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2007—2008 学年度第一学期期末考试卷 七年级 英语科 命题人:大田七中 吴祥潭 (满分:100 分 考试时间:120 分钟) 题 号 听力部分 笔试部分 附加 总分 I II III IV V VI VII 得 分 听力部分(总分 20 分) I.听力(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) A)看图听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图.(每个句子读二遍) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) B).听句子,根据所听到的内容,选择正确答语.(每个句子读二遍) ( ) 6.A.Yes,I am. B. I’m Jane C. I’m 13 ( )7.A.I’m in Grade1 B. She is in Class3. C.I’m in Class3 ( )8.A.It’s blue B. They are blue C.They are blue shoes ( )9.He is my father B. She is my mother C. She is a teacher ( )10.A.No,I’m not please B. Yes, please C. Sorry, thanks C.听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案.(每个对话读二遍) ( )11. Where is her friend from? A.Japan B. China C. England ( )12. Are your shoes black? A.Yes, they are B. No, they aren’t C.I don’t know ( )13.What does he want to drink? A.Milk B. Rice C. Bananas ( )14.What does her mother do? A.Teacher B. Doctor C. Daughter ( )15.What time is it? A.It’9:40 B.It’s10:20 C. It’10:12 D).听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案.(短文读三遍) ( )16.What does Peter’s wife do? A. A teacher B. A doctor C. A. Worker ( )17.Who is Jean? A. Mike’s mother B. Peter’s mother C. Linda’s mother ( )18.What does Linda’s sister do? A. A nurse B.A teacher C.A doctor ( )19.Is Mike a worker? A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, he does ( )20.Who is Sam’s sister? A.Jean B. Marry C. Helen 笔试部分(总分 80 分) II.单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( )21.--What’s this in Englih? --It’s ___egg. A.a B. an C.the ( )22.--___he a cook? --Yes, he is. A. Is B. Are C. Does ( )23.—What’s your ___number? ---It’s 0598-7222363. A. car B. phone C.QQ ( )24.—Are you a doctor?---_____________.I’m a nurse. A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. No, I am ( )25.---____is Jame from? ---She is from England. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )26. Michael comes from the U.S.A, he____ English. A. says B.speaks C.tells ( )27.Dogs are very_____,they can help people find the things. A. cute B.strong C.clever ( )28.My mother ____my sister at home. A.looks at B. looks like C. looks after ( )29.He is a teacher, he works in a______. A.hospital B.factory C.school ( )30.----What are these? ---They are_______. A.bread B.milk C.fish ( )31.---Is this __ bag? ---No, ___is black. A.you, my B.your ,mine C.my,you ( )32.---- Kangkang,is this your ____? ---No,it’s my brother’s. A.dress B.shirt C.skirt ( )33.----Would you like to have dinner with me? ---____________. A.Yes, please B. No,thanks C.Yes,I’d love to ( )34.---What’s wrong with you? ----______________. A.Fine,thanks B.I can’t find my way home C.I’m OK ( )35.---How about____bread? ---Good idea. A.some B.any C.much III.完行填空.从每题 A,B,C 中选出可填入空白处的最佳答案.(每小题 1 分,共10 分) My name is Jhon . I am a 36 in a shop. I usually 37 at seven. Then I 38 breakfast. I often have an egg and some39 for breakfast. My wife often has some milk,too. I go 40 at8:00a.m, I am 41 in the shop. There is 42 work to do. Lunch is 43 12:00a.m, work begins at half 44 one in the afternoon. I finish my work at a quarter to six, and come back home at six. I have supper at home. 45 supper, I watch TV .I go to bed at about eleven o’clock. ( ) 36. A. work B. works C. worker ( ) 37. A .get up B. gets up C. to get up ( ) 38. A. eat B. has C. have ( ) 39. A. bread B. milk C. hamburgers ( ) 40. A. to work B. work C. to works ( ) 41. A. not busy B. not free C. free ( ) 42. A. much B. a lot C. many ( ) 43. A. at B. in .C. on ( ) 44 A. to B. past C. for ( ) 45. A. After B. Before C. At IV.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Fei. I am a student. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. She is a teacher of English. I don’t have a sister,and I don’t have a brother, either. But I have two little(小) friends in my family. They’re Xiaoxiao, a nice dog(狗), and Lele, a good bird(鸟). I love my father and my mother. I love my Xiaoxiao and Lele, too. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 46. My name is Li Fei. ( ) 47. My mother is a teacher of Chinese. ( ) 48. I have a sister. ( ) 49. I have two little friends in my family. ( ) 50. This is an English family. B There is a shop near my home. The people in the shop are very kind. We often go and buy things there. In the shop ,you can find many things ,but there are no English books. Now we are in the shop. We’d like 2 kilos of eggs, 3 kilos of apples and a kilo of chicken. Look ,the price of the things on the left wall: THINGS PRICE(¥/A KILO) APPLES 5 BANANAS 3 EGGS 7 CHICKEN 18 … … We buy two kilos of eggs, four kilos of apples and one kilo of chicken. ( )51.Can you buy English book in the shop? A. Yes, we can B. No, we can’t C. We don’t know ( )52.How much are the eggs? A.6yuan a kilo B.7 yuan a kilo C. 8 yuan a kilo ( )53.How many apples do they buy? A.3kilos B. 4kilos C.5kilos ( )54.Is the chicken 18yuan a kilo? A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. I don’t know ( )55.How much are all the things? A.47yuan B. 50yuan C.52yuan V.词汇(15 分) A)将下列词按其所属归类.(10 分) head yellow doctor chicken blue cook red hand dog foot rice cat farmer lion teacher green dumpling nose tiger green 56.身体部位: ________ ________ ________ ________ 57.食物名称:________ ________ ________ ________ 58.颜色特征:________ ________ ________ ________ 59.身份职业:________ ________ ________ _ _______ 60.动物名称:________ ________ ________ ________ B)从方框中选出合适的词,并用其正确的形式填空(每空 1 分) friend of have be nice I am in China now. I have many new 61 here, they are very kind to me, I often 62 dinner with them. I like many kinds 63 Chinese food. They are very 64.I’m glad to 65here. 61.____ 62.____ 63.____ 64.____65.____ C)附加题:连线题.并写出连线后的单词 [注: 如上两题不能得满分,此题可加分, 但不得超过 15 分.](5 分) 如:good----bye : goodbye 1.black bag 1.:__________ 2.school board 2.:__________ 3.after fast :3.__________ 4.grand noon :4.__________ 5.break mother 5.__________ VI.口语应用.从方框中选出正确的句子,将其序号填在横线上补全对话,其中两项 是多余的.(10 分) A:Hello!7223633. B:________66________ A:This is Maria.___67_________ B:I will go shopping this afternoon.___68__________ A:OK.I’d love to. B:Please tell Kate about it. A:______69___________________ B:__________70_________________ A:You’re welcome.Bye. B:Bye. 66._____67._____ 68._____ 69._____ 70_____ VII.书面表达.(10 分) 假如你是林涛,想和 Lilly 交笔友,请根据下表内容,介绍一下自己情况,给她发一份 E-mail.字数要求 60 字走右,字迹工整规范.格式已写好. NAME Lin Tao AGE 13 LOOKS tall ,round face ,big nose, big eyes, small mouth JOB student WORKPLACE No.7 Junior High School ,Datian FAVOURITE ANIMALS AND FOOD Cats, dogs, rice ,chicken Dear Lilly, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ A. What’s up? B. Thanks. C. Hello!This is joan.Who’s that? D. Nice to meet you. E. Would you like to go with me? F. Sure.I’ll call her right away. G. What’s wrong with you. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Lin tao 附加题:(10 分) 友情提示:请同学们做完上面考题后认真检查一遍,估计一下你的得分,如你 全卷得分低于 60 分,本题得分将记入总分. 选择题,请将下列相关信息的序号填入横线内. 1.火警电话:_____2.匪警电话:_____3.急救电话:____4.交通故障:____5.智商:____ 6.急救信号:_____7.世贸组织:_____8.身份证:______9.不明飞行物:____10.体 育:___ A.WTO B. 110 C. ID D. PE E. IQ F. UFO . G. SOS H.119 I. 120 J.122 2007—2008 第一学期期末考试听力材料(大田七中.吴祥潭) A) 1.He is from Japan. 2.He likes chicken a lot. 3.Look,the dress is very nice. 4.He has a dog,his name is Keke. 5.He is a farmer,he works on a farm. B) 6.How old are you? 7.What class are you in? 8.What color are your shoes? 9.Who’s the woman in red? 10.Would you like something to drink? C) 11.M:Where are you from? W:I’m from England. M:Where is your friend from? W:Oh,she is from Japan. Q:Where is her friend from? 12.W:Are your shoes blue? M:Yes,they are. W:What about hers? M:I don’t know. Q:Are her shoes blue? 13.M:What would like to have? W:Rice. M:Would you like something to drink? W:Yes,a glass of milk. Q:What does she want to eat? 14.M:What does your father do? W:He is a teacher. M:What about your mother? W:She is a doctor. Q:What does her mother do? 15.M:What time is it now? W:It’s twenty past ten. Q:What time is it? D) My mame is Peter.This is my family tree.I have a big family.My wife (妻子),Linda, is a teacher. We have two kids.Sam is my son. Mary is my daughter.They are students in No.10 High School.My father’s name is Harry.My mother’s name is Jean.They are old.Mike is my brother.He is a worker.Emma is my wife’s sister.She is a nurse.My wife’s father’sname is John.her mother’s name is Helen.They are old .I love my family.we are happy. 参考答案 听力部分 I.1—5.BEACD 6-10.CCBBB 11—15.ACBBB. 16—20.ABAAB 比试部分 II.21—35BABBB BCCCC BBCBA III.36—45CACCA BAABA IV46-50TFFTF 51-55BBAAA V.56-60(略) 61friends 62.have 63.of. 64.nice 65.be. VI 66—70.CAEFB VII.(略) 附加题:1—5.HBIJE 6—10.GACFD 查看更多

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