


A Let’s talk Let’s play Unit 5 My clothes 考考你的眼力 看图,快速用This is a ________ 或These are _______.说出一个句子。 Review: What kind of clothes do you know? Is this your hat? =Is this yours? Yes, it is.肯定回答: 否定回答: No, it isn’t. Are these your pants? 肯定回答: 否定回答: Yes,they are. No,they aren't. = Are these yours? Are these your pants? 肯定回答: 否定回答: Yes,they are. No,they aren't. = Are those yours? your 形容词性物主代词 yours 名词性物主代词=your+名词 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its our your their 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs Yes, they are.肯定回答: 否定回答: No, they aren’t. Are they John’s? John's 约翰的 John’s 有些名词的可以加来表示所有关系,带 这种词尾的名词的形式称为该名词的所 有格。 如Mary's father(玛丽的父亲) Mike's mother(迈克的母亲) 小结: your dress = yours your pants = yours Mike's hat = Mike's Chenjie's shoes = Chenjie's Chen jie’s dress A : Is this yours? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Chenjie’s. A: What’s this? A: Is this yours? Dialogue Mike's hat B: It’s a hat. B: No, it isn’t. B: It’s Mike’s. John’s shoes A:Are these yours? B: No, they aren’t. They are John’s. Are these John's ? Yes,they are. 实物招领: Are these yours? No, they aren't. They are Sarah's. Sarah's Yes, it is. Is this yours? No, it isn't. It is Huitailang's. Is this yours? Barbie Yes, it is. No, it isn't. It's Barbie's. Are these yours? No, they aren't. Apple's They are Apple's. Is this yours? No, it isn't. It's Jane's. Jane's Let's talk Read by yourself and answer the questions: • What time is it now? • Is this John’s hat? • Are these Amy’s? • What colour are Amy’s shoes? Let's talk 再看一遍视频,回答问题: Read by yourself and answer the questions: • What time is it now? • Is this John’s hat? • Are these Amy’s? • What colour are Amy’s shoes? It’s four o’clock. No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. No, they aren’t. They are Chen Jie’s. They are green. Let's talk 好了,四点了。 该回家了。 艾米,这些是你的 吗? 不是,我的鞋 子是绿色的, 它们是陈洁的。 这顶帽子呢 ?是约翰的 吗? 不是,是迈克的。 Teacher: OK. It’s four o’clock. It’s time to go home! Teacher : Amy, are these yous? Amy :No, they aren’t. My shoes are green. They’re Chen Jie’s. Teacher : What about this hat? Is this John’s? Amy : No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. 1. 看书能表演出来。OK! 2. 不看书,声音响亮、发音正确。Good! 3. 加上适当的动作表情和道具, 自然地表演出来。Super! ① this, Is, yours, (?) ② aren't, No, they (.) ③ these, yours, Are(?) 排序 : Is this yours? No, they aren’t. Are these yours? ☆:一星级:听录音,仿读对话; ☆☆:二星级:表演对话; ☆☆☆:三星级:和你的朋友一起根据对话内容 创编新对话。 (你可以根据自己的实际情况任选一个做) 查看更多

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