( 2)段落大意题。第二段主要介绍怎样去科学博物馆,故选 A。 (3)细节题。根据 it should indulge (满足) you as you will learn about science in a fun way. 可知,你可以在发射平台用一种有趣的方式了解科学,故选 C。 (4)词义猜测题。根据 Over all, it's a fun experience for the kids and you may enjoy it too. It's also free to get in! 可知,总之,它是孩子进行有趣体验的好去处,你可能也会喜欢它。进去 是免费的。本段是对前文的总结,推出 over all 的意思是 “总之 ”,故选 B。 ( 5)推断题。这篇文章介绍科学博物馆,结合 Over all, it's a fun experience for the kids 等 等可知,这篇文章可能是一篇评论,故选 C。 【点评】考查阅读理解,首先通读全文,了解全文大意,其次分析问题,抓住问题的关键 词,在文中寻找相关信息,确定答案,最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。 7.阅读理解 Charity Walk in 2017 Sunday 18th June 2017 10:00 am- Register(登记) 10:30 am- -Walk Begins 18th~24th June Venue(场地) : Baddesley Clinton House B930DQ Walk registration fee ( 登记费用) : Adults: $5 ( on the day $ 7 ) Children: $3 (on the day $4 ) Under 5 years old: free By paying the registration fee you will be able to enter Baddesley Clinton House and grounds for free (normally BRM/DAY $10.45~ $11. 50 for adults and $5. 15~ $5.70 for children ) Pets welcome on the walk but they cannot enter the house and gardens. If you are interested in taking part, please call Michael at 0121 788 1143 or email centre@solihullcarers.org. You can also visit our website wrurw.solihullcarers.org to register and pay online. Registered Charity No: 2092613 Email: centre@solihullcarers.org (1) The poster is probably from ______________. A. a website B. a storybook C. a novel D. a game show (2) The walk will begin ______________. A. on June 19th B. on June 24th C. at 10:00 am D. at 10:30 am (3) If two kids above 5 years old register in advance (提前) , and their mother registers on the day, they will pay ______________. A. $15 B. $13 C. $11 D. $7 (4) After registration, a kid should pay ______________ to enter Baddesley Clinton House and grounds. A. nothing B. $5. 15 C. $5.70 D. $10.45 (5) From the poster, we can learn the following EXCEPT that ______________. A. the walk is 35km in total B. you can make a call to register C. pets can enter the house and gardens D. the charity walk is from June 18th to 24th 【答案】 ( 1) A (2) D (3) B (4) A (5) C 【解析】 【分析】主要讲了一些广告信息。 (1)细节题。根据 You can also visit our website wrurw.solihullcarers.org to register and pay online. 可知海报可能来自网站,故选 A。 ( 2)细节题。根据 10:30 am--Walk Begins,可知在上午 10 点半开始,故选 D。 (3)细节题。根据 Adults: $5 ( on the day $ 7 ) Children: $3 (on the day $4 )可知孩子提 前支付是每人 3 美元,两人用 6 美元,大人不提前支付,在那天支付是 7 美元,,所以一 共是 13 美元,故选 B。 (4)细节题。根据 By paying the registration fee you will be able to enter Baddesley Clinton House and grounds grounds ,故选 A。 for free 可知支付登记费用后,可以免费进入 Clinton House and (5)细节题。根据 Pets welcome on the walk but they cannot enter the house and gardens. 可 知宠物不能进入房子和花园,故选 C。 【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。 8.阅读理解 We all know that many inventions have changed our life a lot. They play important roles in our daily life. Here are some interesting inventions. Morpher People refuse to wear helmets because they're thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic. It is just as strong as traditional helmets, but it can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry. Morpher may be available for sale in stores in the near future. HyperAdapt Have you ever seen the movie Back to the Future? Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie that can tighten or loosen by themselves. Now, thanks to the shoe factory, the dream is realized. When you push a button on the shoe, HyperAdapt can tighten or loosen around the feet. Flyte Flyte is a light bulb that can float and turn. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January, The company also introduced a lot of similar products, including a planter, Lyfe, which came out in June. Little Printer It looks lovely and is called Little Printer, This machine can print news headlines ( 摘要 ) , riddles and other things on a roll (卷) of paper, If you want to make your own little newspaper, don't forget to use it. (1) Morpher is made of _________. A. steel B. plastic C. gold D. wood (2) What's the main use of the Little Printer? (3) The underlined word "button" means "_________" in Chinese. A. 按钮 B 门.铃 C 电.梯 D 键.盘 (4) What kind of invention can float in the passage? A. Morpher. B. Little Printer. C. Flyte. D. HyperAdapt. (5) Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? A. Maybe everyone wants the pair of shoes in the movie Back to the Future. B. You can make your own little newspaper with the Little Printer. C. Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in February. D. Morpher can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry. 【答案】 ( 1) B (2) D (3) A (4) C (5) C 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:发明改变了我们的生活,在日常生活中起到了重要作用。文 章介绍了四种有趣的发明:可以变形的自行车头盔,超适应的鞋,漂浮和转动的灯泡和小 型打印机。 ( 1)细节理解题,根据 Morpher is a bike helmet made of plastic. 可知 Morphe 是塑料制 成的 ,故答案是 B。 (2)细节理解题,根据 This machine can print news headlines (摘要) , riddles and other things ,可知小型打印机可以打印文章的标题,谜语还有其他的东西,故答案是 D。 ( 3)细节理解题,根据 When you push a | button on the shoe, 可知是要按鞋上的按钮 因此 button 的意思是按钮,故答案是 A。 ( 4)细节理解题,根据 Flyte is a light bulb that can float and turn. 可知 Flyte 可以漂 浮 , 故答案是 C。 (5)正误判断题,根据 Flyte has been popular with most people since it came out in January, 可知 Flyte 是二月份发明的,而不是一月份 , 故答案是 C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题和正误判断题。细节理解题可以直接从文中 寻找答案;正误判断题同属于细节理解题,需要根据文章内容做出正误判定。 9.阅读理解 A small robot may help children who are ill in hospital or at home. These children may feel lonely without their friends or classmates. The robot takes their places at school. Through the robot, the children can hear their teachers and friends. The robot is called AV1. A Norwegian company called No Isolation created the robot. Dolva explains how the robot AV1 works. She says from home, children use a tablet or phone to start the robot. Then they use the same device to control the robot's movements. At school, the robot becomes their eyes, ears and voice. "So, it sits at the child's desk in the classroom and the child uses a tablet or a phone to start it and control its movements and talks through it. So it's the eyes, the ears and the voice at school." The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras that make communication easy. AV1 is large and looks like a human for a reason. Dolva says this is important because the robot is supposed to be a friend of the children. "It can't be just a tiny camera because the other kids can't pick it up and take it with them. This is supposed to be their friend." And robots are, quite simply, cool. Hopefully AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are not in class. (1) The children can do the following things EXCEPT __________ through the robot. ( 2) The underlined phrase "is equipped with" in Paragraph 3 has the same meaning as"__________". A. repairs B. has C. enjoys D. plays (3) What's the best title for the passage? A. A new robot helps children feel less lonely B. How to make yourself feel less lonely C. A Norwegian company D. How to use a robot 【答案】 ( 1) C (2) B (3) A 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了挪威一家名为 “无隔离 ”的公司发明的叫 AV1 机器 人。他它可以帮助医院里生病的孩子,免除孩子们的孤独。 (1)细节理解题,根据文章内容可知,孩子们可以用这个机器人听音乐,跟朋友谈话, 听老师说话,但是不能做作业,故答案是 C。 ( 2) 猜 , is equipped with 是被用 ⋯⋯装 的意思,因此它就具有了 些 西,因此是 有的意思,, 故答案是 B。 ( 3) 判断 ,根据文章内容可知,本文介 了一种帮孩子 减少孤独的机器人,故答案是 A。 【点 】考 理解。本文涉及 理解 、 猜 和 判断 。 理解 可以直接从文中 找答案; 猜 需 要 合具体 境,推出未知 的意思; 判断 需要在充分理解文章的基 上 文章中心,凝 句式 得出 。 10. 理解 Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another in some ways. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar. In Western countries, people usually celebrate New Year from midnight on December 31st to January 1st, People may go to parties, sometimes dressed in formal (正式的) clothes, and they may drink champagne(香 ) at midnight. During the first minute of the new year, people cheer and wish each other happiness for the year ahead, But some cultures prefer to celebrate the new year by waking up early to watch the sunrise. They welcome the new year with the first light of the sunrise. Many cultures also do special things to get rid of ( 脱) bad luck at the beginning of a new year. For example, in Ecuador, families make a big doll from old clothes, The doll is filled with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, these dolls are burned to show the bad things from the past year are gone and the new year can start afresh (重新) . Other common traditions to keep away bad luck in a new year include throwing things into rivers or the ocean, or saying special things on the first day of the new year. Other New Year traditions are followed to bring good luck in the new year. One widespread Spanish tradition for good luck is to eat grapes on New Year's Day. The more grapes a person eats, the more good luck he will have in the new year. In France, people eat pancakes for good luck on New Year's Day. In the United States, some people eat black-eyed peas for good luck-but to get good luck for a whole year, you have to eat 365 of them! ( 1) The passage is mainly about____________. A. the meaning of "Happy New Year! B. several different New Year traditions C. what to eat on New Year's Day D. why people dress up nicely on New Year's Day (2) It's clear that____________. ( 3) To have a happy new year, ____________. A. friends talk to each other in special ways B. families make big dolls filled with old clothes C. some people get up early to watch the sunrise D. Europeans eat 365 grapes on New Year's Day (4) When eating black- eyed peas on New Year's Day, people think____________. A. one pea brings one day of luck B. black- eyed peas are the best medicine C. the peas are too black and taste bad D. the peas are helpful to count numbers 【答案】 ( 1) B (2) A (3) C (4) A 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了西方国家不同的庆祝新年的方式, (1)主旨大意题,通过阅读全文可知,短文主要介绍了不同国家不同的新年庆祝方式, 故答案是 B。 (2)细节理解题,根据 But some cultures prefer to celebrate the new year by waking up early to watch the sunrise. 可知,一些国家喜欢在早晨庆祝新年,故答案是 A。 (3)细节理解题,根据 But some cultures prefer to celebrate the new year by waking up early to watch the sunrise. They welcome the new year with the first light of the sunrise. 可知,为 了过一个快乐的新年,人们要早起看日出,故答案是 C。 (4)细节理解题,根据 In the United States, some people eat black-eyed peas for good luck- but to get good luck for a whole year, you have to eat 365 of them! 可知人们认为吃一颗黑豆会带 来一天的好运,故答案是 A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题和主旨大意题。细节理解题要可以直接从文 中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。 11. 阅读理解 When Carson Palmer, a professional American football player, hurt his arm a few years ago, he took a week off to stop throwing the football. But in his head, Palmer practiced every day. The following weekend, Palmer had the best game of his life. For more than a century, scientists have been trying to understand how this mental training works. In the 1930s, researchers proved by experiment that when you're imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles which are too weak to tighten the muscles but might help train the body to perform. In other words, mental practice might create a plan in your head, like a how-to guide for a special skill. Sports researchers have done hundreds of studies comparing imagined and physical practice for actions. In short, the studies show that mental training works. A 2012 study compared 32 nonprofessional golfers with another 32 who only imagined their action. Under the same training program, both groups improved their skills. Imagination has advantages over the real thing: You can do it anywhere and any time. It is safe--- a main advantage for people such as gymnasts and doctors. And you can practice for longer periods of time because you're not controlled by physical tiredness. That's not to say it's easy. "we've had Olympic-level sportsmen sitting in our laboratory, imagining for two hours," says Tadhg Macintyre, a sports researcher in Ireland. "When we're done, they're completely tired." It doesn't work for everyone, though. "If you're a beginner, the influence can be harmful," warns Macintyre. If you're trying to imagine a free throw, and you don't even know the proper movement, then you're probably going to mentally practice the wrong skill, and your skill is going to be impaired." (1) How does mental training act on one's physical practice? (2) What do we know about imagination training? (3) What does the underlined word "impaired" in Para. 5 mean? A. weakened B. mastered C. tested D. improved (4) What can be the best title of the text? A. A New Way of Doing Sports B. Advantages of Imagination C. Methods for Mental Practice D. Mental Training Makes You better ? 【答案】 ( 1) C (2) A (3) A (4) D 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了心理训练与体育实践的关系,从而说明了心 理训练会使你更好。 (1)细节题。 根据第二段 ...... when you're imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles which are too weak to tighten the muscles but might help train the body to perform. In other words, mental practice might create a plan in your head, like a how-to guide for a special skill. 可知心理的训练可能在头脑中产生一个计划,指导你的技能,故选 C。 (2)细节题。根据 Imagination has advantages over the real thing: You can do it anywhere and any time. 可知想像力可以在任何时间和地点都能做,不受时间和空间的影响,故选 A。 (3) 词义猜测题。根据 If you're a beginner, the influence can be harmful, If you're trying to imagine a free throw, and you don't even know the proper movement, then you're probably going to mentally practice the wrong skill, 可知如果你是一个初学者,你不知道正确的动作, 你凭借你的想像去做,可能做得差。可猜测出 impaired 是差的或弱的,故选 A。 (4)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文主要介绍了心理训练与体育实践的关系,从而说明了 心理训练会使你(做得)更好。故选 D。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题、词义猜测题和主旨题都是常考题型。细节题要注意细节 从文中找答案;词义猜测题是根据上下文,猜测出词义;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之 后找出中心思想。 12. 阅读理解 Restaurants in the USA Steve's Pizza Cattleman's Steakhouse So many pizza stores in South Beach, but This place is 20 miles east of the city, but local ask a Miami Beach local where to get the people would probably drive 200 miles to eat here. best pizza and they'll tell you about The food is good, and the scenery is even better. Steve's. This is New York–style pizza, Come early and wander around the grounds of handmade with care and good Indian Cliffs Ranch, where you'll see everything from ingredients. New stores of Steve's are rabbits to buffalo, and then catch the sunset either opening elsewhere in Miami, all in non- before or after your meal. tourist areas. Opening hours: 5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Opening hours: 11:00 a.m. –3:00 a.m. Absolute Baking & Caf é Walt's Wharf The screen door is always swinging open Everybody's favorite for fresh fish ( some drive in at this town hot spot with giant from LA) , Walt's packs them in on weekends. You breakfasts. Try the green chili on eggs – order your dinner ( though they're acceptedcan't it's made from scratch, as are the organic for lunch) , but it's worth the wait for the seafood breads. And lunch includes salads, big and steaks in the many-windowed ground floor or sandwiches and local grass-fed beef upstairs in captain's chairs. burgers. Don't miss a square of soft, fresh Opening hours: 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. carrot cake. (1) According to the passage, Steve's Pizza . A. has new stores all over Miami (2) Which restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch? A. Steve's Pizza. B. Walt's Wharf. C. Cattleman's Steakhouse. D. Absolute Baking & Caf é .. (3) The passage is probably taken from . A. a science report B. a history book C. a travel magazine D. a movie poster 【答案】 ( 1) C (2) D (3) C 【解析】 【分析】短文大意:这篇短文介绍了美国的几家饭店及它们的经营的特色菜,和 经营时间。 (1)细节理解题。根据 So many pizza stores in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and they'll tell you about Steve's. 在南海滩有很多披萨店,但是要问 迈阿密海滩的当地人的去那里买最好的披萨,他们将会告诉你关于史蒂文店。可知史蒂 文的披萨是迈阿密最好的,故选 C。 ( 2)细节理解题。根据 Absolute Baking & Caf : Theéscreen door is always swinging open at this town hot spot with giant breakfasts. 在这个小镇屏风门一直挂这开放,焦点是巨型早餐。 And lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. 午餐包括沙拉,大三 明治和当地草喂养的牛肉汉堡。可知 Absolute Baking & Café饭店提供早餐和午餐。故选 D。 ( 3)文章出处题。文章讲述的是不同地方的饮食特色。可知这篇文章可能出自旅游杂 志。故选 C。 【点评】此题考查阅读理解。此题涉及到细节理解和文章出处两种题型。对于细节理解 题,在分析问题后,仔细阅读短文,从短文的细节中找出和问题相关的句子,选出合适选 项,对于文章出处题,要根据文章的内容决定,选出正确答案。 13. 阅读理解 Bike-sharing has swept across China, with an increasing number of people choosing bike riding instead of driving. The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it, and those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smartphone and left anywhere in public. Bike- sharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily. In some cities, we can see more and more people riding this kind of sharing-bikes. It's very convenient to use the bikes if you have a smartphone. First, you have to download such an app on your smartphone. Then what you need to do is find a nearest hike through the app, scan the QR code on the bike or connect your phone with the bike over a Bluetooth wireless connection. You will find the bike can be unlocked itself. Then you can enjoy your trip. What's more, the greatest advantage of hike- sharing is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. The cost of riding depends on the time that you spend. Normally, every hour you ride, you need to pay one yuan. It doesn't cost so much, does it? At the same time, some people park the hikes in their own homes. Besides, some people don't value the bikes. Now service companies are trying to solve the problems like being stolen. Technology and science have changed our social lifestyles. We have to say bike- sharing brings us more convenience without doubt. And we also hope that people can not only enjoy it but also put it to good use. (1) From the first paragraph, we know ______. (2) II you want to use a sharing-bike, you must _________ first. (3) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage? (4) The passage probably comes from a ________. A. science textbook B. tourist guide C. website news report D. restaurant menu 【答案】 ( 1) B (2) A (3) D (4) C 【解析】 【分析】本文是讲述了共享单车在中国越来越受欢迎。如果想使用共享单车,必 须要有一个智能手机并下载一个应用程序。它使用起来非常方便,而且价格也很便宜。但 是现在有的人不爱惜自行车,到处乱放,还有自行车被偷盗现象,服务公司正试图解决这 个问题。毫无疑问自行车共享给我们的出行带来了更多的便利,我们要很好地利用它。 (1)推理题。根据 Bike-sharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily 自行车共享让人们可以很容易地从一个地方借自行车,然 后在另一个地方归还, 可知 一些人使用共享自行车 , 故选 B。 ( 2)细节题。根据文中句子 “ It's very convenient to use the bikes if you have a smart phone. First, you have to download such an APP on your smart phone . ”(如果你有智能手机,使用自 行车非常方便。首先,你必须在智能手机上下载这样的应用程序。)可知,如果你想使用 共享单车,你必须先有一个智能手机并下载一个应用程序,故选 A。 ( 3)细节题。根据文中句子 “ Thebike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it. And those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smart phone and left anywhere in public . ”可知,共享单车很容易解锁;根据 “ Now service companies are trying to solve the problem like being stolen. 可知,共”享自行车可能会被盗;根据 “ The cost of riding depends on the time that you spend. Normally, every hour you ride, you need to pay one yuan. It doesn't cost so much, does it? 可知”,使用共享单车比较便宜; Bike-sharing is a kind of green transport , 自行车共享是一种绿色交通工具,文章没有提及,故选 D。 ( 4)推理题。 A 科学教科 ,B 旅游指南, C 网站新闻报道,D 餐馆菜单 , 根据本文是讲 述了共享单车在中国越来越受欢迎。如果想使用共享单车,必须要有一个智能手机并下载 一个应用程序,可知短文来自 网站新闻报道 , 故选 C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断 题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。 14. 阅读理解 When throwing away rubbish, do you know which Bin it should go in? Have you ever noticed the differently-colored Bins on the street? Some of you might not be able to answer this question. However, it's actually quite important to know how to sort your waste. Not knowing how to sort waste can make it harder to save energy and protect the environment. If you don't sort your waste, all of it will go to a landfill and Be Buried (埋) together. These landfills can take up large areas of ground that could have Been used for planting trees or Crops. The electronic waste you throw away, such as Batteries, Can pollute the soil and groundwater. Other pieces of waste, like the metal part of a pen, can be used to make other things if they are properly recycled. With this in mind, many Cities in China have Been running waste-sorting Campaigns (活动) in recent years. For example, Shanghai announced in July that within three years, all of its residents (居民) should sort their waste into four groups wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. "Wet" waste is also known as household waste." They are things you don't want but that pigs can eat," Guangzhou Daily explained. Paper, metal, glass and other things that Can Be reused are recyclable waste. Harmful waste includes things like medicine, Batteries and fluorescent Bulbs. Finally, any waste that's not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the" dry waste" bin. Many other Chinese Cities, including Shenzhen, plan to use this method to sort their garbage. Now that you know this, perhaps you can do your part to protect the environment and encourage others to sort their waste. (1) The passage is most probably from a ( an) __________. A. newspaper B. notion C. Advertisement D. science story (2) The underlined word "landfill" in this passage means"__________" in Chinese. A. 垃圾箱 B. 垃圾填埋场 C. 农场 D. 陆地 (3) Which of the following things are harmful waste? (4) The author writes this passage in order to __________. A. introduce waste-sorting Campaigns in recent years B. tell people to sort the trash and protect the environment C. advise people to sort the garbage into four groups D. describe the disadvantages of not sorting the garbage 【答案】 ( 1) A (2) B (3) C (4) B 【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了垃圾对环保的危害,以及如何分类垃圾,利于环保。 (1)推理题。 A 报纸, B 概念, C 广告, D 科学故事,本文是介绍可知如何分类垃圾,利 于环保的文章,故应来源于报纸,故选 A。 (2)词义猜测题。根据 can take up large areas of ground that could have Been used for planting trees or Crops 可能会占据大片原本可以用来植树或种植庄稼的土地 . 可知表示占地 与地点有关,而 If you don't sort your waste 表示垃圾,故 landfill 是垃圾填埋场的意思,故 选 B。 (3)细节题。根据 Harmful waste includes things like medicine, Batteries and fluorescent Bulbs 可知药品、荧光灯泡和电池是有害的废物 ,故选 C。 (4)推理题。根据本文介绍了垃圾对环保的危害,以及如何分类垃圾,利于环保。可知作 者写这篇文章是为了告诉人们分类垃圾,保护环境,故选 B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,词义猜测题,细节题要注意从文中寻 找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息,词义猜测题需要根据上下文提炼相 关信息锁定词意。 15. 阅读理解 Improve Your Learning Skills! Want higher marks? Have an important exam soon? Come to the workshop and learn how to: ?Read faster ?Take better notes ?Improve your spell ing Wednesday, March 13, 3 pm-5 pm, Room 314 Bring a notebook, a dictionary, and a pencil. See you there. (1) People can improve ______ in the workshop. A. reading B. grammar C. speaking D. pronunciation (2) People need to stay in the workshop for ______. A. one hour B. two hours C. three hours D. four hours (3) People should bring ______ if they go to the workshop. A. a pen B. a notebook C. an English book D. a computer 【答案】 ( 1) A (2) B (3) B 【解析】 【分析】本文是关于如何提高英语的广告。 ( 1)细节题。根据 Read faster 可知在研讨会上可以提高阅读,故选 A。 ( 2)细节题。根据 Wednesday, March 13, 3 pm-5 pm 可知人们在研讨会上待 2 个小时,故 选 B。 ( 3)细节题。根据 Bring a notebook 看着需要带笔记本,故选 B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案。 查看更多

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