


Part B Read and write UnitUnit clothesclothesMyMy55 Let’s go camping! It’s time to pack my clothes. These are my pants .blue I like that . skirtgreen I like that . dressred This is my red dress. hat I like those . hats Is this my hat? No, this is Amy’s. T-shirt This is my .red jacketIt’s my . It’s mine. This is my sweater. This is my coat. sweater coat socksThese aremy . shorts Whose are those ? They’re Mike’s. shoes mythose areAnd . Oh, This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! No, this is Amy’s. Is this my hat? it’s time to pack my clothes. Amy! Is this yours? Let’s say! This is….’s…. These are….’s…. 查看更多

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