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  英语知识点优化训练:Unit 4 Body Languagewww.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com 此次优化训练是针对新人教版的必修4,Unit 4 Body Language出的综合练习题。包括单词拼写、单项选择和翻译。附有详细解析。对于巩固已学知识有很好的提高作用。www.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com 一、单项选择www.ks5u.com 1.  So many young men want to ___ writing. www.ks5u.com A. take in                        B. take up              C. take over                      D. take offwww.ks5u.com 2.  The boys arguing over whether to play baseball or football finally ___ by voting. www.ks5u.com A. reached goals               B. came to terms     C. came to an end              D. gave upwww.ks5u.com 3.  An expert, together with some assistants, ___ sent to help with the work the other day. www.ks5u.com  A. was                            B.  were                 C.  is                                D. arewww.ks5u.com 4. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless words are ________ to hurt others’ feelings. www.ks5u.com A.  possible                   B.  probable          C.  likely                       D.  surewww.ks5u.com 5. -- When was it that you got home last night?www.ks5u.com -- It _______ around nine o’clock when I drove back home, for it was very dark.  www.ks5u.com A. must have been            B. had to be             C.  was to be                  D.  must be  www.ks5u.com 6. -- It’s a very interesting book.  www.ks5u.com -- ________. www.ks5u.com -- And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.  www.ks5u.com A.  I’m glad you like it.                                B. That’s all right.  www.ks5u.com C.  Don’t mention it.       D. I hope you like it.  www.ks5u.com 7. The Big6 Model is one ________ to teaching information literacy skills. www.ks5u.com A.  attitude                     B.  appearance       C.  approach                   D.  altitude www.ks5u.com 8. The letter “X” can be used ________ an unknown number.  www.ks5u.com A.  to expressing              B.  to express        C.  expressing                 D. expression www.ks5u.com 9. He tried to ________ answering any question the journalist asked. www.ks5u.com A.  avoid                        B.  leave               C.  defeat                       D.  miss www.ks5u.com 10. ________ different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy people’s needs. www.ks5u.com A.  To produce               B.  Being produced C. Produced                     D. Having producedwww.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com 二、单词拼写www.ks5u.com 11. You see I’m a student of art; I’m not very __________(熟悉的) with botanical names. www.ks5u.com 12. I ___________( 愿意,准备) lend you the book if you promise to return it on time. www.ks5u.com 13. Our teacher _________(主修) in mathematics and physics. www.ks5u.com 14. Following the national news we have got the _______(当地的) news and weather. www.ks5u.com 15. The picture _________(描绘,描述) a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king. www.ks5u.com 16. I will stay at home this evening; she _____very ______(很可能) ring me tonight. www.ks5u.com 17. We have ________(相似的) tastes in music. www.ks5u.com 18. I heard they ________ (想要,打算) marry, but they haven’t so far. www.ks5u.com 19. The teacher _______ (惩罚) the students for their being late by letting them stand outside the classroom. www.ks5u.com 20. I think he ________( 回避,躲开) me, because he several times pretends not to see me. www.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com 三、翻译www.ks5u.com 21. 一般来说,他是能用英语口语表达思想的。(general; expression; spoken)www.ks5u.com 22. 她可能成功。 (likely)www.ks5u.com 23. 那个男孩用手势告诉医生他胸部疼痛。(chest; gesture)www.ks5u.com 24. 鲁迅是中国的大作家之一。 (major)www.ks5u.com 25. 一个优秀的学生应该总是渴望学习。(be curious to)www.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com ww高考资源网 w.ks5u.com 参考答案 一、单项选择www.ks5u.com 1. B. www.ks5u.com 解析:take in 意为“接受;接待;领会等”;take up 意为“开始从事,开始对…发生兴趣;占去(地点\时间等)”;take over 意为“接管,接收,接任等”take off意为“起飞;休假;取消等”。故根据句意应选B. www.ks5u.com 2. B www.ks5u.com 解析:根据题意“男孩们争论到底是打棒球还是踢足球,最后通过表决取得了一致意见”,可知应选B.  come to terms表示“取得一致意见,达成协议”。www.ks5u.com 3. A  www.ks5u.com 解析:主语的中心词是an expert,所以谓语要用单数;因the other day为过去时间状语,故应用过去式。www.ks5u.com 4. Cwww.ks5u.com 解析:常用sb / sth be likely to do或it’s likely +从句,表示“可能”;certain表示“确定的”;probable后常跟that从句表示“很有可能”;be sure to do sth指“一定;务必去做某事”。www.ks5u.com 5. Awww.ks5u.com 解析:must have done表示对过去情况有把握的推测。www.ks5u.com 6. Awww.ks5u.com 解析:交际用语。由情景可知,B将一本书借给了A,A觉得这本书很有趣,故B说“我很高兴你喜欢”,A接着说:“谢谢你借给了我这么长的时间”。That’s all right回答感谢和道歉;Don’t mention it(别人道谢时回答)不客气;I hope you like it指期望对方喜欢,而事实是对方的确很喜欢,所以选Awww.ks5u.com 7. Cwww.ks5u.com 解析:attitude to / towards指“对……的态度”;appearance指“出现”;approach指“方法;途径”,后常接to;altitude指“海拔;高度”。根据句意,这里指一种“教学方法”,所以用approach。注:Big6 Model 的全称是Big6 Model of Information Problem-Solving,指Big6信息问题解决模式,属于“问题解决”式的研究学习。www.ks5u.com 8. Bwww.ks5u.com 解析:encourage意为“鼓励”;express意为“表达”;explain意为“解释”;exchange意为“交流”。句意为:学会很好地表达自己,是现代教育的一个很重要的内容。www.ks5u.com 9. Awww.ks5u.com 解析:significant意为“有意义的;重大的;重要的”;major意为“主要的;重要的;大的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的”;greater意为“更大的”。根据句意,这里指“一个比较重大的改变”,用more来修饰,不能用major,因为major本身已经具有“比较”的含义;greater只能用much来修饰;considerate不合题意,所以选significant。www.ks5u.com 10. Dwww.ks5u.com 解析:根据后半句说,“工厂确认足以满足人们的需要”,那么前提应该是“生产各种各样的钢琴”应该已经成为事实,所以用现在完成时,动词-ing形式作状语。www.ks5u.com www.ks5u.com 二、单词拼写www.ks5u.com 11. familiarwww.ks5u.com 12. am prepared towww.ks5u.com 13. majoredwww.ks5u.com 14. localwww.ks5u.com 15. representswww.ks5u.com 16. is likely to  www.ks5u.com 17. similar  www.ks5u.com 18. intended towww.ks5u.com 19. punishedwww.ks5u.com 20. is avoiding www.ks5u.com 三、翻译www.ks5u.com 21. In general, he can express himself in spoken English. www.ks5u.com 22.A. It is likely that she will succeed.  www.ks5u.com b.  She is likely to succeed. www.ks5u.com 23. The boy told the doctor that he had a pain in his chest by using a gesture. www.ks5u.com 24. Lu Xun is one of the major writers in China.  www.ks5u.com 25. A good student should always be curious to learn. 查看更多

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