


Unit 5 My clothes B read and write Play a game A: dress dress skirt B: skirt skirt jacket C: jacket jacket sweater D: … John Mike Peter Sarah Mary Amy Kate Lisa Is this …? Are those …? Whose …is that? Whose … are those? Is this / that…’s? Are these / those…’s? This / That is my…. These / Those are my…. Hello, I’m…. This is my T-shirt. These are my pants. And those are my shorts. Oh, no! I have no beautiful clothes. Summer Camp Pack my clothes. (整理衣服。) Sarah, let’s go to the clothes shop. Wow! So many beautiful clothes. OK. This is my red T-shirt. Oh, no! Is this my T-shirt? No. Whose T-shirt is this? This is Sarah’s T-shirt. These are Sarah’s shoes. Oh, no! Where are my clothes? 1.大声朗读Unit5三次,签字。 2.抄写本P 3.准备Unit5考试。 查看更多

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