

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 人教新目标Go For It! / 九年级全册 / Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. / 人教版九年级下册英语课件unit10单元整合与拔高





单元整合与拔高 人教版 九年级下 习题链接 1 D 2 D 3 to live 4 D 6 7 8 relaxed passports promised; effort 真题真练 5 A 答案呈现提示:点击 进入习题 9 on his way to 习题链接 答案呈现原汁原味 作文 挑战自我 1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 真题真练 一、语法整合真题练 1. —Is it necessary ________ us ________ some photos before saving the old man? —Yes, it is. We can protect ourselves if we do so. 【2019•凉山】 A. of; taking B. for; taking C. of; to take D. for; to take D 【点拨】问句句意为“对我们来说,在救助老人 之前有必要拍些照片吗?”。该句为“It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.”的句型。故选D。 真题真练 2. It is wise ________ Linda to make up her mind ________ to play an instrument. 【2019•呼和浩特】 A. for; learning B. for; to learn C. of; learning D. of; to learn D 【点拨】句意为“琳达下定决心学习演奏乐器是 明智的”。在句型“It's +adj.+of/for sb.to do sth.”中,形容词如果是描述人物品质或性格的, 后面使用介词of。故选D。 真题真练 3. “How am I supposed ________ (live) without you? ” Jane said to Dad, tears in eyes. 【2018•无锡】 to live 真题真练 二、高频考点真题练 4. Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth ________. 【2019•天水】 A. to visit B. visited C. visit D. visiting D 【点拨】句意为“香港迪斯尼乐园值得参观”。 be worth doing“值得做……”,故选D。 真题真练 5. The article gives students some ________ about how to stay safe online. 【2019•本溪】 A. suggestions B. activities C. decisions D. advantages A 【点拨】句意为“这篇文章给学生们提出如何保证 上网安全的建议”。suggestions建议; activities活 动; decisions决定; advantages优点。根据语境可推 知此处表示“给学生提出建议”。故选A。 真题真练 6. I felt ________ (relax) lying in the sun on the beach. 【2019•临沂】 relaxed 真题真练 7. Could you please show me your ___________ (护照), young men? 【2019•宁波】 passports 【点拨】句意为“请问你能让我看看你们的护照吗, 年轻人?”。由空格前面的形容词性物主代词 your及后面的复数名词men可推知,护照不止一 个,故passport用复数形式。 真题真练 8. 法国承诺努力重建巴黎圣母院。【2019•自贡】 France has ___________ to make an ________ to rebuild NotreDame Cathedral in Paris. promised effort 真题真练 9. 在上学的路上, 西蒙看见了一道美丽的彩虹。 【2019•宿迁】 Simon saw a beautiful rainbow ______________ school. on his way to 原汁原味 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。 1. An Italian child shouldn't ________ at table. A. use a fork B. speak anything C. point at the food D. touch his / her hair D 【点拨】细节理解题。根据表格中第一段最后一句 “They never touch their hair at table, and they avoid speaking with their mouths full.”可推知,意 大利的孩子不应该在吃饭时触摸头发。故选D。 原汁原味 2. Children in Japan usually use ________ to eat. A. forks B. chopsticks C. spoons D. knives B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据表格中第二段第一句“In Japan, kids use brightlycolored chopsticks to eat at dinner.”可推知,日本的孩子通常用筷子吃饭。故选B。 原汁原味 3. In South Africa, students cannot ________ before greeting the teacher. A. take their seats B. stand in lines C. enter the classroom D. talk with each other A 【点拨】细节理解题。根据表格中第四段最后两句 “The teacher greets children first. Children reply and then take their seats.”可推知,在南非,孩子们在问 候老师之前,不能就座。故选A。 原汁原味 4. This passage is mainly about some ________ in the world. A. culture B. background C. eating habits D. customs D 【点拨】主旨大意题。结合全文内容可知,主要 介绍了意大利、日本、埃及和南非这四个国家的 一些风俗习惯。故选D。 挑战自我 请用以下本单元所学重点词汇编写一篇小短 文, 体裁不限。exchange, granddaughter, manner, be supposed to, except, behave, suggestion, relaxed 挑战自我 ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ I went to France as an exchange student last year. I was nervous but I knew there was no reason to be after I got there. The host family's granddaughter gave me some suggestions about speaking French. I made fewer and fewer mistakes because of her help. 挑战自我 ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Their table manners are very different from ours. For example, you aren't supposed to eat anything with hands except bread. I learned how to behave properly at the dinner table and felt relaxed about living in France at last. 查看更多

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