

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 一轮复习 / 中考英语代词专练


  • 2023-10-12
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1. --Hello! Can I speak to Mary?  --Sorry. ____ isn't in right now.     A. Her           B. She            C. Him           D. He2. ____ from your office phoned. Here's the message.     A. Everybody      B. Anybody        C. Somebody       D. Nobody3. -- Excuse me, I'd like to buy a map but I can't find a bookshop.      -- I know ____nearby. Come on, I'll show you.     A. it              B. one             C. some           D. that4. --Did ____of your parents come to see you last week?       --____ of them came to see me.     A. any; None       B. any; Neither     C. either; Neither   D. either; Any5. Children can usually dress ____ by the age of five.     A. themselves      B. himself         C. them            D. him6. She had lost her notebook. Would you like to lend her ____?     A. your             B. yours            C. yourself         D. mine7. Tom and his sister went on holiday with a cousin of ___.     A. their             B. theirs            C. her              D. hers 8. I invite Peter and Ann to dinner, but ____ of them came.     A. both             B. none             C. either            D. neither9. --Would you like some coffee?    --Yes, just ____.     A. little              B. few               C. a little            D. a few10. They were all very tired, but ____ of them would stop to take a rest.     A. any            B. none            C. some           D. neither   答案:l. B    2. C    3. B    4. C    5. A     6. B     7. B    8. D    9. C     10. D 查看更多

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