


Unit 2. 1. be faced with 面临… rely on = depend on 依靠 rely on sb to do sth 相信某人做某事 face up to 面对 face difficulty 面对困难 face the music接受不好的结果 2. go up 上升 / 增长 3. burn down 烧毁 burn up烧尽 4. inform sb of / about sth 通知某人某事 a well-informed person 消息灵通人士 keep sb informed 告知某人 5. relate sb / sth 理解或同情某人 relate…. to 与…..有关 / 涉及   be related to 与….有关 in relation to 关于 6. at present = now 现在 for the present 暂时 up to the present 至今 presently = very soon 7. His behavior is a reflection of his home education. 8. make a good effort = make every effort 努力做某事 spare no effort 不遗余力 without effort 毫不费力 9. be addicted to 沉溺于 10. even if = even though 即使 / 尽管确 as if = as though 11. draw / attract / catch attention to 对….表示注意 pay attention to 注意… devote one's attention to 专心于 fix one's attention on 集中注意力于.. call attention to 唤起对…的注意 12. on all sides = on every side 在各方面 / 到处 from all sides 从四面八方 on one's side 站在某人一边 take sides with 站在…的一边 13. change one's mind 改变主意 14. current affairs 时事 15. as far as I am concerned 既我所知 show concern for…. 对….表示关心 16. look up to 尊敬某人 look down on / upon 轻视某人 look through look forward to 17. fall in love with 爱上… 18. in comparison to / with 与….相比较 19. more than 不仅仅 / 超越 no more than 仅仅 more brave than wise有勇无谋 The beauty of Xiamen is more than words can describe 20. just for once = for this once = for this once 仅此一次 once in a while 偶尔 once and for all 一劳永逸的 all at once = suddenly = all of a sudden 21. adapt to 适应 22. suffer from headache / floods 患…病 / 遭受… suffer a great loss 遭受重大损失 23. think highly / much / well of … 对…高度评价 think ill / little / lightly of 对…评价低speak ill of说坏话 24. bore sb with sth 用某事烦恼某人 be bored with 对…..感到厌烦 25. to one's disappointment 令人感到失望的是 be disappointed at 对….感到失望 26. ask / look for trouble 自找麻烦 be in trouble 处于困境 get into trouble 陷入困境have trouble in doing make trouble 惹麻烦 put a person to trouble 给某人添麻烦take trouble to do sth 查看更多

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