


Unit. 20 1. It is curious that …做某事很奇怪 be curious about 对…好奇 be curious to do = be eager to do 渴望做. 2. dozens of 许多 two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 some dozen (of) people two dozen of my / the books, a dozen and a half = one and a half dozen 18个 3. I have no time to spare 腾出 Can you spare a ticket for me 匀出 spare no efforts / expense 不遗余力, in one's spare / free time 在某人空闲的时候 4. tend to 朝某方向/ 趋于tend to one's affairs 照料事务 tend to improve working condtions 有助于 5. the average man 普通人 average out 批评 / 达到平均数 on average 平均 6. link theory with practice 理论联系实践 link up 把…连接起来 When shall we link up 集合/ 碰头, link (up) with = connect with 与…相连接 be linked to 与…相联系 have trade links with 与…贸易往来 7. the monument to the People's Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑 8. home and foreign afiars 内政外交 see sb home 送某人回家 make oneself at home 别拘束be / feel at home 安适 homesick 想家的 homeless无家可归 9. in terms of 就…而言 / 从…角度来说 in the long term就长期而言 be on good / friendly terms with 与…交情好 be on speaking terms with sb 与某人交谈投机 on no terms 决不 come to terms with sb 与某人达成协议 for a term of 4 years 期限4年 10. in the eyes of 在…看来 11. be distant towards sb 对某人冷淡 a distant look 茫然表情 in the distant 在远处 keep sb at a distance 保持疏远 keep one's distance 不亲近 12. have a hand in 参与,插手,对某事负部分责任 lend a hand 帮助 hand in hand 携手 in hand 手头上 on / at hand 在手边/ 即将来临 by hand手工, on one hand… on the other hand 一方面…另一方面 hand down = pass down 流传 hand over 移交, hand sth out to sb 分配 hand in = turn in 上交 hand out 分发 in the hands of … 在…的掌握中 give sb a hand 帮忙 shake hands with sb 握手 13. serve as 担任; 充当 14. dig for gold 挖掘黄金 dig into a book 抠书本 dig out 查出 dig down 挖下去 / 掏腰包 15. be interested in = take / have / feel an interest in 对…感兴趣 be of great interest = be very interesting 16. go on a holiday 去度假 be on a holiday 在度假中 make holiday 度假 have a holiday = take a holiday 休假 17. as a whole 总体上 as usual 象往常一样 as well as 也 as follows 如下 as long as 只要 18. from all sides 从四面八方 from side to side从一边到另一边 side by side 并排 be on one' s side = be on the side of sb = take sides with = take the side of 支持某人 19. give sb an idea of 使某人想到 a man of ideas 有见解之人 have no idea = don't know 20. over a distance of…跨越…的距离 cover an area of… 占地…面积 21. come into conflict with与…发生争执 bring sb into conflict 使某人与…发生争执 be in conflict with sb与某人意见不一 be in conflict 不一致 22. I wonder what life was like…不知道生活会怎样… no wonder 难怪 do / work wonders 创造奇迹,wonder at / about doing sth 对…感到惊讶 It is a wonder that … 说来也怪… in wonder 惊讶 23. as a result of = thanks to = because of = owing to = due to = on account of 由于 24. 情态动词 + have + 过去分词                   shouldn't / oughtn't to have done 过去本不应该做某事而做了 must have done 过去一定做了某事                can't / couldn't have done 过去绝对没做某事 may / might have done 过去可能做了某事       need (not) have done 过去本(没)有必要做某事但做了 could have done 过去本来能够做某事而没做 should / ought to have done 过去本应该做某事而没做 查看更多

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