

天天资源网 / 小学英语 / 教学同步 / 人教PEP版 / 三年级下册 / Unit 6 How many? / Unit6 How many B let's talkppt课件(三下新版pep英语)

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Unit 6 How many? B Let's talk Let's find out • Hello, my friend. Please tell me. • How many cars do you see? • One, two, three ... I see eleven. • One, two, three ... I see eleven. • Hello, my friend. Please tell me. • How many balls do you see? • One, two, three ... I see twelve. • One, two, three ... I see twelve. How many bananas do you see? I see . fifteen How many erasers do you see? I see . thirteen How many books do you see? I see . twelve How many pears do you see? I see . eleven How many bags do you see? I see . fourteen My new crayons. Guess. How many? Open it and see! You have 16 crayons. sixteen How many crayons do you have? I have .sixteen How many...do you have? I have... Act the dialogue in groups. 小组内分角色进行表演对话。 请每组组长选择一种水果,水果背 后藏有笑脸的两组进行PK表演. My new crayons. My new crayons. What's this? What's this? You have 16 crayons. You have 16 crayons. How many crayons do you have? How many crayons do you have? Open it and see! Open it and see! sixteen sixteen 快速说出飞过的单词和句子 1.—How many book do you have? —I see 16. 2. —How many pens do you see? —I have 11. 3. You have 14 pencil. 4. Open it and look! 请你来找错 小组内运用How many...do you have? I have... 来展开对话,询问每个组员拥有物品的数量,然 后把调查的结果填在各组小黑板的表格内。 An apple a day An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A-P-P-L-E, apple! • Read the dialogue five times. 读这段对话五遍。 • Act the dialogue to your family. 将对话表演给你的家人看。 查看更多

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