


专项训练 阅读专训 人教版 九年级下 习题链接 一A 提示:点击 进入习题 答案呈现一B 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 C 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 A 习题链接 答案呈现一B 11 B 12 D 13 D 14 A 15 C 1 D 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B 1 B 2 C 3 A 二A 1 B 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 B 二B 二C 习题链接 答案呈现 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 二D 二E 习题链接 答案呈现 1 global concern 2 fight against SARS 3 1, 400 doctors from the armed forces. 4 In order to control the spread of the disease, Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan. 5 这个医院将缓解因病人数量增加而带来的压力。 三A 习题链接 答案呈现三B 1 but 2 finish 3 balance 4 enough 5 stop/prevent 6 match 7 liked /loved 8 risk/possibility 9 fail 10 solved 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 三C 阅读专训 一、完形填空 A 【2019•天津】 Miss Chan, our class teacher, is my favourite teacher. We are going to ________1 this school and I will miss her very much. 1. A. leave B. know C. meet D. choose A 【点拨】leave离开; know知道; meet遇见; choose 选择。联系下文“I will miss her very much”可 知,此处指“将要离开这所学校”。故选A。 阅读专训 Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we ________2 questions in class, she explains to us very carefully. 2. A. spell B. train C. ask D. remember C 【点拨】spell拼写; train训练; ask问,请教; remember记住。联系下文“她会非常细心地给我 们解释”可知,此处指“请教问题”。故选C。 阅读专训 She is also ________3 because she cares much about us. She often says to us, “Tell me immediately if you feel unhappy. 3. A. surprised B. humorous C. strange D. kind D 【点拨】surprised惊讶的; humorous幽默的; strange 奇怪的; kind善良的。联系下文“因为她很关心我 们”可知,此处指“她也很善良”。故选D。 阅读专训 Share your ________4 with me and do not just try to solve it by yourself.” 4. A. chance B. problem C. advantage D. skill B 【点拨】chance机会; problem问题; advantage优势; skill技能。联系下文“do not just try to solve it by yourself”可知,此处指“分享你的问题”。故选B。 阅读专训 Miss Chan is very generous (慷慨的). One day, she gave each of us a book, Three Days to See, and told ________5 we should read more. 5. A. them B. you C. us D. him C 【点拨】them他们; you你,你们; us我们; him他。联 系前文“gave each of us a book”可知,此处指“告 诉我们”。故选C。 阅读专训 She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student, and gave him a set of stationery (文具) as a ________6. 6. A. gift B. mark C. smile D. joke A 【点拨】gift礼物; mark分数; smile微笑; joke笑话。 对比四个选项可知,gift最符合语境,此处指“作为 礼物”。故选A。 阅读专训 When she is free, she ________7 helps us with our studies and we've made great progress. 7. A. seldom B. often C. never D. hardly B 【点拨】seldom很少; often经常; never从来不; hardly 几乎不。分析语境可知,此处指“她经常帮助我 们”。故选B。 阅读专训 Not only do all of us like Miss Chan, but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us are ________8. 8. A. difficult B. careless C. unable D. excellent D 【点拨】difficult困难的; careless粗心的; unable 无能的; excellent优秀的。联系前文“but Miss Chan also likes my class”可知,此处指“她认 为我们都很优秀”。故选D。 阅读专训 She always says she thinks herself very ________9 to be the teacher of my class. In fact, Miss Chan is the most thoughtful (体贴的) teacher I have ever met. 9. A. lucky B. silly C. angry D. worried A 【点拨】lucky幸运的; silly愚蠢的; angry愤怒的; worried担心的。分析语境可知,此处指陈老师 认为自己很幸运。故选A。 阅读专训 She always thinks about our feelings. I hope I will go to a high school with ________10 as good as Miss Chan. 10. A. stars B. tourists C. teachers D. scientists C 【点拨】stars明星; tourists游客; teachers老师; scientists科学家。联系下文“as good as Miss Chan” 可知,此处指“和陈老师一样好的老师”。故选C。 阅读专训 B【2019•扬州】 I always think my daughter Kendall is the best— that's just what parents do. When she was only three, she ________1 for the people, like a little angel. 1. A. danced B. sang C. jumped D. painted B 【点拨】由第二段倒数第二句 “…, Kendall continued to sing.”可知选B。 阅读专训 When Kendall was five, we noticed that she ________2 had a tic (面部抽搐). When the problem got worse, we took her from doctor to doctor. 2. A. never B. sometimes C. seldom D. always B 【点拨】从下文的got worse,推断出一开始 她的面部抽搐并不严重。故选B。 阅读专训 ________3 the treatment, Kendall continued to sing. Surprisingly, her tics disappeared when she sang. 3. A. During B. Before C. After D. Until A 【点拨】在治疗期间,她继续唱歌。后一句 “……当她唱歌时,她的面部抽搐消失了。” 从侧面证明并不是治疗后。故选A。 阅读专训 When Kendall was sixteen, we thought she would be cured soon. However, a(n) ________4 thing happened. 4. A. useful B. exciting C. meaningless D. terrible D 【点拨】由前句意思“肯德尔16岁时,我们 以为她很快就会痊愈。” 和However转折, 说明可怕的事情发生了。故选D。 阅读专训 At a party, Kendall jumped on a friend for a piggyback ride. He bent lower than she expected, and she jumped ________5 than he expected. 5. A. farther B. nearer C. higher D. lower C 【点拨】从than提示可知,空格上用比较级。 又从“He bent lower”可以看出,她跳得比他 预料的要高。故选C。 阅读专训 Kendall flew over his back and ________6 on the floor— on her neck. She was rushed to hospital, paralyzed (瘫痪) from the neck down. 6. A. lay B. sat C. stood D. landed D 【点拨】land on着陆,为固定搭配。 阅读专训 She couldn't ________7. But her biggest ________8 wasn't whether she would walk again, but was whether she could try out for a show called American Idol. 7. A. move B. sing C. eat D. think 8. A. problem B. worry C. dream D. plan A B 【点拨】由前句中“颈部以下瘫痪”可以推 断出她不能动。故选A。 【点拨】句意为“但她最大的担忧不是她是 否能够再次行走,而是她是否可以参加《美 国偶像》的选拔”。故选B。 阅读专训 As the days went on, feeling on her left side ________9, but she was still paralyzed on the right. 9. A. stopped B. remained C. returned D. disappeared C 【点拨】由后半句“但是右半身依然瘫痪” 可知,她左半身恢复知觉。故选C。 阅读专训 We weren't sure how much of her ________10 would come back. A friend brought a microphone and put it on her bed. 10. A. movement B. treatment C. achievement D. entertainment A 【点拨】我们不确定她的行动能力能恢复 多少。这里用movement合适。 阅读专训 Every day, Kendall tried hard to pick it up. It was more ________11 for her to pick up that microphone than a spoon or fork. 11. A. interesting B. important C. helpless D. dangerous B 【点拨】比起能够拿起汤勺或叉子,对她 而言,能拿起麦克风更加重要。故选B。 阅读专训 Sometimes she had to bite a toothbrush to take her mind off the pain. We all cried because of the ________12 we witnessed. 12. A. microphone B. toothbrush C. joy D. pain D 【点拨】由前句“有时她不得不咬牙刷来 消除心中的痛苦。”可以推断后句意为 “我们都哭了,因为我们见证了她所承受 的疼痛”。故选D。 阅读专训 But on the day—only three months after her ________13 —we cried full of joy when she sang, ________14 she didn't enter the Top 24 of American Idol. 13. A. failure B. show C. tic D. accident 14. A. though B. because C. if D. so D A 【点拨】 14. 分析句意可知,前后之间是让 步关系。故选A。 阅读专训 When she was a little girl, she asked me ________15 it was she that had tics. My heart hurt, but I told her, “Kendall, you have a pure heart, a fantastic voice, a strong mind. And you are a beautiful presence.” 15. A. who B. when C. why D. what C 【点拨】句意为“她问我为什么是她有面 部抽搐这个疾病”。故选C。 阅读专训 二、阅读理解 A 【2019•安徽】 1. How many people have trouble in getting clean water around the world? ________ A. Under 10 million. B. Only 19 million. C. About 92 million. D. Over 700 million. D【点拨】细节理解题。由第一段中“Yet more than 700 million people around the world have trouble getting clean, safe water.”可知。故选D。 阅读专训 2. Treating wastewater helps the environment by ________. A. storing waste in ice and snow B. letting waste run into oceans C. keeping waste out of rivers and oceans D. sending waste to coastal countries C 【点拨】细节理解题。由第二段中“And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans.”可知选C。 阅读专训 3. What does the underlined word “desalination” in Paragraph 3 mean? _______ A. 远洋运输 B. 潮汐发电 C. 食盐销售 D. 海水淡化 D 【点拨】词义猜测题。由画线单词前一句“It is too salty to drink.”可知,海洋水太咸了不能饮 用。因此海水淡化业务就跟进了。故选D。 阅读专训 4. At present, the technology to process water ________. A. needs much energy B. saves much money C. satisfies everyone D. causes pollution A 【点拨】细节理解题。由第三段中“But the technology they use requires a lot of energy.”可 知选A。 阅读专训 5. What can we infer from the last paragraph? _____ A. Water should be a human right. B. The water problem is still serious. C. Our planet is covered with water. D. Everyone has enough clean water. B 【点拨】推理判断题。阅读最后一段可知,科学 家正在努力创造一种成本较低的技术,但到现 在为止,世界仍然面临着每天没有足够的水供 应给每个人的问题。由此推知,现在水问题仍 然是一个严重的问题。故选B。 阅读专训 B 【2019•北京】 1. According to the writer, we can expand our experience of time by ________. A. going to bed on time B. traveling to new places C. having dinner as usual D. printing the same materials B 【点拨】推理判断题。根据第五段的内容可推知, 为了让时间变慢,我们可以让自己接触尽可能多 的新体验。四个选项中,只有B项符合。故选B。 阅读专训 2. What can we learn from the passage? ________ A. Being familiar with the world around helps us get more information. B. Understanding psychological time makes life pass more quickly. C. We can take in more information by living through our senses. D. We should build a stronger relationship between time and us. C 【点拨】推理判断题。根据第六段中的“This open attitude to your experiences helps take in more information”可推知。其中的“This open attitude to your experiences”就是指关注我们看到的、感 受到的、品尝到的、闻到的和听到的,因此通过 感官生活可以让我们吸收更多信息。 阅读专训 3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ________ A. Slow Down Time B. Only Time Will Tell C. Race against Time D. Time Will Not Come Twice A 【点拨】主旨大意题。短文主要讲了我们可以让时 间变慢,如果接触新环境、新体验,时间就会变 慢,如果在熟悉的环境中,时间就会变快; 还给 出了让时间变慢的两条建议。故选A。 阅读专训 C 【2019•武汉】 1. According to the writer, ________. A. air pollution is not a big problem in China B. creative ideas may help improve city life C. only scientists can solve big environmental problems D. the survey of 338 cities nationwide was not necessary B 【点拨】细节理解题。由文章最后一段的最后一句 “But smogfree bikes are an exciting idea that will hopefully inspire communities to create greener cities.”,可知选B。 阅读专训 2. The aircleaning machine offers clean air to the biker by ________. A. blowing out dirty air B. running fast with the bike C. cleaning the air around the biker D. breathing in dirty air and cleaning it D 【点拨】细节理解题。由文中第三段的最后一句“In smoggy weather, the machine would breathe in the air in front of the bike and blow out a stream of clean air toward the biker's face.”可知选D。 阅读专训 3. From the passage, we know that ________. A. people who have creative ideas can get free bikes B. only smogfree bikes can go on the shining bicycle path C. Daan and his family spent all their time improving China's air quality D. China's haze in winter happens because of more than three causes D 【点拨】推理判断题。由文章中第四段的第二句“…, caused largely by factory production, burning of coal and car emissions (排放物),to cover areas of China.”可知选D。 阅读专训 4. Daan is inviting bikers to join him in order to ________. A. raise money for the tower B. test his new machine C. help solve the air pollution problem D. make more Chinese friends C 【点拨】根据原文最后一句: Daan said. “But smogfree bikes are an exciting idea that will hopefully inspire communities to create greener cities.” 可知选C。 阅读专训 5. What is the best title for the passage? _______ A. Breathing In and Out B. Biking for Fresh Air C. A Survey from the Government D. China's Air Pollution Problem B 【点拨】根据原文的整体大意可知B项骑自行车 呼吸新鲜空气作为文章的标题最合适。 阅读专训 D 【2019•桂林】 根据短文内容, 选择最佳选项。 1. When is the golden age of European explorers? ____ A. The 15th century. B. The 16th century. C. The 13th century. D. The 15th and 16th centuries. D 【点拨】细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“To answer that question we have to probably go back to the 15th and 16th centuries, the golden age of European explorers.”可知选D项。 阅读专训 2. Which is not the voyage of exploration taking place during the golden period? ________ A. Columbus sailed to America. B. Marco Polo travelled to China. C. Ferdinand Magellan voyaged round the world. D. Cortez and Pizarro reached South America. B 【点拨】细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知, 欧洲探险家的黄金时代指的是15世纪和16世纪 之间的时间,而由第二段第二句中的“Marco Polo travelled a long way to China at the end of the 13th century”可知,马可•波罗是在13世纪 末到中国旅行的。故选B项。 阅读专训 3. Who defeated the Aztecs in what we now know as Mexico? ________ A. Pizarro. B. Cortez. C. Incas. D. Columbus. B 【点拨】细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句 “Cortez defeated the Aztecs in what we now know as Mexico and Pizarro defeated the Incas in what we now know as Peru.”可知选B项。 阅读专训 4. According to the passage, some countries in America didn't use to belong to ________. A. Portugal B. Spain C. Canada D. France C 【点拨】细节理解题。由第一段中“The answer is that all these countries belonged to European empires at one time.”可知,欧洲帝国曾占有过 美洲的一些国家,Portugal, Spain和France都 是欧洲国家,只有加拿大是美洲本土国家,没 有占领过美洲。故选C项。 阅读专训 5. From the passage, we can know that ________. A. many countries in South America have been influenced by European countries B. the period of the 15th and 16th centuries was the beginning of the European exploration C. European explorers occupied some American countries in a peaceful way D. Ferdinand Magellan's voyage round the world is not famous at all A 【点拨】根据原文第一段中: The answer is that all these countries belonged to European empires at one time. 可知南美洲的许多国家都 受到了欧洲国家的影响,故选A。 阅读专训 E 【2019•日照】 1. Who was Tobias? ________ A. A sock. B. Abby's toy. C. A mouse. D. Abby's brother. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The woman cried loudly, ‘A mouse!’”可推知, Tobias是一只老鼠。 阅读专训 2. How did Abby feel by the Xray machine? _______ A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Unhappy. D. Relaxed. A 【点拨】推理判断题。根据第三段中“Abby felt her legs shaking as the bag was going through the machine.”可推知,过安检时Abby非常担心。 阅读专训 3. Why were Abby and her dad asked into a small room? _________ A. Abby told a lie. B. Dad forgot to fill out a form. C. They were thought to be smuggling animals. D. They were asked to explain what happened on the plane. C 【点拨】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“You have tried to smuggle(走私) an animal into this country”可推知,他们被认为走私动物而被带到 办公室审查。 阅读专训 4. Which of the following is true? ________ A. Dad knew Abby was taking Tobias with her. B. Taking Tobias brought Abby much trouble. C. The police officer wrote “animal smuggler” next to Dad's name. D. Tobias was found out by the woman beside the X ray machine. B 【点拨】推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,私 自带宠物上飞机不仅被罚款,而且还不能去看望 奶奶了,给Abby带来了很多的麻烦。 阅读专训 5. What lesson did Abby learn? ________ A. Never to take Tobias around. B. Always to follow rules. C. Never to smuggle animals. D. Always to tell the truth. B 【点拨】推理判断题。根据短文最后一段可推知, 做任何事情都要遵守规则。 阅读专训 三、任务型阅读 A 阅读下面短文, 完成下列各题。 1. 完成句子。 The outbreak of new infectious disease named Novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan has caused ________________.global concern【点拨】根据原文开头第一句可知答案。 阅读专训 2. 完成句子。The hospital built in Beijing in 2003 that was copied by Huoshenshan Hospital was to ___________________________ at that time.fight against SARS 【点拨】根据原文第二段中的开头 …… built in Beijing in 2003 that was dedicated to the fight against SARS. 可知答案。 阅读专训 3. 回答问题。 Who are responsible for treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital after being built? _________________________________________1, 400 doctors from the armed forces. 【点拨】根据原文第二段中的: And 1,400 doctors from the armed forces are responsible for treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital starting from Monday. 可知答案。 阅读专训 4. 找出并写出全文的主题句 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ In order to control the spread of the disease, Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan. 【点拨】根据全文的整体大意可知主题句为第一段 中的:In order to control the spread of the disease, Huoshenshan Hospital was set up in Wuhan. 阅读专训 5. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 这个医院将缓解因病人数量增加而带来 的压力。 【点拨】画线句子为: The hospital will reduce the stress resulting from the increasing number of patients. 阅读专训 B 【2019•南京】 请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格 中空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 阅读专训 Introduction Times have changed, ___________1 falling asleep in class is still quite common. but 【点拨】根据前后句意推断此处填的是个连词, 尽管时代不同了,__________ 在课堂上睡觉仍 是常事。应该是表转折的连词,故but更合适。 阅读专训 Causes Lack of sleep ◆ To ________2 doing their homework, students may have to work three to four hours every night. ◆ To ________3 homework with activities, students may stay up late. finish balance 【点拨】finish doing their homework 完成他 们的作业。 【点拨】原文是 A teenager who wants to be able to take part in any activity besides homework must stay up late to fit everything in. 再结合此处 总结的句子判断此处填balance平衡最合适。为 了平衡家庭作业和课外活动,学生可能会熬夜。 阅读专训 Causes ◆ To spare time for afterschool jobs, students may not have ________4 time to sleep. Physical problems enough 【点拨】原文是 Sometimes teens lack sleep because of afterschool jobs that are taken on to earn extra money for college, family expenses, or simply for clothes. 再结 合此处,为了腾出时间做课后工作,学生们可能没有 _______的时间睡觉。故此处填足够最合适。 阅读专训 Causes ◆ Insomnia may _____________5 students falling asleep at night. stop/prevent 【点拨】原文是 insomnia, which may keep a student up at night, 意思就是失眠会使学生在晚 上无法入睡。 阅读专训 Causes ◆ Students' body clocks do not always ________6 their school timetables.match 【点拨】原文是 these body clocks do not always work according to school timetables. 意思是学生的生物钟 并不总是与学校的时间表相匹配。 阅读专训 Effects ◆ Students sleeping in class may not be _____________7 by their teachers.liked /loved 【点拨】原文是 First of all, sleeping in class is not a good way to endear(使受喜爱) yourself to teachers. 可知上课睡觉老师是不喜欢的。 阅读专训 Effects ◆ Students who sleep in class run the ________________8 of being laughed at.risk/possibility 【点拨】原文是 In addition, it is highly possible that other students may make jokes about those who sleep in class. 可知此处,在课堂上睡觉的学生有被嘲笑的 可能性或者是填危险也可以。 阅读专训 Effects ◆ Students who sleep too much in class may miss out on important knowledge and ________9 in their study.fail 【点拨】原文是 In the long run, sleepers may end up failing classes. 再结合此处,在课堂上 睡太多的学生可能会错过重要的知识,并在学 习上________。填出错更恰当。 阅读专训 Conclusion The problem will not be ________10 until teenagers can manage their lives, deal with their school and work, and then still have time to sleep. solved 【点拨】直到青少年能够管理好自己的生活,处理这些 问题,这个问题才会得到解决。故此处填解决。 阅读专训 C 【2019•临沂】 根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A” 表示, 不正确的用“B”表示。 1. It is safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 100 dB for 15 minutes. __________B 请同学们看《典中点》第164页短文。【点拨】细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 dB(分贝 ) for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes.”可推知,听85分贝以上的声音8小时或 100分贝以上的声音15分钟是不安全的。故表述 与原文不符。 阅读专训 2. Listening to loud noise for a long time can cause some hair cells in the inner ear to die. ________A 【点拨】细节理解题。根据第三段第四句 “However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die.”可推知,长时间听太大的噪 音会使这些细胞工作过度,导致一些细胞死亡。 故表述与原文相符。 阅读专训 3. From the fourth paragraph, we know people don't always realize how loud their music is. _________A 【点拨】细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it.”可推知表述与原文表述相符。 阅读专训 4. Inear headphones are better than overtheear ones because they can stop more outside noise. _______ B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Over theear headphones (头戴式耳机) are better than inear ones.”可推知此题表述与原文不符。 阅读专训 5. This article mainly tells us why ears are an important part of our bodies. ________B 【点拨】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了高音对人们 听力的损害以及给人们的一些建议。故表述与原 文不符。 查看更多

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