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  • 2021-06-16
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1 仁爱英语七年级上册 Unit4 Having fun Topic 3 what time is it now? Section A 教学设计 叶县夏李乡中 李小会 2014-12-12 2 Unit4 Having fun Topic 3 what time is it now? Section A I、 Material analysis 本节课是仁爱英语七年级上册第四单元第三话题的第一课 时。主要活动是 1a 和 3a。1a 通过 Kangkang 和 Michael 的对话 呈现主要教学内容,学习有关动物的新单词。1b是检查学生听 1a的效果。2是通过听录音完成图片排序和填写时间,培养学 生在语境中识别 pander, rabbit, monkey, elephant 等动物类单词的 能力,并在理解时间顺读法的基础上,书写时间的表达。3a 是 本课重点活动,主要学习时间的表达方法。 3b 是通过与同伴经 行问答练习,培养学生从海报获取重要信息的能力,进一步巩固 有关时间和动物的表达。总之,通过本节课的学习,让学生能听 懂并学会询问/回答时间的用语。 II. Teaching aims: 1. Learn some words about animals and time . 2. Learn the expressions about time. 3. Know about posters. III. The key points and difficult points: 1. Key points: words: Pander, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, o’clock, past, 3 quarter, half. sentences: —What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? — It’s ... 2.Difficult points: 如何用 past 和 to 表达时间。 IV. Teaching aids: ppt. V. Teaching methods:任务教学法、 小组合作学习法等 。 VI. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up and review 热身与复习 1. Greet students and ready for learning. 2. Show two photos to review the numbers and show a picture of a clock to lead to the new lesson. Step 2 Presentation 呈现 1. Show a picture of clock, Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to the new word and let students master “o’clock”. For example: T: What time is it , please? Ss: It’s one o’clock. (Help students answer and explain “o’clock” in Chinese) 4 (Show another picture. the teacher asks and students answer. Practice “o’clock”.) 2、In the same way, The teacher present the new words “past” “a quarter” and “half”, Let students master the using of “past”, “ a quarter” and “half”. For example: T: What’s the time, please? /What time is it, please? Ss: It’s five past one. (It’s one o five.) T: What’s the time, please? /What time is it, please? Ss: It’s a quarter past seven. /It’s seven fifteen. ……. 3. Show another two pictures of clock, Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Let students master the using of“ to”. For example: T: What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? Ss: It’s twenty to two. / It’s one forty.( Help students answer and explain “to” in Chinese) ……. 4. The teacher shows some pictures of clock again. Follow the example to make up similar conversations in pairs. Then ask some students to act them out. 5 5. Present new words of animals with the help of the pictures. Lead to 1a. Step 3 Consolidation 巩固 1. Let students listen to 1a and finish 1b.(check the answers) 2. Let students read 1a loudly and then fill in the blanks. 3. Let students listen to the tape. Finish task 2 A and B. 4. Check the answers. Step 4 Practice 练习 1. Work in pairs. Let students look at the poster of the Zoo Shows in 3b and talk about the poster. 2. Work in pairs. Let students ask and answer questions with their partner after the example. Then let some pairs act out their conversations. For example: A: What can we see at 10 o’clock in the morning? B: We can see the Monkey Show. Step 5 Project Let students talk about their school life in groups and then write a passage according to the table. Then report it to the class. Step 6 Summary We learn: 6 some words: Pander, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, o’clock, past, quarter, half. some sentences: —What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please? — It’s ... We can: use the expressions about time. Step7 Homework: 1. Recite Section A-1a. 2. Preview Section B. VII.Blackboard Design: Unit 4 Topic 3 What time is it now? Section A A: What time is it , please?/ What’s the time, please? B: It’s one o’clock./ It’s half past four./ It’s a quarter past seven./ It’s twenty to two. 查看更多

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