

天天资源网 / 小学英语 / 教学同步 / 人教PEP版 / 三年级下册 / Unit 6 How many? / PEP三下英语Unit 6 How many Part A Let’s spell课件

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Part A Let’s spell Listen read and judge. (判断) Rules.(游戏规则) Say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it is true.(对) Say “No, No, No” if you think it is false.(错) About me I’m from Lanzhou. I’m seven years old. I’m funny. I like milk. I have an apple. /t/ /d/ /k/ /b/ /f/ /v/ Look and say!e O a u a i i i o eo u o u Read and cut. Can you read ? a A cat in a can. [æ] egg desk bed pen pencil seven ten red 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 elephant 8 e [e] hen Ten red pens.(XXX) Ten red pens.(XXX) Eight pens,nine pens. Ten red pens.(XXX) Can you chant? Can you find more words? i [ I ] O [ ɔ ] Which words do you think out? fun run duck but bus under sun yummy Can you read more words? Run duck run.(Quack) Run duck run.(Quack) Under the sun.(Quack) Under the sun.(Quack) Run duck run.(Quack) Run run run.(Quack,quack.) u [ Λ ] Look and spellLook and spell h_nda l_ge t_ne b_gi d_go d_cku My hand has five little fingers. 我的手有5个手指。 My legs have___little toes.te n我的腿有十只小脚趾。 My dog has one cute little face. 我的狗有一张可爱的小脸。 But my duck has one big nose. 但是我的鸭子有一只大鼻子。 Try your best ! Where is short a/e/i/o/u? Where is shore a/e/i/o/u? Here I am. Here I am. I’m in a/an____ ____. I’m in a/an____ ____. Here I am. Here I am. Group work: 改编歌词 HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and repeat P50. (听读50课文。)☆ 2. Make a new chant by yourself. (自己尝试编一首新的歌谣。) ☆ ☆ Thank you!!! 查看更多

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