


江苏高三完形填空预习复习专项巩固 授课类型 星级 教学目标 填空专项 授课日期及时段 教学内容 江苏 Dale Carnegie rose from the unknown of a Missouri farm to international fame because he found a way to fill a universal human need. It was a need that he first 1 back in 1906 when young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warr ensburg. To get an 2 , he was struggling against many difficulties. His family was poor. His Dad couldn't afford the 3 at college, so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes. Study had to be done 4 his farm- work routines. He withdrew from many school activities 5 he didn't have the time or the 6 . He had only on e good suit. He tried 7 the football team, but the coach turned him down for being too 8 . During this peri od Dale was slowly 9 an inferiority complex (自卑感), which his mother knew could 10 him from achieving his real potential. She 111 that Dale join the debating team, believing that 12 in speaking could give him the con fidence and recognition that he needed. Dale took his mother’s advice, tried desperately and after several attempts 13 made it. This proved to be a 14 point in his life. Speaking before groups did help him gain the 15 he needed. By the time Dale was a senior, he had won every top honor in 16 . Now other students were coming to him for coaching and they, 17 , were winning contests. Out of this early struggle to 18 his feelings of inferiority, Dale came to understand that the ability to 19 an idea to an audience builds a person’s confidence. And,20 it, Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do —and so could others. 1.A. admitted B. filled C.supplied D. recognized 2.A. Assignment B. Education C. Advantage D. instruction 3.A. Training B. Board C. Teaching D. equipment 4.A. Between B. During C. Over D. through 5.A. While B. When C. Because D. though 6.A. Permits B. Interest C. Talent D. clothes 7.A. On B. For C. In D. with 8.A. Light B. Flexible C. Optimistic D. outgoing 9.A. Gaining B. Achieving C. Developing D. obtaining 10.A. Prevent B. Protect C. Save D. Free 11.A. Suggested B.demanded C. Required D. insisted 12.A. Presence B. Practice C. Patience D. potential 13.A. Hopefully B. Certainly C. Finally D. naturally 14.A. Key B. Breaking C. Basic D. turning 15.A. Progress B. Experience C. Competence D. confidence 16.A. horse-riding B. Football C. Speech D. farming 17.A. in return B. in brief C. in turn D. in fact 18.A. Convey B. Overcome C. Understand D. build 19.A. Express B. Stress C. Contribute D. repeat 20.A. Besides B. Beyond C. Like D. with 解析 【句意提示】 1.句意:这个需要是 1906 年他在 State Teacher College 学习的时候意识到的。本句是一个强调句型,强调的是 need。 【语篇分析】 2.根据下文可知,他为了接受教育,他克服了许多困难。 【句意提示】 3.句意:他的父亲没有钱付他的大学寄宿膳食的钱,他不得不骑马 12 英里去上学。 4.句意:他的很多学习是在农场到学校途中进行的,因为他在上学的路上要花很多时间。 【语篇分析】 5.“他没有时间也没有衣服”和“他没有参加各种学校的活动”之间是存在着因果关系,所以此处使用表示原因的连词。 【句意提示】 6.句意:因为他没有时间也没有衣服,所以他没有参加各种学校的活动。 7、8.句意:他申请参加足球队,但是教练拒绝了他,说他体重太轻了。 9.句意:在这段时间里,卡耐基慢慢地形成了一种自卑感。通常使用 develop 表示养成,形成一种性格。 【相关语法点提示】 10.prevent sb. from doing sth. 意为“阻止某人做某事”,这个结构符合上下文的含义。 【句意提示】 11、12.句意:他的妈妈建议他参加辩论队,认为辩论队里的演讲的练习会给他所需要的认可和信心。根据句意可知 此处意为“坚持认为”,而且在 join 前面省略了 should,这是一个虚拟语气。 13.句意:卡耐基采纳了妈妈的建议,多次努力以后,最后终于成功了。 14.句意:这件事是他人生的转折点。从此他走上了成功之路。turning point 转折点,为固定搭配。 15.句意:在很多人面前发表演讲帮助他得到了他所需要的信心。之前他曾经一度很自卑,现在演讲让他重新获得自 信。 16.句意:到他大四的时候,他赢得了演讲方面所有的最高荣誉。 17.句意:他的学生都来向他寻求指导,接着在他的指导下,他们也相继赢得了比赛。in turn 表示那些学生也相继成 功了。 【语篇分析】 18.根据前面的 struggle 和后面的 inferiority 可知此处指的是“克服”自卑感。 19.演讲是一种向听众表达观点的事情,所以此处意为向听众“表达”观点能够增强一个人的信心。 20.with it 中的 it 是指信心,所以此处表示“拥有”之意,有了信心,他可以做他想做的一切。 一、选材特点: 1、难度低于阅读理解中的材料。 2、包含希望考查到的词汇、语法结构等语言项目。 3、上下文关系较为紧凑。 4、语言地道、纯正,有一定的内容情节,避免选择专业性太强的文章,以免学生因受知识障碍和心理因素的干扰而 影响语言水平的正常发挥。此外,还要回避那些对部分考生来说较为熟悉,而对其他考生来说可能较为生疏的材 料,防止造成不公平。 二、技巧点拨 由于完形填空重在考查学生在语篇中综合运用语言的能力, 答题时就必须遵循“整体—部分—整体”的步骤,具体 可分为以下三步: 1、通览全文,了解大意(完意) 通过浏览全文,可以迅速理解文章大意。如果提笔就填,势必由于“见木不见林”而事倍功半。须知文章的上下文 之间是紧密联系的。某一局部成立的答案如果放到全文中去考虑,也许就不能成立,只有抓住全篇文章的主旨,才能 选出既合乎语言规范,又合乎文章内容的答案。 如果通读一遍后,仍不能理解全文,则应冷静下来再读,切忌在不了解全文意义的情况下边读边填。 遇到生词要区别对待。若该词表示的是无关紧要的信息,可直接跳过去;若生词影响你理解全文,则可利用上下 文、构词法等多种猜词技巧猜测出它们的含义。 倘若设空处影响你理解短文,可将备选项代入空档,也许你能从中找到理解的线索。 注意分析文章的首尾句。首句有开篇启示的作用,是观察全文的窗口,往往也是演绎型文章的主题句。尾句一般 是文章的点睛之笔,常常也是归纳型文章的结论语。抓住首尾句有利于加快、加深对文章的理解。 每篇文章都是一个有机的整体,段与段之间在逻辑上必然前呼后应,句与句之间在意义上总是有着不同程度的联 系。如果先通览全文,就能把握住文章的主题,理清文章的脉络,了解作者的思路。 2、综合考虑,逐项填空 掌握文章大意后,就可以按顺序答题了,但并不意味着要依次一下子填好所有空档,可先借助自己的语感,利用 上下文提供的情境,推测出可能的答案,然后,再结合备选项进行验证。 对那些较难的空档,可试着将备选项一一代入空档,然后从词汇意义及用法、习惯搭配、常识、逻辑推理以及上 下文等角度,进行认真分析、比较,力求找出合情合理的答案。有时,前后信息之间还有相互提示的作用。答题时, 要瞻前顾后,放眼全篇,切不可将思维局限在一两个空档或一两句话上。 对那些答案一时难以抉择的空档,可先用排除法尽量缩小答案的范围,然后根据“四分均等”的原则在该题已定答 案中将涉及较少的那一个选项选做答案。 总之,遇到疑难空档时应该冷静、谨慎,切忌草率从事。否则,一旦选错一档,还可能影响其他,形成连锁反应。 3、复读检验,消除疏漏 完成所有空档后,还要再复读一遍短文,看看这时的短文行文是否流畅,意义是否连贯,逻辑关系是否合理。若 有不合语感、题意或语言规范之处,应审慎调整答案,力求做到万无一失。 三、突破方法 1.利用逻辑关系解题 逻辑关系隐藏在句子中、句与句之间以及段落的衔接中。通过逻辑关系的方法,我们可以通过确切、具体的线索,把 答案的逻辑意义推理出来,从而在答案中寻找表现了相同逻辑意义的选项。这样做,使得题目的难度大大降低。如: (江苏) He withdrew from many school activities 5 he didn’t have the time or the 6 . He had only one good suit. 5. A. While B.when C.because D.though 6. A. Permits B.interest C.talent D.clothes 第一句中,根据句意可知,空格后面的内容是他不参加很多学校活动的原因,因此用 because 引导原因状语从句。 根据第二句,他只有一套得体的衣服,可知这是对第六空的解释,因此选 D. 这两题都是利用句中和句子之间的 内在逻辑关系得出相应的答案。 2.利用固定搭配解题 完形填空中对词汇知识的考察主要体现在习惯用法和同义词、近义词的辨析方面。习惯用法是英语中某种固定的结 构形态,即所谓的“习语”,不能随意改动。所以,考生平时应掌握好习惯用法。对词义辨析题的考察有加大力度的趋 势。要做好这类题,需要有较大的词汇量、词语搭配知识和词语辨析的能力,特别是在特定的语境中能灵活运用的能 力。如:(江西) “You should mind your own !”Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves. 11.A. Business B. swimsuit C.friends D.parents Diane 一边说“你应该别管闲事!”一边走进了柔和的波浪中。mind your own business 是固定表达,意为“管好你自己 的事”。如果在这个语境中正确利用了固定搭配,就可以明白选 A 项。 3.利用复现信息解题 利用复现信息包括原词的复现、同义词和反义词复现、上下义词复现、概括词复现和代词复现等。语篇中有词汇和结 构同现的现象,如与语篇话题相关,意义相关的词汇同时出现,结构同现,同义同现,修饰同现,因果同现等。因此 运用上下文寻找解题信息,确定正确答案。如:(江西) “I know it’s 5 for you,”Mum said softly.”But I’m just worried other people might think we’re a little...strange.And then they would make fun of you.” “No, they wouldn’t mum,” James protested.”We are not 6 at all. We’re just ordinary people.” 5. A. fair B.easy C.good D. hard 6. A. strange B. normal C. popular D. anxious 前文对话中,母亲拒绝了詹姆斯请朋友到家里来的请求,她知道对詹姆士来说是很难的,因此第 5 空选 D 项。母亲 拒绝的理由是 we are a little...strange,但是詹姆士却不这么认为,反驳了母亲觉得自己一家人 strange 的说法。利用上 文“strange”一词可以轻松得知第六空的答案为 A 选项。 4.利用背景及常识解题 5.解答完形填空时,考生的英语语言知识和有关世界的知识都发挥着重要的作用。当对语言的把握不准确时,可充分 利用自己已经掌握的语言文化背景和生活常识,巧妙地加以运用,先找出并理解文章的主题和主线,并根据主题猜测 细节,注意从重复出现的词语中寻找、体会文章表达的氛围。这样会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时 间,顺利地沿作者的思路阅读下去。如:(课表 I) As soon as I sat down, my 6 made the chair begin to roll 6.A. height B. force C. skill D. weight 文章讲述了作者在一次体验残疾人活动中使用轮椅的经过。根据生活常识可知,人一坐到轮椅上,由于自身的体重就 会使轮椅开始滚动,因此选 D 项。 5.根据文章感情色彩解题 考生子啊通读时,应掌握文章大意,弄清作者思路的基础上,着重寻找反应语境褒贬性的标志词汇或者句子,这些标 志性的词汇或者句子往往对语境的褒贬性起着决定性的作用,从而帮助考生选择符合语境感情色彩的词语。如:(浙 江) From that day on,Simon had sat up straighter,paid more attention, 16 more, and became happy. 16. A. slept B. smiled C.shouted D. quarreled 根据句中 straighter,more attention,happy 等词可以看出,都是对 Simon 积极变化的描述,因此不难推出空格也应该是积 极意义的词,固选 B 项 江苏 Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever. I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Inco rporation for breakfast. While we were 1 , Kurt asked me, "John, what is your 2 for personal growth?" Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might 3 for growth. I told him about the many acti vities in which I was 4 . And I went into a 5 about how hard I worked and the gains I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt 6 patiently, but then he 7 smiled and said, "You don't have a personal p lan for growth, do you?" "No," I 8 . "You know," Kurt said simply, "growth is not a(n) 9 process." And that's when it 10 me, I wasn't doing anything 11 to make myself better. And at that moment, I ma de the 12 : I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my 13 . That night, I talked to my wife about my 14 with Kurt and what I had learned. I 15 her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling. we 16 that Kart wasn't just trying to make a sale. He was offering a 17 for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams. Several important things happened that day. First, we decided to 18 the resources. But more importantly, we ma de a commitment to 19 together as a couple. From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrifice d together. It was a 20 decision. While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together. 1.A: working B: preparing C: thinking D: eating 2.A: suggestion B: demand C: plan D: require 3.A: appeal B: look C: call D: qualify 4.A: involved B: trapped C: lost D: bathed 5. A: lecture B: speech C: discussion D: debate 6. A: calculated B: listened C: drank D: explained 7.A: eagerly B: gradually C: gratefully D: finally 8.A: admitted B: interrupted C: apologized D: complained 9. A: automatic B: slow C: independent D: changing 10. A: confused B: informed C: pleased D: hit 11. A: on loan B: on purpose C: on sale D: on balance 12.A: comment B: announcement C: decision D: arrangement 13.A: life B: progress C: performance D: investment 14.A: contract B: conversation C: negotiation D: argument 15.A: lent B: sold C: showed D: offered 16.A: recalled B: defined C: recognized D: declared 17.A: tool B: method C: way D: rule 18.A: provide B: buy C: give D: deliver 19.A: grow B: survive C: move D: gather 20.A: difficult B: random C: firm D: wise 解析 1. 结合上文 I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast 可知,“我们”正在吃(eat)东 西。work 意为“工作”,prepare 意为“准备”,think 意为“思考”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 2. 结合上文 42 空后 You don't have a personal plan for growth, do you? 可知,Kurt 问“我”的个人成长计划(plan)是什 么。suggestion 意为“建议”,demand 意为“要求”,request 意为“请求”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 3. 本题考查动词短语辨析.动词 appeal 呼吁,吸引(通常与 to 连用);look for 寻找;call for 需要,需要;qualify for 有资格,能胜任;当 Kurt 提出这个问题的时候,我努力找出一些个人生活中与成长有关的事情。与 ABC 三项 的语义不搭配。故正确答案为 D。 4. 结合语境可知,“我”告诉了他一些我加入(involve)的活动。trap 意为“诱捕”,lose 意为“失去”,bath 意为“沐 浴”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 A。 5. 结合下文 I must have talked for ten minutes 可知,“我”一直在说,所以“我”跟他讲(speech)自己如何努力,获 得了什么回报。lecture 意为“演讲”,discussion 意为“讨论”,debate 意为“辩论”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 B。 6. 结合下文 I must have talked for ten minutes 可知,“我”一直在说,他也在有耐心地听(listen)。calculate 意为“计 算”,drink 意为“喝”,explain 意为“解释”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 B。 7. 结合语境可知,他耐心地听“我”说话,最后(finally)微笑着和我说话。eagerly 意为“渴望地”,gradually 意为“逐 渐地”,gratefully 意为“感激地”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 8. 结合上文 you don't have a personal plan for growth, do you? 可知,他看出来了“我”没有任何计划,然后“我”承 认(admit)了确实没有。interrupt 意为“中断;打扰”,apologize 意为“道歉”,complain 意为“抱怨”,均不符合文意。 故正确答案为 A。 9. 结合语境和上文提到的 plan 可知,成长不是一个自动的(automatic)过程,需要你去计划,然后按计划去做。slow 意为“缓慢的”,independent 意为“独立的”,changing 意为“改变的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 A。 10. 结合语境和下文 I will develop and follow a personal growth plan 可知,他的话让“我”受到了冲击(hit),所 以“我”下决心要制定一个个人成长计划。confuse 意为“困惑”,inform 意为“通知”,please 意为“使愉悦”,均不符合 文意。故正确答案为 D。 11. A 项,on loan 意为“借用;借贷”; B 项,on purpose 意为“有目的地;故意地”; C 项,on sale 意为“廉价出售”; D 项,on balance 意为“总的来说”。 结合上文的 plan 可知,此处应为“我”没有特意(on purpose)做任何事来让自己变得更好。故正确答案为 B。 12. 结合上文 that's when it hit me 可知,他的话对“我”造成了冲击,所以“我”决定 decision)要制定一个个人成长计划。 comment 意为“评论”,announcement 意为“宣布”,arrangement 意为“安排”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 13. 结合语境可知,“我”要为“我”的生活(life)制定一个成长计划。progress 意为“进步”,performance 意为“表演”, investment 意为“投资”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 A。 14. 结合上文文意可知,“我”和 Kurt 谈论了关于我的个人成长计划的事情,所以“我”晚上告诉了妻子和 Kurt 的谈 话(conversation)内容。contract 意为“合同”,negotiation 意为“协商”,argument 意为“争论”,均不符合文意。故正 确答案为 B。 15. 结合语境可知,“我”给妻子看(show)了 Kurt 出售的工作簿和磁带。lend 意为“借出”,sell 意为“出售”,offer 意为“提供”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 16. 结合句意可知,“我”和妻子发现(recognize)他不只是在销售。recall 意为“回忆”,define 意为“定义”,declare 意为“宣布”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 17. 结合语境可知,他给“我们”提供了一条改变生活并实现梦想的路(way)。tool 意为“工具”,method 意为“方法”, 常和 with 搭配,rule 意为“规则”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 18. 结合上文的 first 可知,销售的第一步是买(buy)一些资源。provide 意为“提供”,give 意为“给”,deliver 意为“传 送”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 B。 19. 结合最后一句 While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together 可知,“我们”承诺要共同成长 (grow)。survive 意为“存活”,move 意为“移动”,gather 意为“收集”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 A。 20. 结合下文 From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together 可知,“我们”一块儿 学习、旅行、奉献,做什么事都一起,所以这是一个明智的(wise)决定。difficult 意为“困难的”,random 意为“随 机的”,firm 意为“坚定的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 江苏 I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel's books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional 1 and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so 2 to me and had such a big 3 on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to 4 my own cancer experience? I'm an ambitious 5 , and when I started going through chemo(化疗), even though I'm a very 6 person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the 7 One day, while waiting to go in for 8 , I had one of Dr. Bernie's books in my hand. Another patient 9 what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me 10 he had one of his books with him as well. It 11 that am ong other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was 12 a published author, and he was currently 13 o n a new book. We would see each other at various times and 14 friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself , he was definitely a(n) 15 of Dr. Bernie. He really put a 16 on my face. He unfortunately 17 l ast year due to his cancer, 18 he left a deep impression on me and give me the 19 to pick up my pen again. I 20 to myself, "If he can do it, then so can I." 1.A: tastes  B: ideas  C: notes D: memories 2.A: amazing B: shocking C: amusing D: strange 3.A: strike   B: push C: challenge D: impact 4.A: learn from B: go over C: get through D:refer to 5.A: reader   B: writer C: editor D: doctor 6.A: positive  B: agreeable C: humorous D: honest 7.A: mood B: position C: state D: way 8.A: advice B: reference C: protection D: treatment 9.A: viewed B: knew C: noticed D: wondered 10.A: while B: because C: although D: providing 11.A: came out B: worked out C: proved out D: turned out 12.A: naturally B: merely C: hopefully D: actually 13. A: deciding B: investing C: working D: relying 14.A: became B: helped C: missed D: visited 15.A: patient B: operator C: fan D: publisher 16.A: sign B: smile C: mark D: mask 17.A: showed up B: set off C: fell down D: passed away 18.A: since B: but C: so D:for 19.A: guidance B: trust C: opportunity D: inspiration 20.A: promised B: swore C: thought D: replied 解析 1. 结合上文可知,Bernie Siegel 是一位作家,作者在大学被要求读他写的书。由此可知,此处表示 Bernie Siegel 在书 中的一些非传统的观点(ideas)。taste 意为“ 味道;品味;审美”,note 意为“笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便 笺”,memory 意为“记忆”,均与文意不符。故正确答案为 B。 2. 结合上文可知,Bernie Siegel 在书中陈述了一些非传统的观点,写到了一些卓越的病人。由上文的空格中的 unconventional 以及“exceptional” 可知,此处作者认为 Bernie Siegel 所写的观点和病人是令人惊异的(amazing)。amazing 意为“令 人惊异的”,不仅表示对某事物令人“惊讶”,还可表达“敬佩”之意,在此处符合文意。shocking 意为“令人震惊的;骇 人听闻的”,一般是描述不好的消息;amusing 意为“有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的”,strange 意为“奇怪的;陌生的”, 均与文意不符。故正确答案为 A。 3. 结合下文可知,Bernie Siegal 的书让陪伴作者度过了他患癌症的那段时光。由此可知, Bernie Siegal 的书对作者产 生了极大的影响(impact)。have such a big impact on sth. 意为“对...有如此大的影响”。strike 意为“罢工;打击;殴 打”,push 意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”,challenge 意为“挑战”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 4. 结合下文可知,在作者患癌症、接受化疗的那一段时间,Bernie Siegal 的书对作者产生了很大的影响。由此可知, 是 Bernie Siegal 的书和 CD 帮助作者熬过(get through)那一段患癌症的时期。get through 意为“熬过,度过(困 难时期)”。learn from 意为“向...学习;从...中学习”,go over 意为“复习,重温;仔细检查”,refer to 意为“参考; 涉及;指的是;适用于”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 5. 结合下文 “I lost my drive to write” 可知,作者是一位作家(writer)。reader 意为“读者”,editor 意为“编辑”, doctor 意为“医生”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 B。 6. 结合上文的 even though 以及下文中 “I lost my drive to write” 可知,即使作者是一个乐观的(positive)人,他 还是失去了写作的动力。agreeable 意为“令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的”,humorous 意为“幽默的”,honest 意为 “诚实的”,用在此处均逻辑不通,排除。故正确答案为 A。 7. 结合上文可知,作者由于患了癌症,从而变得不乐观,失去了写作的动力。又根据下文 “I was just too tired” 可 知,作者很疲倦,没有心思去写作,心情不舒畅。not in the mood 意为“没心情,没心思;心情不舒畅”,符合文意。 in the position 意为“在这种情况;在...位置上”,in the state (of)意为“在...状态下”,in the way 意为“妨碍;挡 道”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 A。 8. 结合上文可知,作者由于患癌症,所以在接受化疗。又根据下文作者描述 “Another patient” 可知,此时作者正在医 院等待去接受治疗(treatment)。advice 意为“建议;意见”,reference 意为“参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目”,protection 意为“保护”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 9. 结合下文可知,另一位病人也在看一本 Bernie Siegal 的书,并开始和作者聊天。由此可知,另一位病人注意到 (noticed)作者也在看 Bernie Siegal 的书。view 意为“观察;考虑;查看”,侧重有目的的、有意识地察看,此处表达不 经意地注意到更符合文意,故 view 错误,notice 正确。know 意为“知道;了解”;wonder 意为“想知道;惊讶”;均不 符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 10. 结合上文可知,另一位病人注意到了作者在看的书并开始与作者交谈。结合下文 “he had one of his books with him as well” 可知,因为(because)那位病人也在看 Bernie Siegal 的书,所以才会与作者交谈。while 意为“虽然;然而; 当...的时候”,although 意为“即使;尽管”,providing 意为“假如,以…为条件”,用在此处均不符合逻辑。故正确答案 为 B。 11. 由下文 a published author 可知,那位病人是一位出版过书的作家。故可推断作者通过与那位病人的对话,知道那 位病人原来是一位八十岁的作家。It turned out that ... 意为“原来是...”,符合文意。come out 意为“出现;出版;结果 是”,虽然 come out 有“结果是”之意,但一般不用于 It comes out that ... 的句型。work out 意为“解决;算出;实现;制 定出;锻炼”,prove out 意为“证明是合适的,证明是令人满意的”,均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 12. 前句提到作者遇到了另一个病人,在交谈之后发现那人是个作家,之后补充强调事实上(actually)他还是个出版 作家。naturally “自然地”,merely “仅仅”,hopefully “有希望地”,均不合文意。故正确答案为 D。 13. 根据前文说到这个病人是一个作家,可知他现在正在写一本新书,用 work on 表“致力于,从事于”,符合文意, C 项正确。decide on “决定”,invest on “投资”,rely on “依靠”,均不合文意。故正确答案为 C。 14. 由上文可知我和医院里的另一个病人交谈得知我们都读 Bernie Siegel 的书,兴趣相同,故推知“我们时不时见面, 并且成为了(became)朋友”。help “帮助”,miss “错过,思念”,visit “拜访”,均不合文意。故正确答案为 A。 15. 第一段第二句提到 Dr. Bernie 的书中讲述了一些非凡的病人(exceptional patients)的故事,而当他有时戴着鸭舌 帽一副乐天心态地出现在“我”面前时,“我”觉得他一定就是 Dr. Bernie 的粉丝(fan),也喜欢读他的书,因为他的表 现就像是 Dr. Bernie 笔下那些非凡的病人。patient “病人”,Dr. Bernie 不是医生,不可能是他的病人,operator “操作 者”,publisher “出版商”,都不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 16. 由前文可知,“我”偶然认识的一个病人给了“我”极大的鼓励,他乐观积极地坚持写作,对待生活的态度对“我”影 响很大,使得“我”也变得乐观,开始用微笑(smile)面对不幸。sign “符号”,mark “标记”,mask “面具”均不合文意。 故正确答案为 B。 17. 根据空前 “unfortunately” 和空后 “due to his cancer” 可知句意为“很不幸的是,他去年因为癌症去世 (passed away)了”,show up “出现”,set off “出发,引爆”,fall down “摔倒”都不合文意。故正确答案为 D。 18. 空前“他去世了”与空后“他给我留下了深刻的印象”构成转折,需要转折连词 but 连接这两个句子。since “既然; 自...以来”,so “所以”,for “因为”,均为表因果关系的连词,不合逻辑。故正确答案为 B。 19. 由前文可知,作者遇到的这位病人即使得了癌症也坚持写作,保持对生活的乐观态度激励(inspiration)了作者 再次开始写作,guidance “指导”,trust “信任”,opportunity “机会”都不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。 20. think to oneself “暗自思忖”,这里表示作者的心理活动,意为“我心里想:‘既然他能做到,那么我也能做到。’”, 并不是对自己的“承诺”或“发誓”。reply 意为“回复”,也不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。 A(故事类) My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season. The first two 1 there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang 2 for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them. As we were 3 on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them 4 off at the walls or floor. However, one lady _ 5 my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren’t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t 6 like that. As we got 7 with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. _ 8 she was singing, she was also 9 out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my 10 were to my students. People who worked at the care center could 11 to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling 12 about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about. Justin also 13 the same lady. The difference between us is that he 14 on her needs, but I didn’t. During the last song, “Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her 15 and with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take my 16 to let you know that.” This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No 17 can completely describe that touching moment.. It 18 a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin’s example of a complete, selfless attitude toward another was a 19 that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself 20 to have witnessed his lesson. 1. A. rooms B. buildings C. floors D. groups 2. A. bravely B. shyly C. madly D. beautifully 3. A. dancing B. meeting C. gathering D. singing 4. A. stared B. shut C. paid D. glared 5. A. looked B. caught C. escaped D. hurt 6. A. appear B. hear C. sound D. feel 7. A. louder B. nearer C. faster D. higher 8. A. Because B. As C. Since D. Though 9. A. moving B. reaching C. coming D. spreading 10.A. interests B. abilities C. feelings D. responsibilities 11. A. speak B. object C. attend D. compare 12. A. afraid B. sure C. guilty D. scary 13. A. feared B. avoided C. helped D. noticed 14. A. called B. acted C. insisted D. kept 15. A. tears B. hands C. eyes D. face 16. A. time B. flower C. body D. cheek 17. A. words B. poems C. expressions D. songs 18. A. took B. wasted C. caused D. made 19. A. message B. lesson C. activity D. class 20. A. clever B. foolish C. right D. lucky B(夹叙夹议文) The “Doorman” On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a   1   beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for us. Regardless of his  2  , he greeted us in a friendly way. Once inside, my daughters whispered, “Mom, he  3  . ” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look  4   the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many  5   him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had resolved to set a good  6  to my children. Yet sometimes when things didn’t go right, being a good example was  7 . When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I  8  myself from the meal and went to get them. Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his   9 . Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I 10. When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside  11   he purchased food. I went back and told my family his  12 . Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked  13  as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to  14  our trip, I noticed the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then  15   his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes — tears of  16 . What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “doorman” a  17 . He pulled away, with tears  18  down his face. Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we can’t choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude( 感恩). I said thanks to a man who had  19   help open a door for me, and also said thanks for that  20   to teach my children by example. 1. A. heavy B. long C. messy D. grey 2. A. service B. appearance C. status D. attitude 3. A. smokes B. smiles C. sniffs D. smells 4. A. beyond B. over C. around D. into 5. A. hated B. ignored C. missed D. refused 6. A. target B. rule C. record D. example 7. A. stressful B. authentic C. awkward D. tough 8. A. excused B. freed C. prevented D. withdrew 9. A. company B. presence C. effort D. attempt 10. A. quitted B. marched C. exited D. approached 11. A. before B. unless C. though D. since 12. A. story B. deed C. experience D. demand 13. A. concerned B. shocked C. puzzled D. bored 14. A. make B. start C. take D. continue 15. A. extended B. washed C. raised D. waved 16. A. approval B. affection C. sympathy D. gratitude 17. A. hug B. nod C. lift D. clap 18. A. slipping B. streaming C. rushing D. breaking 19. A. firmly B. constantly C. simply D. politely 20. A. journey B. wisdom C. opportunity D. coincidence C(议论文) The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life. Water begins its ___1__ on earth as it falls from the sky or comes from ice and streams down a mountain into a river or sea. In a ___2___ way, we come into the world and begin our lives on earth. Like a river that flows __3__ the boundaries of its banks, we are born with certain characteristics that __4__ our identity. We are born in a specific time and place, in a specific family, and with certain gifts and disabilities. With these __5__,we move through life, __6__many twists, turns ,and barriers along the way just __7__ river does. Water is a great teacher that __8__us how to move through the world with grace, bravery, determination, and __9__.When a river __10__ at a waterfall, it gains energy and moves on. Water inspires us not to become __11__ with fear or stick to what’s familiar. Water is brave and does not __12__ time sticking to its past, but flows onward without looking back. At the same time, when there is a __13__ to be filled, water does not run away from it in fear of the dark; __14__, water modestly and bravely fills the empty space. In the same way, we can face the __15__ moments of our life rather than run away from them. __16__,a river will empty into the sea. Water does not hold back from __17__up with a larger body, nor does it fear a loss of __18__ or control. It gracefully and modestly falls into the vastness by contributing its energy without __19__. Each time we move beyond our personal characters to become part of something bigger, we can try our best to __20___ the lead of the river. 1. A. travel B. work C. ride D. change 2. A. strange B. similar C. separate D. special 3. A. beyond B. over C. within D. across 4. A. preserve B. decide C. assume D. cast 5. A. restrictions B. preferences C. opportunities D. demands 6. A. living with B. competing with C. meeting with D. playing with 7. A. before B. because C. until D. as 8. A. comforts B. persuades C. drives D. shows 9. A. modesty B. happiness C. honesty D. reputation 10 A. springs B. spins C. sinks D. breaks 11. A. desperate B. rigid C. aggressive D. merciful 12. A. manage B. save C. fix D. waste 13. A. hole B. pond C. shadow D. platform 14. A. therefore B. instead C. otherwise D. besides 15. A. great B. quiet C. exact D. dark 16. A. Regularly B. Absolutely C. Eventually D. Actually 17. A. putting B. coming C. catching D. joining 18. A. life B. confidence C. liberty D. root 19. A. hesitation B. permission C. responsibility D. freedom 20. A. take B. follow C. lose D. hold 完形填空 A: 1-5 CDDAB 6-10 CABBD 11-15 CCDBC 16-20 AAABD 1.【解析】选 C。考查前后照应。根据下文 on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症)可知,the first two floors 表示前两层楼。 2.【解析】选 D。考查前后照应。根据下文 They loved our sweet songs.可知,beautifully 和 sweet 呼应。 3.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上文 We sang for them 以及下文 They weren’t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t like that 可知,老太太唱的歌不是我们正在唱的歌。 4.【解析】选 A。考查对上下文语境的理解和词义辨析。老年痴呆症的老人常常会凝视某一地方,根据下文 at the walls or floor 可知,老人凝视着墙或地面。stare 凝视;glare 怒视。 5.【解析】选 B。考查固定搭配。catch one’s eyes 吸引了我的目光。 6.【解析】选 C。考查固定搭配。sound like 听起来像。至少听起来不是我们正在唱的歌。 7.【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。根据下文 The louder we got, the louder she got.可知,当我们大声唱每一首欢快歌曲 时,老人也如此。 8.【解析】选 B。考查语法结构。当她唱歌时,她也会和我们一起伸出手。as 引导的时间状语从句。because 原因状 语从句;since 因为;自从;though 引导让步状语从句。 9.【解析】选 B。考查固定搭配。reach out to sb 向某人伸出手。 10.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。我认为我的责任是教会我的学生。interests 利息;兴趣; abilities 能力; responsibilities 责任。 11.【解析】选 C。考查固定搭配。attend to sb 照顾;伺候某人;speak to sb 和某人说话;object to sb 反对某人;compare A to B 把 A 比喻成 B. 在作者看来疗养院的工作人员会照料这个老太太的。 12.【解析】选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。当我刚刚停止因为没有给予她需要的关注而感到 guilty(惭愧)时,我其 中的一个学生告诉了我这个假期的真正含义。afraid 害怕的;sure 务必的;确定的;guilty 惭愧的;scary 恐怖的。 13.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。上文提到这个老太太 catch my eyes, 我的学生也关注到了这个老太太。 fear 害怕;avoid 避免; notice 注意到。 14.【解析】选 B。考查对上下文语境的理解。上文提到我没有给予这个老太太应有的关注,而我其中的一个学生和 我不同的是 act on her needs. act on 对…付诸实践;call on 拜访某人或号召某人;insist on 坚持;keep on 继续。 15.【解析】选 C。考查常识。根据上文 Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her and with his actions said, 安慰某人时应该是握住她的手,看着她的眼睛(look sb in one’s eyes )。 16.【解析】选 A。考查对上下文语境的理解。我会花时间(take time)让你知道你是重要的。 17.【解析】选 A。考查对上下文语境的理解。没有任何语言可以表达当时令人感动的场面。 18.【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。一个男孩教会了我一个成年人关于爱和善良。It takes sb (sth) to do sth. 做某事需要 某人(某事);waste 浪费 sb waste …on sth/in doing sth ; cause 导致 casue sb to do sth. 19.【解析】选 B。考查词义辨析和前后照应。下文 He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself to have witnessed his lesson.可知,我的学生教会了我一个永远不会忘记的教训。lesson 人生教训;message 信息。 20.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。作者觉得很幸运能够亲眼目睹这个人生课程。 B: 1-5 CBDAB 6-10 DDABC 11-15 BACDA 16-20 DABCC 1.【解析】选 C。考查前后照应和词义辨析。根据 dirty hair 可知,messy 凌乱的; heavy 沉重的; long 长的; grey 灰白的。 2. 【解析】选 B。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上文 a man, with a    beard and dirty hair 可知。appearance 外 貌; service 服务; status 地位; attitude 态度。 3.【解析】选 D。考查背景常识。这个开门的人脏兮兮的, 自然气味难闻。 4.【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。beyond 意为在范围外,从上下文可知,孩子的母亲不希望孩子们以貌取人,而应该 关注外表以外的东西,所以选 look beyond. look over 检查;look around 环顾四周;look into 调查。 5.【解析】选 B。考查前后照应。根据句中的转折连词 but 可知许多顾客来饭店吃饭但却忽视了这个开门的。ignore 忽视; hate 憎恨; miss 错过; refuse 拒绝。 6.【解析】选 D。考查固定搭配和词语复现。set a good example to sb. 为某人树立好榜样; target 目标; rule 规则; record 纪录。下文 Yet sometimes when things didn’t go right, being a good example was    . 也有暗示。 7.【解析】选 D。考查前后照应。有时当一切事情进展不对的时候, 做一个好榜样是一件很难的事情。通过上文可知, 进入饭店的人都以貌取人,不正确地,不礼貌地对待那个头发胡子脏乱的男人,人们的这种无礼让作者很不舒服, 所以在这种情况下给孩子以身作则就显得格外困难。tough 困难的; stressful 有压力的; authentic 真正的; 真实的; awkward 笨拙的, 难对付的。 8.【解析】选 A。考查前后照应和词义辨析。由 went to get them 可知。excuse oneself from 借故推脱; free 释放, 使自 由; prevent 阻止; withdraw 撤走, 撤退。 9. 【解析】选 B 。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据 We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many     him. 可知此处用 presence,表示这对夫妇快速从他身边冲过,甚至没有承认他的存在。presence 存在; company 陪 伴; effort 努力; attempt 尝试。 10.【解析】选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上文 When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I    myself from the meal and went to get them. 可知 作者要出去。exit 离开; quit 停止; march 行进; approach 接近。 11.【解析】选 B。考查语法结构。他告诉我除非点东西吃他才被允许进去。unless 除非; before 在……之前; though 尽 管; since 自从, 既然。 12.【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。作者回去告诉家人他的故事。story 故事; deed 事迹; experience 经历; demand 需要。 13.【解析】选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。由于我们已经吃过了, 所以当作者向服务员再要一份汤和三明治时, 孩 子们很困惑。puzzled 困惑的; concerned 关心的; shocked 吃惊的; bored 厌烦的。 14.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据文章第一段 On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. 可知 作者一家吃完饭继续旅行。 15.【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。根据 for a handshake 可知。extend a hand 伸出手。 16.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上文 Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked    as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the“doorman”, they smiled. 可知开门的人应 该很感激。approval 批准;同意。affection 喜爱; sympathy 同情;gratitude 感激。 17.【解析】选 A。考查背景常识。作者先和开门的人握手, 接下来应该是拥抱。hug 拥抱;nod 点头; lift 抬高, 提高;clap 拍手。 18.【解析】选 B。考查对上下文语境的理解。作者并不嫌弃开门的人, 给他买了一份汤和三明治, 和他握手拥抱, 所 以开门的人应该很感动, 泪如泉涌。stream 指溪流,指眼泪源源不断地流了下来,很形象。rush 冲,用它形容眼 泪太猛了。 19.【解析】选 C。考查词义辨析。那个人仅仅(simply)为作者开门。作者想要表达的是我们应该学会感谢感激,不 管对待什么,大或小、好或坏、丑或美等,而感谢的理由很简单,仅仅因为外界帮助了你。simply 仅仅=just; firmly 坚定地;constantly 不断地; politely 有礼貌地。 20.【解析】选 C。考查词义辨析。作者很感谢有这次机会给孩子们做榜样。Journey 旅行;wisdom 智慧;opportunity 机会;coincidence 巧合。 C: 1—5 ABCBA 6-10 CDDAD 11-15 BDABD 16-20 CDCAB 1. 【解析】选 A 。考查前后照应。根据上文的 The journey of water as it flows upon the earth 提示可得出答案。 travel 与 journey 相呼应。 2.【解析】选 B。考查前后照应。根据上文的 a mirror of our own paths through life 可知,in a similar way。 3.【解析】选 C。考查背景常识。河水在堤岸的界限之内(within)流淌。 4.【解析】选 B。考查词义辨析。我们生来就带有了决定我们身份的特征。preserve 保存保护;保养;decide 决定; 确定;assume 假定;假设 5. 【解析】选 A。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上文 We are born in a specific time and place, in a specific family, and with certain gifts and disabilities.可知,在这些限制(restrictions)下,我们在人生的道路上会遇到(meeting with)很 多曲折、弯路和障碍,这和河流的经历是一样的。restrictions 限制;preferences 偏爱; opportunities 机会;demands 要求。 6.【解析】选 C。解析同 5。live with 忍受;接受不好的局面;compete with 和某人比赛;meet with 遇到;play with 玩耍。 7.【解析】选 D。解析同 5。as 引导方式状语从句;before 引导时间状语从句;because 引导的原因状语从句;until 引导的时间状语从句。 8.【解析】选 D。考查对上下文语境的理解。河流是伟大的老师,向我们展示(shows)如何在世上生存。 9.【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。呼应 14 空后的 modestly and bravely 和下文的 gracefully and modestly。modesty 谦 虚;happiness 幸福;honesty 诚实;reputation 名声名誉。 10.【解析】选 D。考查词义辨析。河水在瀑布处发生进溅时获得能量并且继续前行。 spring 涌出、跃出; spin 旋转; sink 下沉; break 打破;突破;破晓;(波涛)拍岸、进溅。 11.【解析】选 B。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据 Water inspires us not to become___11____ with fear or stick to what’s familiar.中 stick to what’s familiar.可知,河水启示我们不要因为害怕而变得死板或只敢做自己熟悉的事情。desperate 拼命的;不顾一切的;rigid死板的; aggressive 有进取心的;好斗的;merciful 仁慈的 12. 【解析】选 D 。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据下文 but flows onward without looking back 可知,河水不会浪费 (waste)时间留恋过去,只会义无反顾,勇往直前! 13. 【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。根据下文___14__, water modestly and bravely fills the empty space 可知。hole 洞; pond 池塘;shadow 影子;platform 月台;平台。 14. 【解析】选 B。考查对上下文语境的理解。水不会因为害怕黑暗而逃离水坑,反而(instead)会勇敢而谦虚地将 水坑填满。 15.【解析】选 D。考查前后照应。呼应上文的 in fear of the dark,指代人生中的灰暗时期。 16. 【解析】选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。河水最终(eventually)都会流入大海。 17. 【解析】选 D 。考查对上下文语境的理解。根据上下文中的 empty into 和 fall into 以及 become part of something bigger 可知,水不会在汇入(joining)较大水体时退缩。 18.【解析】选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。水也不会担心失去自由(liberty)和控制。 19.【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。水毫不犹豫地把自己的力量贡献给浩瀚的水体。hesitation 犹豫;permission 允许; responsibility 责任;freedom 自由。 20.【解析】选 B。考查词义辨析。每当我们加入一个更大的团体时,我们都应该努力向水学习。follow the lead of ..仿 效; take the lead 领先、带头。 查看更多

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