


Period 3 Section A (Grammar Focus-4b) 人教版九年级下 习题链接 1 D 2 to read 题组专训 提示:点击 进入习题 答案呈现 1 lemon  2 grey 3 uncomfortable 4 start 5 search 课后巩固 6 D  7 A 8 C 9 D 10 C 题组专训 1. —I tried to make Alice ________ her mind but I found it difficult. —Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past. 【2019•南充】 A. changed; do B. changes; doing C. change; to do D. change; doing D 【点拨】上文句意为“我试图让艾丽斯改变想法, 但是我发现很难”。make sb.do sth.“使某人做某 事”,故第一个空应用change; 下文句意为“哦, 当我经过的时候我看到你正在试图改变艾丽斯的 想法”。see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事, 故第二个空应用doing。故选D。 题组专训 2. Lucy's mother often makes her read English aloud at home.(改为被动语态) Lucy is often made ________ ________ English aloud at home by her mother. to read 【点拨】make sb.do sth.变为被动语态结构为“be made to do sth.”,动词不定式符号不可以省略。 课后巩固 一、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词 1. There is a ________(柠檬) tree in his yard. 2. Too many worries made her hair turn g . 3. It rained three days. The bad weather made me ______________(不舒服的). 【中考•阜康】 lemon  rey uncomfortable 课后巩固 4. To s with, the story was pleasant, but it ended with sadness. 5. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to s for work in cities. 【中考•黄石】 tart earch 课后巩固 二、单项选择 6. The bad result of the last exam ________ Mary very disappointed. A. brought B. gave C. let D. made D  【点拨】make sb.+adj.意为“使某人处于某种状态”。 句意为“上次考试的糟糕的成绩使玛丽非常失望”。 课后巩固 7. He said he didn't like a windy day. It made him ________ . A. nervous B. to be nervous C. feeling nervous D. being nervous A 【点拨】make sb. nervous使某人感到紧张。句意为 “他说他不喜欢大风天。它让他感到紧张”。 课后巩固 8. You had better listen to some quiet music, especially after heavy work. It makes you feel ________ . A. relaxing B. relaxation C. relaxed D. to relax C 【点拨】feel为系动词, 后面接形容词。relaxed感 到轻松的, 表示人的感受; relaxing令人放松的, 表示事物特征。句意为“你最好听些宁静的音乐, 特别是在繁重的工作之后。它能使你感到放松”。 课后巩固 9. —Why do people enjoy listening to cross talks? —They are funny programs that make people ________ a lot and feel ________. A. laughing; relaxing B. laugh; relax C. laughed; relaxed D. laugh; relaxed D 【点拨】make sb.+动词原形, feel为系动词, 后 接形容词。句意为“——为什么人们喜欢听相声 呢? ——相声节目很好笑, 能使人们开怀大笑并 感到轻松自在”。 课后巩固 10. —What is wrong with you, Andy? —I got C on the exam and that makes me ________ . A. excited B. scared C. worried D. interested C 【点拨】excited激动的; scared害怕的; worried担 忧的; interested 感兴趣的。句意为“——安迪, 你怎么了? ——我考试得了C, 这让我很担心”。 查看更多

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