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Unit 21 Body Language一.课文背景知识语言的沟通,并非全靠“言语”在进行。能够以“非言语”即所谓的Body Language和其他为手段来表达各种信息,这已是众人熟知的事情。根据某项研究显示,70%的沟通可说是以“非言语”为媒介来传达。因此,脸部表情(facial expressions)、手势(gesture)、姿态(posture)等等,无不隐含着重要的意义。这些Body Language与言语、文化具有无法割舍的关系。或许是难得其间三味吧?很多英语学习者往往由于作法不当以致于人“东施效颦”的不良印象,所以不可不慎。对于演说中Body Language的“东施效颦”究竟意指什么呢?心存疑惑的人想来也是不在少数吧。此举且举其一为例。在用英语说: "I don't know"的时候,有人便做出稍为摊开双手并且耸耸肩膀的Body Language。不过这项Body Language系属相当西洋式的姿势,如果由东方人来做的话,经常带给对方颇不对劲的感觉。这就有如清末初洋服刚刚传入中国不久时,当穿起洋服招摇过市的话总要惹人侧目的情形一般。基本上,对于与自己不搭调的Body Language还是少用为宜。如果刻意摆首弄姿,往往引起反效果。重要的是,不要勉强。倘若扭捏地模仿“洋人的姿态”,不仅徒然予人卑屈的印象,而且容易招致所谓的“中国人也和洋人作同样的Body Language吗?”的奇妙误解。说话之际最好根据自己本身的经验,采取自然形成的“Body Language”为宜。不过有一点要特别注意,即有关“视线”方面,大部分的中国人都有看着“天空”说话的毛病,容易给予人不诚恳的印象,所以要留心尽量目视观众才好。二、疑难详解1. We can learn a lot about what a perso nis thinking by watching his or her body language. 我们能够通过一个人的身体的动作了解他的许多所四所想。[问]本句中的by watching his or her body language 是什么意思,有何用法?[答]本句中的by watching his or her body language是动名词watching作介词by的宾语。下面我简单谈一谈动名词的用法,动名词是非谓语动词的一种,在句子中可以用作主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分。例如:Seeing is believing. (主语)眼见为实。It is no use sending him over. (主语)派他去没用。注意:(1)在It is no use (或good,need)... 或It's useless (或worth-while)... 等结构中,常用动名词作真正主语。(2)在There is no v. -ing ... 结构中,常用动名词作主语。例如:There is no joking about the matter. 这事开不得玩笑。My job is teaching. 我的工作是教书。(表语)He has finished doing his work. 他已经干完了他的工作。(宾语)注意:动名词只能作前置定语表示被修饰的词的目的或用途。例如:a sleeping car (a car for selleping )卧车下面我在谈一谈动名词的复合结构,其结构形式为“形容词性物主代词(或名词所有格)+动名词”在句中可用做主语、宾语或表语:例如:Your going there will help a lot. [主语]你去那儿将大有用处。Do you mind my opening the door?[宾语]我打开门行吗?注意:(1)如果不是在句首,这种结构在口语中可用“代词宾格(或名词普通格)+动名词”。Is there any hope of him and his sister winning the prize?他而后他妹妹有希望得奖吗?(2)如果名词是表示无生命事物时,不用名词所有格,只能用“名词的普通格+动名词”Can you hear the noise of the machine renning? 你能听到机器运转的声音吗?2. Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. 就像口语,体态在不同的文化之间有差异。[问]请问from culture to culture是什么意思?[答]本句中的字面意思为“从一种文化到另一种文化”。介词短语“from...to...”是从……到……“的意思,注意:此句型中不需要冠词。例如:from time to time 时时;from generation to generation 世世代代[相关短语]from before 从……以前;from behind 从……后面;from ...on 从……(时间)以后(以来),从……时起3. Making eye contact -looking directly into someone's eyes ---is in some countries a way to show that one is interested .眼神交流——直视某人,在某些国家是一种某人感兴趣的方式。[问]请问look into 是什么意思?[答]look into a matter(a machine )调查某事(检查机器)[相关短语]look after 照料;look back (与on,to连用)回想,记起;停滞不前From this time on , he never looked back. 从此以后他便不断进步了。look down on 轻视,看不起;look forward to 盼望;期待I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.我盼望今年暑假见到你。look out 注意;look up 在书中查到When yo do not understand a word, you can look it up in this dictionary.当你不懂一个 单词时,可以查这本词典。4. In Japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. 在日本,看见另外一个人在作这种手势的人,他会以为这种手势指的是钱。[问]请帮助分析一下这个句子的结构。[答]好的,本句是一个复合句,其主语为someone, 它由一个定语从句who sees another person making the gesture修饰,而这个从句中又有动词短语to see sb. doing sth. 的结构,其意为“看见某人做某事”,同时,本句还含有一个宾语从句,其意为“看见某人做某事”,同时,本句还含有一个宾语从句it means money。5. In Bulgaria, parts of Greece, and Iran, however, the gestures have the opposite meaning. 在保加利亚和部分希腊、伊朗地区,可是,这些手势却有相反的意思。[问]能讲一讲however的用法吗?[答]however可以作(1)adv.无论如何;不论到什么程度例如:He can answer the question however hard it is.不管问题有多难他都能回答。However did you get here? 你是怎么到这里来的?(2)不过;然而例如:He hasn't arrived. He may, however, come later. 他还未到,不过,他可能过一会儿来。I'd like to go with you, however, my hands are full. 我很想和你一块儿去,可是我忙不过来。(3)不管用什么方法;无论什么方式例如:However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。名题精选: We'll have to finish the job, ___.(90年高考题)A. long it takes howeverB. it takes however longC. long however it takesD. however long it takes答案:D。 本题考查however引导的让步状语从句的用法。however表示“不管到什么程度”, 用来引导让步状语从句,本身应放在从句首,其后紧跟它所修饰的形容词或副词。因此,正常的顺序为D项。也可转换成“no natter how long it takes”。6. There are also differences in how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to ,and how we act when we meet or part.在这方面也存在着差异,我们平常怎样相互接触,当我们谈话时,我们离别人站得有多近以及当我们遇见和离开时,我们怎样做动作。[问]请给我们分析一下这个句子的结构。[答]这是一个复合句,其主句为There are also differences,后面是how引导的并列的三个宾语从句作介词in的宾语,其中第二个宾语从句 how close we stand to someone we are talking to中又有一个定语从句we are talking to修饰someone,而最后一个宾语从句how we act when we meet or part中还含有时间状语从句when we meet or part。7. In some countries, for example France and Russia, a visiting friend is greeted with a kiss on the cheek. 在一些国家,比如法国和俄罗斯,来访的朋友通常哟啊被吻脸颊以示欢迎。[问] with a kiss on the cheek在这里是什么意思?[答]with在这里是prep表示“用”的意思,例如:I pity the orphans with all my heart. 我完全同情这些孤儿。He opened the door with his key. 他用钥匙开了门。而在a visiting friend中,visiting是一个现在分词作定语,其意为“来访的”。在这里我们要注意with和in的区别, in也可以表示“用”的意思,但一般表示“用文字材料”,例如:write articles in Chinese 用汉语写文章;write in ink (pencil)用钢笔写(无冠词)。8. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in  a world of  strangers. 微笑能够帮助我们通过困难处境和在陌生的环境中找到朋友。[问]help us get through 是什么意思?[答]help us get through 是help后跟的不带to的动词不定式,动词help后的不定式既可以带to也可以不带to。而本句中的get through是“通过,度过,打通”的意思。get through 还有“接通(电话),让人了解”的意思。例如:Get it through to him that he must rest. 要让他了解他该休息了。另外,在这里我们归纳一下与get相关的短语:get sth. done (使)让人做好;做(该做的事)I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。get across 被理解;使人了解Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?get down to 认真地静下心(工作)to get down to work 静下心来工作。get together 相聚,聚会 When can we get together?我们什么时候聚会?9. A smile can open doors and tear down walls, and it can be used to express almost any emotion. 微笑能打开心扉,消除隔阂,而且,它能被用来表达几乎任何情感。[问]tear down是什么意思?[答]tear down在这里是“v. 扯下,拆卸”的意思。例如:They are tearing down these old houses to build a new office block. 他们正拆除这些旧房子以便建一座新办公室。tear down walls 在本句中是一个暗喻,意指“消除隔阂”。而be used to do在这里是“被用于”的意思。注意其与be used to doing (习惯于做……),used to do (过去常常做……)的区别。10. We use a smile to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for help, and to start a conversation. 我们能够用微笑来道歉,问候求助和开始谈话。[问]ask for 是什么意思?[答]ask for (=enquire after, inquire after)要求,请求;ask for it 自讨苦吃;ask for trouble 自找麻烦例如:She asked for time to think all this over. 她要求给她时间把这一切好好想想。Did anyone ask for me?有人找我吗?If you park on those yellow lines ,you are really asking for it. 而且,如果我们感到意志消沉或孤独,就没有什么比看到一个好朋友的笑脸更好的了。[问]feeling down or lonely 是什么意思, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face 又是什么结构?[答]feeling down or lonely 是感到意志消沉或孤独的意思,在这里down是形容词“沮丧的;意志消沉的”的意思。nothing better than 在这里是加强语气,其意为“没有什么比……更好”。三、本单元高考热点归纳与拓展[概述]本单元的语法重点是动词的-ing形式做主语和宾语,其语法现象我们已经在课文疑难详解中有介绍,而其功能交际项目为“Making offers and requests, 下面我们就作举例说明:(1)提供帮助(offers )Can (Could, shall) I help you? 我来帮助你好吗?或:你要买什么?Would you like me to help you with your lessons? 我来帮助你做功课好吗?Is there anything (else) I can do for you? 有什么(别)的事我能帮你做吗?Do you want me to help you? 你想要我帮你吗?What can I  do for you. 我能为你做些什么呢?Let me do it (carry it ) (for you). 让我来(替你)做(搬)吧。Would you like some tea? 你想来些茶吗?Thanks. That would be nice (fine). 谢谢,那太好了。That's kind of you. 你真好。 Thank you for you help.感谢你的帮助。Yes, please. 好的,请(干)吧Here take this (my) bag. 给,请帮忙拿这个(我的)包好吗?No, thanks (thank you). 不必了,谢谢。No, thanks (thank you).  I can manage it myself. 你真好。我自己能应付。[尽管无须你帮忙,但]还是要谢谢你。That's very kind of you, but Ican manage it myself. 你真好。但我自己能应付。Want a hand (to carry it) ?要帮忙(拿)吗?Just what I needed! 我正需要呢!That's be a big help. Thats a lot. 那真是帮了大忙了。多谢。(2)请求(Requests)Can (Will, Could, Would) you do it for me? 你能帮我做这件事吗?Will (Can, Could, Would) you please give me a hand? 请你帮个忙好吗?May I have you attention? 请注意啦!Please give me that pen.请给我那只笔。Please wait (here). 请(在此)等候。Please wait (a moment). 请等(一下)。Please wait (for) you turn.请等着轮到你吧。Please stand in line. 请站队。Please line up. 请排起队来。Please hurry.请快点儿。Make sure that the important papers are all right. 务请保证那些重要的文件的安全。Make sure of the time and place.把时间、地点弄清楚。Don't rush (hurry).别急。No noise, Please. 请勿喧哗。No smoking, please.请勿吸烟。[经典解析]例:1.-I must apologize for __ ahead of time.-That's all right. (1994年高考题)A. letting you not know   B. not lettint you knowC. letting you know not  D. letting not you know简析:答案B。非谓语动词的否定式都是在最前边加否定词,只能选B。例:2. How about the two of us __ a walk down the garden?(1993年高考题)A.to take B. take C. taking D.to be taking.简析:答案C。the two of us 做动名词短语的逻辑主语。例:3.-What do you think of the book?-Oh, excellent. It's worth___ a second time.(1989年高考题)A. to read B. to be read C. reading D.being read简析:答案C。“be worth doing "结构中,worth后要用动名词。例4. I don't regret ___ even if might have upset her.(1988年高考题)A. to tell her what  I thought B. to have told her that I thoughtC. telling what I thought  D. telling her what I thought简析:答案D。regret后加动名词,排除A、B。tell需加双宾语才能把事情表述完整,排除C。四、生词详解1. confuse[kEn5fju:z]vt.搞乱, 使糊涂We tried to confuse the enemy.我们试图迷惑敌人。I was confused by all the noise.一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。[记忆技巧]源自拉丁语con-一起+fundere倒,灌=confuseconfuse v. +vion 变n. =confusion混乱、迷乱;confuse v. +ed 变adj. =confused困惑的,烦恼的2. avoid[E5vCid]n. 目的;计划;意图//vt.避免, 消除;决意,打算To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours.为避免混淆,两队分穿不同颜色的衣服。Are you trying to avoid me?你是不是想躲开我?[记忆技巧]源自a-=ex-出去+void空=avoid3. contact[5kCntAkt]n.接触, 联系vt.接触, 联系例:Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。She comes into contact with many people.她和许多人有联系。She contacted me as soon as she arrived.她一到就和我联系了。[常用词组]be in contact with和...接触, 有联系[脱离接触, 失去联系]/be out of contact with和...接触, 有联系[脱离接触, 失去联系]/have contact with接触到, 和...有联系/lose contact with和...失去联系, 离开/make  contact with和...接触[联系]4. disagree[7disE5^ri:]vi.不一致, 不适宜I disagree with you about this.对于这件事我跟你意见不同。[记忆技巧]dis(不)+agree(同意)=disagree disagree + able =adj. 不愉快的,不为人喜的,厌恶的。5. ahead[E5hed]adj.&adv.在前, 向前, 提前, 在前面例:Walk atraight ahead until you reach the river. 一直朝前走到河边。The road ahead was full of cattle. 前面的路上挤满了牛群。[记忆技巧]a +head (头)=ahead[常用词组]ahead of 在...之前,超过/get ahead 胜过,超过6. fold[fEuld]n.折, 羊栏, 折痕, 信徒//vt.折叠, 包, 合拢, 抱住, 笼罩, 调入, 交迭//vi.折叠起来, 彻底失败fold of the dress衣服的折层She folded the letter so that it would fit into her bag.他把信折起来,以便可以装到袋里。In the army camp the quilts are usually folded in this manner.在军营中被子通常是这样折叠的。[常用词组]fold away折迭起来/fold up折叠起来; 崩溃; 倒闭, 破产/fold back(把书页)折过来, 折进去; 向后折叠7. anger[5AN^E]n.怒, 愤怒//v.恼火Has his anger cooled yet?他息怒了没有?[记忆技巧]anger 来自拉丁语angere掐脖子anger+y注意变化=angry adj. 愤怒的 angrily adv. [常用词组]bluster oneself into anger勃然大怒/dare sb.'s anger不怕惹某人生气8. vary[5vZEri]vt.改变, 变更, 使多样化//vi.变化, 不同, 违反The temperature -ries from time to time.温度常常变化。They never vary from the law of nature.他们从不违反自然规律。[记忆技巧]知道了vary就一定知道various adj. 不同的,多方面的[常用词组]vary from ...to ...从...到...不等; 在...到...之间变动/vary with随...而变化9. crazy[5kreizi]adj.疯狂的, 狂热的, (指建筑等)不安全的She's crazy about dancing.她热衷于跳舞。He's crazy to drive his car so fast.他把车开得这样快,真是疯了。[记忆技巧]来自中古英语crasen破裂,crazy变 crazily adv. 变craziness n. [常用词组]be crazy about(over)热衷于, 醉心于;爱上, 迷恋着/be crazy for渴望, 痴想/be crazy with (pain)(痛苦)得发狂/drive sb. crazy逼得某人发疯, 害得某人精神失常10. part[pB:t]n.部分, 局部, 零件, 角色/vt.分开, 分离, 分配//vi.分开, 分手Part of / A part of the meat was spoilt.一部分肉已经坏了。Which part do you play?你演哪一个角色?A huge rock parts the stream.一块巨大的岩石使溪水分流。It's not easy to part with one's children.同自己的子女分离是不容易的。The friends parted:  Jane went home and Mary went to the library.两个朋友分别了,简回家,玛丽去图书馆。play the part of(在戏中)扮演/play a part in(在...中)扮演角色; (在...中)起作用/do one's part尽自己职责, 尽自己一份力量/on one's part在...方面, 就...来说, 由...所做出的/take in good part不被……触怒12. hughug[hQ^]n.拥抱//vt. 搂;紧靠例:He gave her a hug.他紧紧拥抱她。He hugged his daughter.他紧紧拥抱他的女儿。The boat hugged the coast.船紧靠海岸行驶。[常用词组]give sb. a big hug[口]紧紧抱住某人/hug oneself at(on)(为...而)深自庆幸, 沾沾自喜/hug oneself for(为...而)深自庆幸, 沾沾自喜13. bow[bau]n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首//v.鞠躬, 弯腰例:The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow.小女孩把饰带打成个蝴蝶结。I can't agree with you but I bow to your greater experience and knowledge.虽然我不同意你的意见,但我佩服你经验和知识比我丰富。[记忆技巧]bow+er(人)=bower n. 鞠躬(作揖),点头(表示谢意的)人[常用词组]take a bow谢幕//bow out退休;告老;辞职;不做(某事)/bow to sb.'s opinion屈从某人的意见14. palm[pB:m]n.手掌, 棕榈/vt.与...握手He put the insect on the palm of his hand.他把虫子放在他的手掌心。Coconutsgrow on palm trees.椰子长在像棕榈的树上。[常用词组]grease  sb.'s palm买通某人, 向某人行贿/oil sb.'s palm买通某人, 向某人行贿/palm sth. off以某物(假货或劣货)蒙混某人, 骗某人买东西15. shrug[FrQ^]n.耸肩//v.耸肩She shrugged and said ‘I don't know.’她耸耸肩说“我不知道。”with a shrug of despair表示失望的一耸肩[常用词组]shrug off耸肩对...表示不理; 一笑置之/shrug one's shoulder耸耸肩膀16. incredible[in5kredEbl]adj.难以置信的The film star has an incredible car in addition to a large house.这个电影明星除了一幢很大的住宅外还有一辆极好的汽车。[记忆技巧]in(不)+credible(可信的)=incredible17. retell[5ri:5tel]vt.重讲例:Would you please retell the text, Jack?杰克,请复述课文好吗?[记忆技巧]re(再)+tell(告诉)=retell18. bend[bend]v.弯曲, 专心于, 屈服//n.弯曲She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。a bend in the road道路的转弯处[常用词组]round the bend发疯/bend before屈服;顺从/be bent on决心要, 专心于/bend oneself to专心于, 致力于/bend over弯身作拱形; 俯身靠近; 屈服19. detail[5di:teil, di5teil]n.细节, 详情/vt.详述, 细说例:go  into detail详述, 逐一细说/detail sth. (to /for sb. )(向某人)逐项列出20. occur[E5kE:]vi.发生, 出现例:The accident occurred at five o'clock.事故发生在五点钟。An idea occurred to me.我想到一个主意。[记忆技巧]occur(v.)+rence=occurrence n. 事件,事情[常用词组]occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中; 被某人想到21.focus[5fEukEs]n.(兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距, [医]病灶, [地](地震的)震源//vi.聚焦, 注视//vt.使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。You must try to focus your mind on work and study. (喻)你应该努力把思想集中在工作的学习上。This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus the camera.这张照片看上去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距了。[常用词组]in focus焦点对准,清晰/out of focus焦点没有对准,模糊come into focus(某物)轮廓明显, 清晰; (问题)突出五、易混易错词语辨析1.辨析help, aid and assist:help是常用词,意义较aid, assist强,指“积极态度给予各方面的帮助”,强调“受助者得到帮助或好处”,并着重“受助者对帮助者的需要”,如:Please help me arrange these papers. 请帮我整理这些文件。aid 属较正式用语,强调“帮助受助者脱离困难或危险”,有时意味着“强者援助弱者”,如:They aided flood victims.他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。assist是正式用语,多指“在提供帮助时,帮助者起次要或起协助作用”,如:She assisted him in his experiments.她协助他做实验。2.辨析ask, inquire和question:都含有“问”、“询问”的意思。ask是常用词,指“为了了解某人或某事而提出问题,请别人解答或向别人打听消息”,如:Excuse me. May I ask you a question? 请原谅, 我可以问个问题吗?inquire是较正式的书面用词,含有”渴望知道某人或某事确实情况”的意思,如:He inquired your telephone number.他打听你的电话号码。question指“对某事不断提出问题,以便了解详细情况”,如:The suspect was questioned by the police.嫌疑犯受到警察审问。3.辨析anger,rage和fury:都含有“愤怒”、“生气”的意思。anger是常用词,强烈的程度不定,有时也可以不露出来,如:Though he felt his anger mounting, he kept perfect control of himself.虽然他觉得越来越生气,但还是很好地控制住了自己。rage指“大怒”,强调“愤怒强烈岛爆发而不能控制住”,如:He flew into a rage.他大发雷霆。fury语气比range强,指“暴怒”,如:In his fury he broke his eyeglasses.盛怒之下,他摔坏了自己的眼镜。4.辨析see,observe,notice和watch:see有“看”或“看到”的意思,是个通用词,使用范围最广。see的使用范围虽然最广,但作为“看”的含义,不用于祈使句。Look, he's coming.看,他来了。Watch him. Don't let him escape. 看看他,别让他逃掉了。 As soon as he saw us, he picked a long pipe which was covered with coins.他一看到我们就拿起了一颗镶有硬币的长长的管乐器。observe和notice都有“看到”或“注意到”的意思,但observe强调“留心观察”。The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.搜捕工作证明是很困难的,因为人们看到的这只美洲豹常常是早上在一个地方,而晚上又在二十英里之外的另一个地方。而notice则包含着“偶然看到”的意思,其内涵是“看到目的物后要作出反应”。如:看到熟人常常打个招呼,看到一件事后在脑中进行判断。... I happened to walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snailstaking a stroll on some of my prize plants....我偶然在花园走着走着,突然看到许多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的植物上悠闲地爬着。watch表示“观看”或“监视”的意思,一般目的物应处于运动状态。One day there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her.有一天,当那个妇女进来时,该店里的人比通常少一些,所以侦探比较容易监视她。 查看更多

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