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初二下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision 教学目标   知识技能目标   1.掌握本单元的词汇、日常用语和重要句型的运用。   2.复习简单句基本句型,掌握不定代词的用法。   3.掌握英语日记的格式。   词语   yet, myself, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of, sad, death, page, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, turn off, not…any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill   句型及日常交际用语   1. Did you have a nice weekend?   2. Sorry to hear that.   3. Did you have to do the cooking?   4. I can't leave her by herself.   5. They’ll be very happy to see you again.   6. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.   7.1 hope so.   语法   复习Unitl5~Unitl9 语法项目   情感态度目标   第78课是本单元的主课文,它叙述了一个男学生帮助一位阿姨带一个襁褓中婴儿的故事。这看起来是一件非常平凡的小事,但却闪烁着那个男学生不怕麻烦,关心他人的高尚的思想品质的光辉。同学们应该向他学习。在别人需要得到帮助的时候,应该毫不犹豫地伸出自己的援助之手。只有这样才能使整个社会变成一个充满着相互关爱的大家庭。     教学建议 教学内容分析     本单元是复习单元,内容丰富,练习形式多样。要复习的语法点也较多。老师必须有计划、有重点的对学生加以组织和引导。     第77课中的第一部分有两段对话。第一段对话主要复习情态动词can并引出反身代词,为下一单元专门学习反身代词作铺垫。第二段对话主要复习看病就医的一些表达法及情态动词have to。第二部分主要是加强对造句的训练,同时强调make + 宾语 + 补足语结构的用法。     第78课是一篇学生的日记,是本单元的主要课文,内容很丰富,老师可组织学生进行阅读,并告诉学生写日记的基本格式以及让学生自己去体会写日记所用的时态。     第79课的第四部分是让学生讨论他们的“五一假日”计划,这是对第一部分对话内容的消化和具体运用。第二、三部分的教学内容都是对情态动词加以复习和巩固。     第80课的第一部分是复习英语简单句的五种基本句型;第三部分是词汇训练;第四部分是用不定代词填空;最后由一篇阅读课文收尾。这是一个寓言故事,情节生动有趣,有一定的教育意义。   综上所述,本单元活动形式变换较多,听、说、读、写及词汇、语法练习皆有,为教师展开丰富多彩的课堂教学活动创造了良好的条件。 重点内容分析   本单元为复习单元,我们除了要复习以前所学知识外,还要掌握本单元的词汇、用语等。Lesson 78的日记,我们要掌握它的书写格式和常用的时态。同时,它为我们本单元的写作训练提供了范例。Lesson 79主要练习情态动词的用法。Lesson 80的简单句基本句型,我们要求进一步学习,特别是“主系表”和“主谓宾宾补”结构,要能够识别系动词和宾语补足语。同时,要进一步掌握不定代词(somebody, anybody, nobody etc.)的用法。 阅读课文分析   本单元中第一篇课文是一篇日记,叙述一个男孩帮助别人去照看一个婴儿的事情,学习本文后要掌握英语日记的格式,并养成用英语记日记的好习惯。而且能够学到乐于助人的良好思想品德。第二篇课文是一个童话故事《The tiger and the monkey》。通过此故事,可以启发我们在强大的对手面前要发挥自己的聪明才智,想办法,不蛮干,随机应变去战胜对手。 重难点及疑点分析   重难点:   1.turn on/ off的意思是“打开/关上(水、电、煤气等)”,on/ off是副词。如宾语是代词则必须放在中间。例如:     The light is on. Please turn it off when you leave.     2.take care of的意思是“照料、照顾”,它的同义词组是look after。如要表示“把……照料(顾)好”,则用take good care of…,相当于look after …well。如:My grandfather is ill in hospital. We must take good care of him. (look after him well)     3. He told me not to bring you anything.     该句型“tell/ ask sb.not to do sth.”的意思“是叫/请某人不要做某事”。如果要表示“叫/请某人去做某事”,则用tell/ ask sb. to do sth。      My mother often tells me not to play in the street. Because it’s dangerous.      Li Ming asked me to help him with his studies. I tried my best to answer all his questions.     4. I hope so.     句子的so是用来代替上文所说的话,以避免重复。     5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder.     句中的harder and harder是英语中一种“比较级 + and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”的意思。如果形容词或副词的比较级是由more + 形/副词原级构成的话,则应用more and more + 形/副词原级。如:     Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. We all like it.     疑点:     1. Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.     该句中的“make sb.do sth.”是“命令/迫使某人做某事”的意思,是动词不定式作宾语补足语,但不定式符号to必须省略。     2.There is!      这是一句倒装句,是半倒装。如果主语是名词则用全倒装。例如:     There comes the bus. We must go on the bus.   There goes the bell. Let’s go into the classroom. 词汇教学     开学以来,学生接触到的新单词大约有220个。平均每单元的词汇量在37个左右。如何有效地帮助学生记忆和运用所学的单词,是提高学生学习效果的一个重要环节。教材第80课第三部分介绍了运用字谜记忆单词的有趣方法。给学生一个规定的时间,看谁找的单词多。除此以外,教师还可以用一些别的方法帮助学生复习单词。     1.延伸(包括词性和组成短语)如:    care→careful→carefully→take care→take care of→lake good care of    cross→crossed→crossing→across→cross a bridge    take→taking→took→take sth. away→take sth. with sb. →take a seat    wait→waiting→waited→wait for→waiting room     2.快速反应(根据老师的要求,让学生抢答)如:   laugh laughed cry laugh at    stand  stood standing sit stand in line (in a queue)   3.接龙游戏  教师先说一个单词,然后由学生接着传下去说,所说单词的第一个字母必须是上一个单词的最后一个字母。如:   garden→nice→empty→yourself→farm→must→tired…   老师可以预先准备一些小礼物,如橡皮、小刀、铅笔等。对优胜者给予一点奖励,提高他们的积极性。这种方法既能帮助他们记忆单词,又能训练他们快捷思维能力。 情态动词教学   前几个单元学生分别学习了情态动词can, may, must, mustn't, have to, need。在本单元第79课第二部分列为专项对上述情态动词进行复习。教师不必只枯燥无味地讲解其含义和语法功能,而应该把他们放在鲜活、生动的语言环境中去运用、体会。结合练习册第79课练习2,教师可以适当补充一些练习,帮助学生复习巩固。如:   根据句意选择适当的情态动词,用其适当的形式填空。    (can, may, must, have to, need)    1. ______we do eye exercises every day? Yes, we must.    2. ____you read the text in English? Yes, I can.    3. Li Ming ______reach the blackboard, when she was four years old. She was only 1.05 meter tall. She was too short to reach it.    4. _____ I use your new bike? No, you mustn't.    5. They got up too late. They ______ go to work by bus.    6. He ______stay here. He may go now.    7. The light is on my mother ______be home.    8. Could you wait for a while? No, I ______.    9. The apples are too high. He _____reach them.    10. Lucy's mother is ill in hospital. She ______ look after her.    keys: 1.Must  2.Can  3.couldn't  4.May  5.had to  6.needn't  7.must  8.can't  9.can't  10.has to 教学简单句的五种基本句型     在第15单元中学生已学过简单句的五种基本句型。学生如能识别简单句的五种基本句型,以后学习复合句、并列句等结构复杂的句子就不会感到太困难。本单元第80课的第一部分列出专项作为复习内容。教师在复习中不必过分强调句子成份和结构分析,而应把注意力放在理解句子的意义上。     教师可从本单元现成的对话和课文中挑出一些句子,让学生“对号入座”,增加学生英语句子的结构意识,以便更进一步理解英语句子结构与意义之间的关系。如:     1. My parents are coming. ( S+V)     2. Can you teach yourself? (S+V+O)     3. At first she was asleep. (S+V+P)     4. I told him the whole story. (S+ V + InO + DO)   5. He made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. (S+V+O+C) 阅读训练     本单元安排了两篇阅读课文。第78课的阅读课文是一篇日记。单词和短语都比较多,给学生阅读带来一定的困难。老师是否考虑先教单词,在教单词的过程中带出一些词组。如讲herself时带出leave her by herself这个短语;讲turn时带出turn on(off)the radio这个短语;讲whole时带出the whole story这个短语等。然后让学生听录音,在学生听录音时教师把一些估计学生理解有一定困难的短语写在黑板上,作一些必要的解释。在学生完成第一遍阅读以后,教师可问一些简单的一般疑问句,让学生用“Yes”or“No”来回答。完了以后再让学生快速读一遍。接着要学生回答练习册第78课练习1中的问题。最后让学生跟着录音磁带进行有表情地朗读。教师可简单交待一下用英文写日记的格式。(日期、时态、开头第一行要顶格写。)   第80课安排了一个寓言故事,情节生动有趣,引人入胜,适合动中学生好奇心强的特点。学生一定非常感兴趣。在阅读前教师可向学生提出两个问题。1. Why did the monkey laugh in the end? 2.What will you learn after you read the fable? 阅读后再让学生听录音,模仿它的语调的节奏感和自然感。最后可让学生进行表演。表演时要求他们表现出老虎的凶狠和愚蠢及猴子的勇敢和机智。 写作训练   第78课是关于学生的一篇日记,也是本单元的主课文。老师首先使学生熟知用英文写日记的格式,同时指导他们如何选好写日记的内容。然后布置学生回家写一篇简单的日记。在下一节课上老师可有意识的请几个学生在全班朗读自己的日记内容。最后由老师归纳总结,从而进一步提高学生用英语写日记的能力。 学法建议   1.本单元是总复习单元。到目前为止同学们已学习了近220个单词,80多个短语。正确掌握所学单词和短语对今后进一步学好英语关系重大。同学们必须在老师的指导下根据各自的实际情况认真整理、分析、归纳、采取合理的科学方法加以记忆。   2.情态动词是本单元学习的语法重点,比较难掌握。同学们不能只记忆他们的用法,应该通过一定量的口头和书面练习,在具体的语言环境中加以体会、理解,达到掌握的目的。 词语辨析   1. all, whole   两者用作形容词时,都有“整个的、全部的、所有的”的意思,区别在于:①all既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词;whole只修饰可数名词,不修饰不可数名词。②all与定冠词、物主代词和指示代词连用时,常置于这些词之前,而whole与定冠词、物主代词和指示代词连用时,常置于这些词之后。例如:   ①The man drank the whole tea. (×)   The man drank all the tea. (√)   ②I told him whole the story / the all story. (×)   I told him the whole story/ all the story. (√)   2. forget, leave   二者均可表示“遗留”,但有区别:   forget后跟事物,指“遗忘了具体的东西”,leave后需跟表示地点的词,指“遗记某物在某地”。如:    I forget my key, so I couldn’t ride the bike. 我忘了带钥匙,因此我不能骑自行车。    Today I left my English book at home. Can you lend one to me.   强化练习:选择恰当的词填空。   1. all, whole   (1) The ________ city was flooded. But nobody died.   (2) _________ the students went to school early. No one is late.   2. forget, leave   (1) Tom ________ his purse at school yesterday. There’s no money with him.   (2) I _________ my homework yesterday. Now I had to do it.   Keys: 1. (1) whole   (2) All    2. (1) left   (2) forgot 疑难解析   1. My parents bought a computer for me. 父母我买了台电脑。    buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 意为“给某人买某物”。如:His father bought a new bike for him yesterday. = His father bought him a new bike yesterday.    除buy外,可以接双宾语的动词还有build, cook, draw, make, sing等。如:He sang us a song. = He sang a song for us. He’s a good singer. He always sings for us at parties.   2. But I don’t know how to use it yet. 但我还不知道该怎么用它。   “疑问词+不定式”构成的短语是动词不定式的复合结构,在句中可作主语(如①)、表语(如②)及宾语(如③)等。例如:    ①Where to go tomorrow is still a question. Do you have any idea?    ②–My question is what to do next.      –Do the first thing first. Then I’ll tell you what to do next.   ③I don’t know how to drive a car. I want to learn to drive.   3. What makes you happy? 什么使你感到快乐?   (1)疑问代词what,who作主语时,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,因此句中的makes不能改为make。如:  –Who has a computer?  –Everybody has.     Who is cleaning the classroom? Some girls. 谁在打扫教室?几个女孩。  (2)make后跟宾语补足语,形容词happy在句中作宾语补足语,对宾语you起补充说明作用。但make后的宾语补足语应为名词、形容词或不带to的动词不定式。如:     They made him their head. Because he’s good at leading others in their work.     He never makes his brother do heavy work. He himself always do it instead.   You must keep your hands clean. Or it’s bad for your health.   4. At first she was asleep. 起初她睡着了。    ①at first“起先,开始的时候”,其同义词组是at the beginning of,反义词组是at last“最后,终于”。如:   A first I didn’t know the way to the lake. But I know it. A woman showed me the way.   At first I wanted to find my lost pen. But I didn’t find it.   开始的时候,我想找到丢失的钢笔,但最终没有找到。    ②asleep是表语性形容词,在句中只作表语,表示“睡着”的状态,它的反义词是awake。be asleep强调“睡着”的状态,go to sleep则强调“入睡”的动作过程。如:    She was too happy to be asleep. So she asked me to talk with her.    After he went for a walk, he went to sleep. 散步之后他睡了。   5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. 但她看了看我,哭得越来越厉害了。   harder and harder越来越厉害   比较级+and +比较级表示“越来越……”。如:    In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer. More and more people are getting ready for a long walk in the country.   Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Our life is getting better and better.   注:如果是多音节形容词或副词,我们用“more and more +多音节形容词/副词”这一结构来表示“越来越……”。如:   It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job. More and more people are out of work.   Beijing is getting more and more beautiful. We are proud of it.   English is very important. More and more people are beginning to learn English.   6. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.   句中be sure的意思是“相信”,与believe同义。类似的短语还有:   1)make sure确信、查明    Make sure you have the money. Or you’ll be back with nothing.   2)be sure of (about)对……有把握    –Are you sure of this exam?    – Yes, I think I’ll get 100 marks.   另外,句中的have a wonderful time表示“玩得高兴、过得愉快”,其中的wonderful可以用good, nice, happy, great代替。   7. He told me not to bring you anything. 他让我不要带给你东西吃。    tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事,tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事。这样的词组还有ask sb. to do sth., ask sb. not to do sth.。例:   The teacher told us not to play football in the classroom.老师告诉我们不要在教室里踢足球。   8. With these words the tiger jumped into the river. 说完这些话,老虎跳进了河里。     with these words是介词短语作状语,表示伴随,说明说话的动作与jumped的动作几乎同时发生。如:    With these words she left home. 说着这些话,她离开了家。    With these words he cried again. 说着这些话,他又哭了起来。    jump into的意思是“跳进……里面”,如:   The chicken jumped into the box. It ate up the rice.  all be oneself的用法分析   all be oneself意为“单独,独立”,在英语中应用十分广泛,你可一定要学会“独立”哟!   ①all by oneself“单独”使用时,可与alone互换。如:    We’re here all be ourselves. There’s nothing. 也可说:We’re here alone.   ②all可省去,意思不改变。如:    You should do your homework by yourself. Don’t want anyone to help you.   ③by oneself可与leave, learn等词搭配。    leave sb. by oneself意为“把某人单独留下”,注意此时oneself应与leave后面宾语的人称保持一致。如:    She can’t leave her son by himself. He will be afraid and cry.   learn sb. by oneself意为自学,相当于teach oneself sth. 如:    –I learn English by myself. 也可说:I teach myself English.    –You’re great!   你学会“独立”了吗?那么请做下面的“独立”闯关题:    1. No, thanks. We can do this kind of work by_________.    A. us       B. ours       C. our         D. ourselves    2. The problem is easy, you can do it by_________.    A. your     B. you     C. yourself     D. yours    3. Don’t leave him by________. He will feel afraid.     A. him     B. his      C. yourself     D. himself    4. —She’s too busy to help us finish the work.      —Let’s do it_________.     A. herself    B. myself    C. ourselves     D. itself    5. The boys did the work_________. Nobody helped him.     A. all by themself     B. all by themselves     C. by all themself     D. by all themselves     Keys: 1—5 DCDCB 教学目标   知识技能目标   1.掌握本单元的词汇、日常用语和重要句型的运用。   2.复习简单句基本句型,掌握不定代词的用法。   3.掌握英语日记的格式。   词语   yet, myself, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of, sad, death, page, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, turn off, not…any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill   句型及日常交际用语   1. Did you have a nice weekend?   2. Sorry to hear that.   3. Did you have to do the cooking?   4. I can't leave her by herself.   5. They’ll be very happy to see you again.   6. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.   7.1 hope so.   语法   复习Unitl5~Unitl9 语法项目   情感态度目标   第78课是本单元的主课文,它叙述了一个男学生帮助一位阿姨带一个襁褓中婴儿的故事。这看起来是一件非常平凡的小事,但却闪烁着那个男学生不怕麻烦,关心他人的高尚的思想品质的光辉。同学们应该向他学习。在别人需要得到帮助的时候,应该毫不犹豫地伸出自己的援助之手。只有这样才能使整个社会变成一个充满着相互关爱的大家庭。     教学建议 教学内容分析     本单元是复习单元,内容丰富,练习形式多样。要复习的语法点也较多。老师必须有计划、有重点的对学生加以组织和引导。     第77课中的第一部分有两段对话。第一段对话主要复习情态动词can并引出反身代词,为下一单元专门学习反身代词作铺垫。第二段对话主要复习看病就医的一些表达法及情态动词have to。第二部分主要是加强对造句的训练,同时强调make + 宾语 + 补足语结构的用法。     第78课是一篇学生的日记,是本单元的主要课文,内容很丰富,老师可组织学生进行阅读,并告诉学生写日记的基本格式以及让学生自己去体会写日记所用的时态。     第79课的第四部分是让学生讨论他们的“五一假日”计划,这是对第一部分对话内容的消化和具体运用。第二、三部分的教学内容都是对情态动词加以复习和巩固。     第80课的第一部分是复习英语简单句的五种基本句型;第三部分是词汇训练;第四部分是用不定代词填空;最后由一篇阅读课文收尾。这是一个寓言故事,情节生动有趣,有一定的教育意义。   综上所述,本单元活动形式变换较多,听、说、读、写及词汇、语法练习皆有,为教师展开丰富多彩的课堂教学活动创造了良好的条件。 重点内容分析   本单元为复习单元,我们除了要复习以前所学知识外,还要掌握本单元的词汇、用语等。Lesson 78的日记,我们要掌握它的书写格式和常用的时态。同时,它为我们本单元的写作训练提供了范例。Lesson 79主要练习情态动词的用法。Lesson 80的简单句基本句型,我们要求进一步学习,特别是“主系表”和“主谓宾宾补”结构,要能够识别系动词和宾语补足语。同时,要进一步掌握不定代词(somebody, anybody, nobody etc.)的用法。 阅读课文分析   本单元中第一篇课文是一篇日记,叙述一个男孩帮助别人去照看一个婴儿的事情,学习本文后要掌握英语日记的格式,并养成用英语记日记的好习惯。而且能够学到乐于助人的良好思想品德。第二篇课文是一个童话故事《The tiger and the monkey》。通过此故事,可以启发我们在强大的对手面前要发挥自己的聪明才智,想办法,不蛮干,随机应变去战胜对手。 重难点及疑点分析   重难点:   1.turn on/ off的意思是“打开/关上(水、电、煤气等)”,on/ off是副词。如宾语是代词则必须放在中间。例如:     The light is on. Please turn it off when you leave.     2.take care of的意思是“照料、照顾”,它的同义词组是look after。如要表示“把……照料(顾)好”,则用take good care of…,相当于look after …well。如:My grandfather is ill in hospital. We must take good care of him. (look after him well)     3. He told me not to bring you anything.     该句型“tell/ ask sb.not to do sth.”的意思“是叫/请某人不要做某事”。如果要表示“叫/请某人去做某事”,则用tell/ ask sb. to do sth。      My mother often tells me not to play in the street. Because it’s dangerous.      Li Ming asked me to help him with his studies. I tried my best to answer all his questions.     4. I hope so.     句子的so是用来代替上文所说的话,以避免重复。     5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder.     句中的harder and harder是英语中一种“比较级 + and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”的意思。如果形容词或副词的比较级是由more + 形/副词原级构成的话,则应用more and more + 形/副词原级。如:     Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. We all like it.     疑点:     1. Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.     该句中的“make sb.do sth.”是“命令/迫使某人做某事”的意思,是动词不定式作宾语补足语,但不定式符号to必须省略。     2.There is!      这是一句倒装句,是半倒装。如果主语是名词则用全倒装。例如:     There comes the bus. We must go on the bus.   There goes the bell. Let’s go into the classroom. 词汇教学     开学以来,学生接触到的新单词大约有220个。平均每单元的词汇量在37个左右。如何有效地帮助学生记忆和运用所学的单词,是提高学生学习效果的一个重要环节。教材第80课第三部分介绍了运用字谜记忆单词的有趣方法。给学生一个规定的时间,看谁找的单词多。除此以外,教师还可以用一些别的方法帮助学生复习单词。     1.延伸(包括词性和组成短语)如:    care→careful→carefully→take care→take care of→lake good care of    cross→crossed→crossing→across→cross a bridge    take→taking→took→take sth. away→take sth. with sb. →take a seat    wait→waiting→waited→wait for→waiting room     2.快速反应(根据老师的要求,让学生抢答)如:   laugh laughed cry laugh at    stand  stood standing sit stand in line (in a queue)   3.接龙游戏  教师先说一个单词,然后由学生接着传下去说,所说单词的第一个字母必须是上一个单词的最后一个字母。如:   garden→nice→empty→yourself→farm→must→tired…   老师可以预先准备一些小礼物,如橡皮、小刀、铅笔等。对优胜者给予一点奖励,提高他们的积极性。这种方法既能帮助他们记忆单词,又能训练他们快捷思维能力。 情态动词教学   前几个单元学生分别学习了情态动词can, may, must, mustn't, have to, need。在本单元第79课第二部分列为专项对上述情态动词进行复习。教师不必只枯燥无味地讲解其含义和语法功能,而应该把他们放在鲜活、生动的语言环境中去运用、体会。结合练习册第79课练习2,教师可以适当补充一些练习,帮助学生复习巩固。如:   根据句意选择适当的情态动词,用其适当的形式填空。    (can, may, must, have to, need)    1. ______we do eye exercises every day? Yes, we must.    2. ____you read the text in English? Yes, I can.    3. Li Ming ______reach the blackboard, when she was four years old. She was only 1.05 meter tall. She was too short to reach it.    4. _____ I use your new bike? No, you mustn't.    5. They got up too late. They ______ go to work by bus.    6. He ______stay here. He may go now.    7. The light is on my mother ______be home.    8. Could you wait for a while? No, I ______.    9. The apples are too high. He _____reach them.    10. Lucy's mother is ill in hospital. She ______ look after her.    keys: 1.Must  2.Can  3.couldn't  4.May  5.had to  6.needn't  7.must  8.can't  9.can't  10.has to 教学简单句的五种基本句型     在第15单元中学生已学过简单句的五种基本句型。学生如能识别简单句的五种基本句型,以后学习复合句、并列句等结构复杂的句子就不会感到太困难。本单元第80课的第一部分列出专项作为复习内容。教师在复习中不必过分强调句子成份和结构分析,而应把注意力放在理解句子的意义上。     教师可从本单元现成的对话和课文中挑出一些句子,让学生“对号入座”,增加学生英语句子的结构意识,以便更进一步理解英语句子结构与意义之间的关系。如:     1. My parents are coming. ( S+V)     2. Can you teach yourself? (S+V+O)     3. At first she was asleep. (S+V+P)     4. I told him the whole story. (S+ V + InO + DO)   5. He made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. (S+V+O+C) 阅读训练     本单元安排了两篇阅读课文。第78课的阅读课文是一篇日记。单词和短语都比较多,给学生阅读带来一定的困难。老师是否考虑先教单词,在教单词的过程中带出一些词组。如讲herself时带出leave her by herself这个短语;讲turn时带出turn on(off)the radio这个短语;讲whole时带出the whole story这个短语等。然后让学生听录音,在学生听录音时教师把一些估计学生理解有一定困难的短语写在黑板上,作一些必要的解释。在学生完成第一遍阅读以后,教师可问一些简单的一般疑问句,让学生用“Yes”or“No”来回答。完了以后再让学生快速读一遍。接着要学生回答练习册第78课练习1中的问题。最后让学生跟着录音磁带进行有表情地朗读。教师可简单交待一下用英文写日记的格式。(日期、时态、开头第一行要顶格写。)   第80课安排了一个寓言故事,情节生动有趣,引人入胜,适合动中学生好奇心强的特点。学生一定非常感兴趣。在阅读前教师可向学生提出两个问题。1. Why did the monkey laugh in the end? 2.What will you learn after you read the fable? 阅读后再让学生听录音,模仿它的语调的节奏感和自然感。最后可让学生进行表演。表演时要求他们表现出老虎的凶狠和愚蠢及猴子的勇敢和机智。 写作训练   第78课是关于学生的一篇日记,也是本单元的主课文。老师首先使学生熟知用英文写日记的格式,同时指导他们如何选好写日记的内容。然后布置学生回家写一篇简单的日记。在下一节课上老师可有意识的请几个学生在全班朗读自己的日记内容。最后由老师归纳总结,从而进一步提高学生用英语写日记的能力。 学法建议   1.本单元是总复习单元。到目前为止同学们已学习了近220个单词,80多个短语。正确掌握所学单词和短语对今后进一步学好英语关系重大。同学们必须在老师的指导下根据各自的实际情况认真整理、分析、归纳、采取合理的科学方法加以记忆。   2.情态动词是本单元学习的语法重点,比较难掌握。同学们不能只记忆他们的用法,应该通过一定量的口头和书面练习,在具体的语言环境中加以体会、理解,达到掌握的目的。 词语辨析   1. all, whole   两者用作形容词时,都有“整个的、全部的、所有的”的意思,区别在于:①all既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词;whole只修饰可数名词,不修饰不可数名词。②all与定冠词、物主代词和指示代词连用时,常置于这些词之前,而whole与定冠词、物主代词和指示代词连用时,常置于这些词之后。例如:   ①The man drank the whole tea. (×)   The man drank all the tea. (√)   ②I told him whole the story / the all story. (×)   I told him the whole story/ all the story. (√)   2. forget, leave   二者均可表示“遗留”,但有区别:   forget后跟事物,指“遗忘了具体的东西”,leave后需跟表示地点的词,指“遗记某物在某地”。如:    I forget my key, so I couldn’t ride the bike. 我忘了带钥匙,因此我不能骑自行车。    Today I left my English book at home. Can you lend one to me.   强化练习:选择恰当的词填空。   1. all, whole   (1) The ________ city was flooded. But nobody died.   (2) _________ the students went to school early. No one is late.   2. forget, leave   (1) Tom ________ his purse at school yesterday. There’s no money with him.   (2) I _________ my homework yesterday. Now I had to do it.   Keys: 1. (1) whole   (2) All    2. (1) left   (2) forgot 疑难解析   1. My parents bought a computer for me. 父母我买了台电脑。    buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 意为“给某人买某物”。如:His father bought a new bike for him yesterday. = His father bought him a new bike yesterday.    除buy外,可以接双宾语的动词还有build, cook, draw, make, sing等。如:He sang us a song. = He sang a song for us. He’s a good singer. He always sings for us at parties.   2. But I don’t know how to use it yet. 但我还不知道该怎么用它。   “疑问词+不定式”构成的短语是动词不定式的复合结构,在句中可作主语(如①)、表语(如②)及宾语(如③)等。例如:    ①Where to go tomorrow is still a question. Do you have any idea?    ②–My question is what to do next.      –Do the first thing first. Then I’ll tell you what to do next.   ③I don’t know how to drive a car. I want to learn to drive.   3. What makes you happy? 什么使你感到快乐?   (1)疑问代词what,who作主语时,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,因此句中的makes不能改为make。如:  –Who has a computer?  –Everybody has.     Who is cleaning the classroom? Some girls. 谁在打扫教室?几个女孩。  (2)make后跟宾语补足语,形容词happy在句中作宾语补足语,对宾语you起补充说明作用。但make后的宾语补足语应为名词、形容词或不带to的动词不定式。如:     They made him their head. Because he’s good at leading others in their work.     He never makes his brother do heavy work. He himself always do it instead.   You must keep your hands clean. Or it’s bad for your health.   4. At first she was asleep. 起初她睡着了。    ①at first“起先,开始的时候”,其同义词组是at the beginning of,反义词组是at last“最后,终于”。如:   A first I didn’t know the way to the lake. But I know it. A woman showed me the way.   At first I wanted to find my lost pen. But I didn’t find it.   开始的时候,我想找到丢失的钢笔,但最终没有找到。    ②asleep是表语性形容词,在句中只作表语,表示“睡着”的状态,它的反义词是awake。be asleep强调“睡着”的状态,go to sleep则强调“入睡”的动作过程。如:    She was too happy to be asleep. So she asked me to talk with her.    After he went for a walk, he went to sleep. 散步之后他睡了。   5. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. 但她看了看我,哭得越来越厉害了。   harder and harder越来越厉害   比较级+and +比较级表示“越来越……”。如:    In spring the weather gets warmer and warmer. More and more people are getting ready for a long walk in the country.   Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Our life is getting better and better.   注:如果是多音节形容词或副词,我们用“more and more +多音节形容词/副词”这一结构来表示“越来越……”。如:   It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job. More and more people are out of work.   Beijing is getting more and more beautiful. We are proud of it.   English is very important. More and more people are beginning to learn English.   6. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time.   句中be sure的意思是“相信”,与believe同义。类似的短语还有:   1)make sure确信、查明    Make sure you have the money. Or you’ll be back with nothing.   2)be sure of (about)对……有把握    –Are you sure of this exam?    – Yes, I think I’ll get 100 marks.   另外,句中的have a wonderful time表示“玩得高兴、过得愉快”,其中的wonderful可以用good, nice, happy, great代替。   7. He told me not to bring you anything. 他让我不要带给你东西吃。    tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事,tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事。这样的词组还有ask sb. to do sth., ask sb. not to do sth.。例:   The teacher told us not to play football in the classroom.老师告诉我们不要在教室里踢足球。   8. With these words the tiger jumped into the river. 说完这些话,老虎跳进了河里。     with these words是介词短语作状语,表示伴随,说明说话的动作与jumped的动作几乎同时发生。如:    With these words she left home. 说着这些话,她离开了家。    With these words he cried again. 说着这些话,他又哭了起来。    jump into的意思是“跳进……里面”,如:   The chicken jumped into the box. It ate up the rice.  all be oneself的用法分析   all be oneself意为“单独,独立”,在英语中应用十分广泛,你可一定要学会“独立”哟!   ①all by oneself“单独”使用时,可与alone互换。如:    We’re here all be ourselves. There’s nothing. 也可说:We’re here alone.   ②all可省去,意思不改变。如:    You should do your homework by yourself. Don’t want anyone to help you.   ③by oneself可与leave, learn等词搭配。    leave sb. by oneself意为“把某人单独留下”,注意此时oneself应与leave后面宾语的人称保持一致。如:    She can’t leave her son by himself. He will be afraid and cry.   learn sb. by oneself意为自学,相当于teach oneself sth. 如:    –I learn English by myself. 也可说:I teach myself English.    –You’re great!   你学会“独立”了吗?那么请做下面的“独立”闯关题:    1. No, thanks. We can do this kind of work by_________.    A. us       B. ours       C. our         D. ourselves    2. The problem is easy, you can do it by_________.    A. your     B. you     C. yourself     D. yours    3. Don’t leave him by________. He will feel afraid.     A. him     B. his      C. yourself     D. himself    4. —She’s too busy to help us finish the work.      —Let’s do it_________.     A. herself    B. myself    C. ourselves     D. itself    5. The boys did the work_________. Nobody helped him.     A. all by themself     B. all by themselves     C. by all themself     D. by all themselves     Keys: 1—5 DCDCB Lesson 77教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives:   Students should be able to grasp the dialogues , make similar dialogues and write about things that make them happy and sad. Language Focus:   later on, do the cooking, make + 宾 + adj. , know much about Properties: Tape-recorder Teaching Procedures:      I. Organizing the class      1. Ask the students to get ready for class.      2. Greetings between the students and the teacher.      3. A duty report.      II. Revision      Check the homework left in the last period.      III. Leading-in      1. Ask some students: “Can you use a computer? How well can you use it? Can your parents use it?”      2. Ask some students to answer the above questions and say something about the computer.      3. Play the tape of Dialogue A for students to listen and ask them the following questions:      (1 ) Can Han Mei use a computer?      (2) How about her parents?      (3) Who can help them?      4. Ask students to answer the above questions.      5. Listen to the dialogue again and ask the students to repeat after the tape.      6. Read the dialogue after the tape.      7. Ask the students to retell.      IV. Teaching Dialogue B      1. Ask some students about their weekend: “Did you have a nice weekend?” and questions like: “Can you look after yourself? Can you do the cooking?”      2. Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to retell the dialogue.   3. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat after it.   4. Ask the students to work in pairs and recite Dialogue A and B.   5. Ask the students to make similar dialogues.   V. Writing practice   1. Ask the students to answer the questions in the exercise book.   2. Ask the students to write about the time when they are happy or sad.   VI. Exercises in class   翻译句子。   1.我叔叔因为抽烟太多,得了癌症。   2.因为我父母不太懂计算机,我不得不自学如何使用它。   3.你父母一定很担心你叔叔。   4.上周末,因为我父母去医院看我叔叔,我不得不在家照顾我家弟弟、做饭。   Keys:   1. My uncle has cancer because he smokes a lot.   2. Because my parents don’t know much about computers, I have to learn to use it all by myself.   3. Your parents must be very worried about your uncle.   4. Last weekend, because my parents went to see my uncle in hospital, I had to take care of my younger brother at home and do the cooking.   VII. Homework   1. Finish exercises on page 91.   2. Writing: Write about a time when you felt unhappy or happy and what you did to make yourself feel better.   VIII. Summary   请把下列句子排序。   A. Yes, I had a good time.   B. I went to the Fragrant Hill and enjoyed the apple trees.   C. Did you have a nice weekend?   D. Were there a lot of people there?   E. What did you do?   F. Yes, it was very crowded.   G. Where you very tired after you came home?   H. I was OK. Keys: A C E B D F G H     IX. Writing on blackboard Lesson 77 Sentences                                          make 1. My parents bought a computer for me. = My parents    1. What makes you happy? bought me a computer.                                 2. It makes me very sad. 2.I don’t know how to use it yet. 3. I have to learn to use it all by myself. 4. Can you teach yourself? 5. They want to see him in hospital.     Lesson 77多媒体教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives:   Grasp the dialogues, make similar dialogues and write about things that make them happy and sad.   Teaching Procedures:   1.(学生活动导入新课)设问导入第一部分对话的教学,引导学生谈论有关computer。   2.(图片)展示computer图片,教师通过自己的语言引入第一部分对话的相关表达用语,并让学生从对话中猜测新词汇yet和by myself的意义。   3.(录像演示)让学生观看A部分对话的情景,学习新词汇cousin和engineer,并让学生回答问题。   •1) Can Han Mei use a computer?   •   •2) How about her parents?   •   •3) Who can help them?   •   •4) What does Han Mei’s cousin do?   4.设问引入B部分对话的话题,通过询问学生在家干些什么,引入对话中Paul照顾他的弟弟。   (录像演示)让学生观看B部分对话的情景,学习新词汇cancer,care,及短语take care of,并让学生回答问题。   Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother?   (Because his parents went to see his uncle in the hospital.)   5.(课件演示)让学生看动画,跟读对话,熟悉对话,并表演对话。     (学生活动)学生自己编类似的对话,并分角色表演对话。   6.(图片)通过两种相反的脸部表情向学生展示高兴和悲伤的神态,教学新词汇sad。     (学生活动)让学生展开讨论,首先让学生谈谈自己高兴和悲伤的几件事。   •It makes me very happy when my friends come to see me.   •It makes me very happy when we won the match.   •It makes me very sad when I think of my little dog’s death.   •It makes me very sad when I hear the bad news.   •Last week my sister left home. I felt sad. But now she comes back. My family are very happy.   然后让学生练习分辨悲喜的事情。   1. We shall have a holiday next month.   2. I will come to her birthday party.   3. Yesterday I lost my new pen.   4. Our English teacher said to me, “You are a good student”.   5. My father bought me a new bike.   6. I helped an old woman carry water last Sunday.   7. My friend, Liu Mei is ill.   8. Our team won a match.   9. Let’s go boating.   10. I failed (考试不及格) in the last maths exam.   7.课堂练习   用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空   1. There are all _________ of things in that shop. (kind)   2. The girl is learning to swim all by _________. (she)   3. His mother looks _________ about his English study, (worry)   4. Everyone likes the_________ girl very much. (care)   5. When he came in, we all stopped _________ with him at once. (talk)   答案:1.kinds  2.herself  3.worried  4.careful  5.to talk   8.布置家庭作业。   1. Finish exercises on page 91.   2. Writing: Write about a time when you felt unhappy or happy and what you did to make yourself feel better.   3. Finish off the workbook exercises. Lesson 78教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives:   Help the students to understand Ling Feng’s diary and know how to write English diaries. Grasp the language points in the diary. Language Focus:   no= not any, the Summer Palace, leave one by oneself, at first, be asleep, wake up, harder and harder, stop doing, not. . . any more, make faces, all this afternoon, take good care of, whole Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector Teaching Procedures:   I. Organizing the class   1. Ask the students to get ready for class.   2. Greetings between the teacher and the students.   3. A duty report.   II. Revision   1. Talk about the writing homework.   2. Ask 2 ~ 3 students to talk about their last school trip.   III. Reading   1. Pre-reading:   (1) Ask the students the following questions:   ①Do you keep a diary?   ②What language do you use to write your diary?   ③What must you write when you start your diary?   (2) Revise the word “diary” /’dai[ri/ and dairy /’dZ[ri/.   (3) Tell the students how to begin writing a diary. Place the date and day on the top left hand side, and the weather on the right hand side.   (4) Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask the students to answer the question “How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying?” after the students listen to the whole story.   2. While-reading:   (1) Get the students to read the diary and answer the reading comprehension questions in Exercise One.   (2) Explain the new language points:   I. leave one by oneself   My parents went to visit my uncle last night. They left me by myself. II. at first  at last     at first表示一件事情开始的时候,往往与后来或最后的情况相对比     At first no one listened to him, but as he spoke on, they became more and more interested in what he was saying.   At first I found English difficult to learn, but now I find it an interesting language.     At first I thought I was right, but in the end I came to see I had been wrong.     III. asleep adj.作表语     fall asleep    be asleep     IV. harder and harder 越来越厉害     better and better    faster and faster    cooler and cooler     more and more(beautiful/useful/important)     V. stop doing和stop to do     stop doing:停止做某事     They stopped talking to me. And listen to the teacher.     Stop running about! It’s very dangerous.     stop to do:停下来去做某事   They stopped to talk to me. I told them the news.     Let’s stop to have a rest. I’m very tired.   VI. not. . . any more = not. . . any longer; no longer   She didn’t cry any more. = She didn’t cry any longer. = She no longer cried.     VII. all和whole的区别     whole一般位于冠词、物主代词或别的限定词之后,而all必须位于这些词前。例如,     all the time = the whole time整个时间     all this afternoon = the whole afternoon 整个下午     all my life = my whole life 我的一生     all the class = the whole class 整个班级     [注]如名词前没有限定词,不能用whole,如可说all day,不能说who day。all和whole都可指“未经分割的整体”,但all还可用来表示“已经分割或分散的”人和物,而whole不能这样用。例如:the whole school = all the school  all the classes(不说the whole classes)     whole一般不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰复数名词时一般前面有数量词,而all可用于各种情况。例如:all the money(不说the whole money) three whole days整三天     VIII. take good care of= look after well   You should take good care of yourselves. You’re alone here.    (3) Ask the students to listen to the tape again and do some reading aloud.   3. After- reading:    (1) Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs:    Huang: My parents are coming .1 have to go to the market.   But my baby. . . /I can’t leave her by herself. What shall I do?    Ling: parents are not at home. But don’t worry. There aren’t any lessons this afternoon. I can look after your baby.    Huang: Oh, how kind you are! Thank you, Xiao Feng. Thank you.    (2) Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue in class.    (3) Practice.    Encourage the students to ask questions on the story in class.    IV. Exercises in class    1. There were no people on the street in the night. It’s very quiet.      A. not any        B. few         C. not    2. At first he didn’t dare to answer the teacher’s questions in class. He didn’t know the answer.      A. At last            B .At the beginning       C. In the end    3. All the afternoon Ling Feng was busy making the baby happy. He was very tired.      A. The all afternoon   B. The whole afternoon    C. Whole the afternoon    4. The daughter takes good care of her sick father. So she can’t come.      A. worries about       B. look about             C. looks after. . . well 5.The baby is asleep. We must keep quiet.      A. sleeping          B. awake              C. crying    Keys: 1.A  2.B  3.B  4.C 5.A    V. Homework    1.Retell Ling Feng’s diary.    2. Finish exercises on page 92.    3. Make sentences with: stop doing/stop to do; not. . .any more; at first; leave one by oneself ;whole/ all.    VI. Summary    中英词组互译    1. 起先____                    2. 做鬼脸___________    3. 不再……_____               4. 好好照顾_________    5. 颐和园__________            6. 独自留下来某人_________    7. 看起来看急,焦虑______      8.  wake up________.    9. harder and harder _________     10. the whole story _________    Keys: 1. at first  2. make faces  3. not. . . any more  4. take good care of  5. the Summer Palace  6.leave one by oneself  7.look worried  8. 醒来 9. 越来越厉害  10. 整个故事    VI. Writing on blackboard Lesson 78 A Page From A Student’s Diary Language points:                 Key words to retell the passage: 1. no=not any                    no→join→came→said→can’t→leave→look after 2. leave one by oneself    →left→at first→half an hour later→harder and 3. at first at last  harder→turn on→turn off→don't cry→laughed  4. asleep                        and laughed→so tired→in the evening→tell→ 5. wake up                      bring→babies 6. harder and harder 7. stop doing & stop to do 8. make faces 9. take good care of. . . = look after. . .well Lesson 79 教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives:   Ask the students to talk about holiday plans; Grasp the language points and grammar: modal verbs Language Focus:      1.Vocabularies; hometown, visit = go to see, super = excellent/splendid, have a wonderful time, be late for, instead   2. Grammar: will, modal verbs + v. 原形 Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector Teaching Procedures:      I. Organizing the class      1. Ask the students to get ready for class.      2. Greetings between the teacher and the students.      3. A duty report.      II. Revision      1. Ask 2 ~ 3 students to retell Ling Feng’s diary.      2. Dictate language points learned in the last period.      III. Leading-in      1. Say to the students: “The May 1st holiday is coming. Do you have any plans for the holiday?”      2. Ask the students to work in groups and discuss their plans for the holiday.      3. Call out several groups to say their holiday plans.    4. Lead the students to Emma’s and Hu Xin’s holiday plans.      IV. Teaching Dialogue      1. Before listening:      Before playing the tape for the students to listen, ask the students to find out the answer to the question: What are Emma and Hu Xin going to do in their summer holidays?      2. After listening:      Ask the students to answer the question and ask more questions:      (1) When will the summer holidays begin?      (2) Where’s Hu Xin’s hometown? Why will she go there?      (3)Where is Emma going in the holidays?    3. Listen and repeat (with books closed) the dialogue.     4. (Open the books) Read aloud after the tape.     5. Ask the students to pay attention to:      (1)hometown家乡       (2) visit = go to see              (3 ) super(口语) = excellent; splendid      (4) have a wonderful time            6. Ask the students to work in pairs and make similar dialogues about holiday plans.     7. Call out 3 ~ 4 pairs to act out their dialogues.     V. Puzzle dialogues          1. Ask the students to finish the puzzle dialogues exercises by themselves.     2.Check the answers: Boys read Column A and girls read Column B.     3. Teaching language prints.      (1) be late for      ①He’s often late for school.      ②Don’t be late for the important meeting.      (2)instead 代替,顶替,表示前面的事情没做,而是做了后面的事。      ①He didn’t answer me. Instead, he asked me another question.   ②If Harry isn’t well enough to go with you, take me instead.   [注]instead一般位于句首或句尾,但不能位于祈使句前面,也不位于句中。instead所在的那个句子一般是肯定形式,前面那个句子一般是否定形式。   instead of 为介词词组+并列成分(n., pron., adv., 介词短语, doing)      She went there on foot instead of by bus.       They had tea in the garden instead of in the house.      He answered this question instead of that.      I stayed in bed all day instead of going to work.      I’ll go instead of you.      (3)will, modal verbs( may, should, must, can 及否定) +动词原形      need+动词原形时,为情态动词;用于need + to do时,为实义动词。   4. Ask the students to talk about the things they can do and can’t do in the box in Exercise 3 on a page 93.   VI. Exercises in class   从B栏中找出与A栏句子相应的答语。      A                                     B   1. Excuse me. Do you speak English?      a. Thank you.   2. You’re a teacher, aren’t you?       b. Only a little.   3. What’s the matter with you?          c .No, I’m not.   4. What does the man do?                d. He s a doctor.   5. Shall we get some meat?               e. Yes, do please.   6. Sit down, please.                     f. I’ve got a headache.   Keys: 1.b  2.c  3.f  4.d  5.e  6.a   VII. Homework   1. Finish exercises on page 93.   2. Make a dialogue about holiday plans.   VIII. Summary   用情态动词填空。   1. My mother is ill, so I ________ look after her at home and ________(not) go to the evening Party.   2. You________(not) play on the road. It’s too dangerous.   3. —_________ I return the book in a week?   —No, you _________ (not) .   4. Li Ming is late today. He _________ be ill, but I’m not sure.   5. You _______ try your best not to make the same mistake.   Key: l. have to, can’t  2.mustn’t  3.Must,needn’t  4.may  5.should   IX. Writing on blackboard     Revise modal verbs: may, should, must, can, need Lesson 80教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives:   Develop the students’ four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; Enable the students to grasp five kinds of simple sentences; Revise the whole unit. Language Focus:     1. Five kinds of simple sentences: S + V, S+V+O,S+V+P, S+ V + InO + DO, S+ V+ O+ C     2. Phrases; in the end, forget to do/doing, make sb-do, tell sb. not to do, look into, with these words   3. Revise indefinite pronouns. Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector Teaching Procedures:     I. Organizing the class     1. Ask the students to get ready for class.     2. Greetings between the teacher and the students.     3. A duty report.     II. Revision     1. Talk about the writing homework.     2. Ask 2 ~ 3 students to read their good writings.     3. Dictation: dictate all the language points of the unit.     III. Listening practice     1. Pre-listening: tell the students to get ready for listening and what they’ll hear.     2.While-listening: ask the students to bear the listening comprehension questions on Page 94 in mind and try to find out the answers.     3. After- listening:   (1) Ask the students to tell briefly what they heard.     (2) Check the listening comprehension questions.     IV. Reading practice     1. Let the students read the passage quickly to find the answer to the question “Why did the monkey laugh in the end?”     2. Ask the students to close the book and play the tape of Lesson 80 for the students to listen to the story.     3. Ask the students to answer the reading comprehension questions on Workbook.     4. Explain the language points. (1) in the end = at last; finally最终,最后,终于,后面不接of介词短语     They won the game in the end.   We found his house in the end. He was waiting for us at the door.     (2)make sb. do 使(做某事或成为)     Whew! That makes my eyes ache. Please take it away.     You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink.     (3) with these words   with 介词短语在句中作状语,表示一个伴随情况。   The teacher came in with a book in his hand. We all stopped talking.   The woman, with a boy on each side, begged from door to door.   5. Group work: Ask the students to work in groups of three and act out the passage.   V. Writing   1. Ask the students to finish the writing exercise on Page 29 with indefinite pronouns.   2. Check the answers.   3. Teach the language points.   (1)forget to do 忘记去做某事   Don’t forget to post the letter.   He had forgotten to bring his umbrella and he was wet through.   (2)forget doing 忘记(曾做过或发生过某事)    I shall never forget seeing the Sea for the first time. It’s very beautiful.    I shall never forget finding the rare coin in the garden.   4. Read the dialogue in roles.   VI. Grammar   1. Teach the five kinds of simple sentences.   2. Ask the students to do the match exercise.   3. Give more examples of simple sentences and ask the students to say the kind they belong to.   (1)We can keep it warm. (S+ V+ O+C)   (2)I won’t let you go.(S+V+O+C)   (3) Mr. Wu teaches us English. (S+ V + InO +DO)   (4) She bought me some tomatoes. ( S+V+ InO + DO)   (5) The story is interesting. (S+ V+ P)   (6) She speaks French.(S+V+ O)   (7) Lily came. (S+V)   VII. Word puzzle   1 Competition :Ask the students to work in groups of four and find as many words as possible in the puzzle.   2. Check the answers.   3. Give the winner( s) prize( s) .   VI. Revision of the four units   Go over the checkpoints 15-19 in the book with the students.   IX. Exercises in class   用动词正确时态填空   1. Last year we _________ (learn) a lot of English. We _________ (read) many stories, and _________(do) many exercises. Next year we _________(learn) more English. But first we ______ (have) a rest.     2. Soon Li Lei_________(go)to_________(help)his uncle on the farm.    3. Next month the twins_________(visit) some other places in China.    Keys: 1. learned/learnt, read, did, will/are going to learn, will/are going to have 2. is going, help, 3.will/are going to visit    X. Homework    1. Finish exercises on workbook in this unit.    2. Retell the story about the tiger and the monkey.    3. Revise the whole unit.   XI. Summary    指出下列简单句的类型:( Subject ), V ( Verb ), O( Object ), P ( Predicative ), InO ( Indirect Object) , DO( Direct Object)     1. I wish you happy.     2. The Great Wall has saved a lot of land.     3. Granny Wang often helps others.     4. The teacher came in.     5. This guy is very funny.     6. He took away my dictionary.     7. His father bought them many new books.     8. Lily’s mother made her stay alone at home.     Keys: 1.S+V+ O+C  2.S+V+O  3. S+V+O  4.S+V  5.S+V+P  6.S+V+O  7. S+ V+ InO +DO  8. S+V+O+C   XII. Writing on blackboard Lesson 80 The Tiger And The Monkey     The five kinds of simple sentences      Language points     1. S+V                            1. in the end = at last; finally     2. S+V+O                          2.makesb.do     3. S+V+P                          3.with these words     4. S + V + InO + DO     5. S+V+O+C 查看更多

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