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Unit 3 A taste of English humour Words: 1.slide v. 1)  (cause sth to) move or make sth move smoothly along a surface 2)  (cause sth to) move quietly so as not to be noticed Eg: Carefully she slid along the ice.    They slid out of the room when nobody was looking. 2. content 1) adj. satisfied, happy, not wanting more 2) n. that which is contained in sth. Eg: She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.    Are you content with your present salary?    I like the style of her writing but I don’t like the content. 3. astonish  vt. fill with sudden wonder or amazement eg: It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.    It was such an astonishing performance for such a young musician. 4.particular 1)  adj. not general or universal 2)  adj. separate and distinct from others of the same group, category, or nature eg: She has a particular preference for Chinese art.    We will make an exception in this particular case. 5.entertain 1)  vt. to hold the attention of with something amusing or diverting 2)  vt. to hold the attention of with something. Eg: He entertained friends at dinner.    I amused myself with a game of solitaire.    They are much more entertaining than half the novels that are written. adj. entertaining          n. entertainment 6.throughout : prep. In, to, through, or during every part of; all through eg: The road is kept open throughout the year.    The material is flawed throughout.    Through unsure how her speech would be received, she remained calm and professional throughout. 7.homeless 1)  adj. having no home or haven 2)  n. people without homes considered as a group eg: When he broke away from his family, he became homeless.    He often provides food to the homeless. 8.  failure n. 1) the condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends 2) one that fails Eg: They were afraid of risking failure because they didn’t want to lose face.    Failure is the mother of success.    He is a failure at his career. 9.overcome  vt. conquer; get the better of eg: The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome.    She was overcome with emotion. 10.             snowstorm  n. a storm marked by heavy snowfall eg: According to the weather report, there’s snowstorm blowing up this evening.    They were caught in the snowstorm. 11.             chew 1)  vt. to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate 2)  vt. to meditate on; ponder 3)  to cogitate; meditate eg: You must chew your food before you swallow it.    He chewed a problem over.    He chewed on the difficulties ahead. 12.             direct  1)  vt. to give guidance and instruction to 2)  vt. to give authoritative instructions to 3)  vt. to show or indicate the way for eg: Who directed the new Indian film?    He directed the students to answer.    The driver directed us to the airport. 13.             star vi. to play the leading role in a theatrical or film prodection eg: One of my favorite old films starring Charlie Chaplin.    Chenglong starred in many famous films. 14.             fortune 1)  n. [u] the chance happening of fortunate or adverse event; luck 2)  n. success, especially when at least partially resulting from luck 3)  a large sum of money eg: He decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse.    No matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.    He spent a fortune on the new car. 15.             whisper 1)  vi. & vt. to speak softly 2)   to make a soft rustling sound eg: He is whispering to his neighbor.    The two girls were whispering in the library.    The wind whispered in the pines. 16.             vast 1)  adj. very great in size, number, amount, or quantity 2)  very great in area or extent; immense 3)  very great in degree or intensity eg: We bought the house at vast cost.    All the lands was shrouded in our vast forest.    The city is vast compared to our village.  Useful phrases: 1. badly off : in a poor position, esp financially Eg: They are too badly off to have a holiday.    In fact most people are better off than they were five years ago. 反义:well off 2.worn-out 1)  adj. worn of used until no longer usable or effective 2)  thoroughly exhausted; spent eg: He wore a pair of worn-out shoes.    I was worn-out after the long journey. 3.pick out 1)  to choose or select 2)  to discern from the surroundings ; distinguish eg: They picked out the best piece of silk.    They picked out their cousins from the crowd. 4.cut off 1)  to separate from others; isolate 2)  to stop suddenly; discontinue eg: When the city was cut off, everyone know that the total defeat was certain.    They cut off our food supply.    The telephone operator cut us off. 查看更多

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