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高一上 期中考试复习 Functional Items (Unit 1~5) 1. Talking about likes & dislikes: like/be fond of/favorite hobbies /enjoy… He thinks …is terrible… He doesn’t like… He hates…. 2. Making apologies You said that you would…. Why did\ didn’t you….? You promise to…. Please forgive me…. I’m sorry…. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry I forget. 3. Intentions and plans Where would you prefer going…? When are you going off to…? How would you like to go to…? How are you going to…? 更多资源xiti123.taobao.com 4. Expressing good wishes Have a good trip. Have a nice \ pleasant trip. 5. Describing emotions Help! Don’t worry. Well done! I’m afraid to… Don’t be afraid. You can do it. I’m afraid. I’ll be OK\all right. Come on.! It scares me! It’s all right! That’s better. Keep trying. 单元重点回顾 Unit 1 • be fond of/ hunt for/ in order to/ care about/ such as/ drop sb a line/ Survive the crash • So do I. So I do. Nor/neither do I. • share happiness and sorrow. • …when suddenly… • 间接引语(人称,时态,语序) 单元重点回顾 Unit 2 •In total/except for/stay up/come about/ bring in/ make oneself at home /have a good knowledge of/have difficulty (in) doing sth./ end up with •while •the number of / a number of •a great many people / trees •ask/tell sb (not) to do… •with +sb+doing… 单元重点回顾Unit 3 •get away from/see sb off /on the other hand/as well as/Instead of /watch out for •unless •before的用法 •protect… from/ prevent… from/keep …from/ stop…from区别 •consider doing/ be considered to do •现在进行时表将来 单元重点回顾Unit 4 •take place/pull sb up/ get on one’s feet/ go through/ •be/get caught in •strike •experience 经历/经验 •see(hear) sb do/doing •must have done •关系代词引导的定语从句 (who, whom, which, that, whose) The Attributive Clause • She looked at Jeff, who was waving his arms. • Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. • The girl whose leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital. The Attributive Clause that • All that can be done has been done. • Paris is the most beautiful city that I’ve ever seen. • The first museum that he visited in China was the History Museum. • What do you think of the people and the things that you saw in the country? • This is the very book that contains the information I need. 单元重点回顾 Unit 5 •take off/go wrong/ in all/ lock sb up/ run after/ bring sb back/on the air/ think highly of •accept/receive •owe sth. to sb. •关系副词引导的定语从句 (when, where, why) The Attributive Clause • This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off. • Chuck survives the air crash and lands on a desert island where there are no people. • The reason why Steven Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low. • 体裁的识别 • 关注过渡词 • 主旨大意 • 猜词义 4. 阅读理解 记叙文(narrative writing) • 记叙文一般指记述一件事情的文章,可 以是描述一个人,也可以是描述一件事 情。 • 在阅读记叙文时,先找到 五个“W”和 一个“H”,即:who, what, when, where, why, how, 按照线索读下去,很容易能搞 清事物的来龙去脉,理解全篇文章。 人物传记(biography) • 人物传记类题材的文章多以介绍历史上和当代的 名人,如政治家、科学家、作家、艺术家等,叙 述内容包括该人物的家庭出身、社会背景、学历 情况、主要成就及个人性格、趣闻轶事等。 • 总有一条线贯穿文章的始终,或以时间为线索, 或以空间为线索,或以逻辑为线索。 • 有时略加议论;叙述方式多以顺叙为主,偶有倒 叙或插叙。 • 叙述语言结构一般比较复杂,带有从句的复合句 较多。但这类文章一般事实清楚,逻辑明晰。 方法: • 1紧抓时间(有时是空间、逻辑)这根主线, 去分析把握人物。 • 2理清事物发生的地点。 • 3 弄清人物与人物之间的关系。尤其是暗 示关系。 • 4 根据文章内容和作者的态度理解文章。 说明文expository writing 议论文(argumentative writing) • 议论文由论点和论据组成。 • 论点通常出现在文章的开头;如果 先论证,再得出结论,论点自然在 结尾处;有时,论点也会出现在文 章的中间。读者要先弄清楚文章的 论点,即文章的主题是什么。 • 论据可以是事例,可以是理论,也 可以是数据。 应用文 • 应用文的范围比较广,像广告、书信、 列车或飞机的时刻表、电气或药品的说 明、新闻等,都属于应用文的范畴。 • 在阅读这类文章时,主要是要注意细节, 根据所提问题用寻读或跳读的方法更为 有效。 关注连词、过渡词 •because, for, as, •but, however, •such as , for example, •first, second,… finally, •… 主旨大意 • 标题。 (概括性、针对性、醒目性) • 主题句。 (句首、句尾、首尾呼应、句中、隐含) 更多资源xiti123.taobao.com 猜词义 1 上下文。 同义词、反义词、定义、同位语、解释、 标点符号, 举例子。 2 经验和常识。 3 构词法(词根、前缀、后缀)。 写作注意事项 1. 注意问句时态, 一般来说, 问句是何时态, 回答 就用什么时态. 2. 两个动作用and 连接时一定要时态一致. 3. 一般疑问句不可用yes/no作答. 4. 括号里的信息务必全部用上, 不要少. 5. 作文要注意使用连词, 使文章通顺, 符合逻辑. 切忌按顺序回答问题或句子的堆积. 6. 最后一问不要所答非所问, 不要过度发挥. 2-3 句话即可. 7. 适当使用从句(状从/定从…)/非谓语动词, 使句 式更加丰富. 8. 使用高级词汇,避免用词的重复 查看更多

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