



1 Unit 1 This is me Unit1 Reading 一、翻译下列词组或句子: 1、欢迎来到七(1)班 2、擅长游泳 3、喜欢体育 4、短头发 5、让我们见见我的新同学。Let’s ________ my _________ ___________. 6、他们的英语老师又高又苗条。她很爱游泳。 English teacher is . She . 7、基蒂擅长于跳舞而且学习很努力。 Kitty and she . 8、米莉今年 12 岁。她喜欢读书 。 Millie ___ 12 ___ .She loves . 二、选择填空: ( ) 1. Who are you ________? A. listening B. listening to C. listening for D. listen ( )2. _________ the blackboard, and you can __________ some numbers on it. A. Look at , see B. Look at, look at C. See , look at D. See , see ( )3. Let’s __________ home and ____________ TV. A. stay at; to watch B. to stay ; to watch C. stay; watching D. stay at ; watch ( )4. Would you like ______ to see a film ______me? A. going, and B. to go, and C. going, with D. to go, with ( )5. Mum gives me a dog for my birthday. name is Lucky. A. It’s B. Its C. It D. Hers ( )6. We can call Lucy and Lily. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs 三、用括号里的词的适当形式填空 1. Let’s ____________(meet) Amy and Daniel . 2. He often _____________(play) football after school . 3. How about __________ (go) __________ (fish) tomorrow? 4. Millie loves _______(play) computer games and __________ (look) for things on the Internet. 5. Can you tell me how ___________(look) after your dog? 6. Is David a helpful boy? Sure .He often ____ (help) his classmates. 四、完形填空 Hello, everyone ! I want to tell you something 1 my friends. Simon, Peter and Rose are my good 2 .Simon likes 3 .He often plays football after school and he is in the 4 team. Peter is a little fat(胖).He is 5 , so he sits in the front row(排) in class. He is good at Maths . Rose is a 6 . She 7 sports, but she likes dancing a lot. She wants to be a 8 . We are all in 9 . We are all good students and we 10 our class.2 ( )1. A. for B. about C. of D. with ( )2. A. friends B. teachers C. students D. players ( )3. A. music B. sports C. English D. fish ( )4. A. football B. badminton C. swimming D. volleyball ( )5. A. short B. old C. long D. polite ( )6. A. man B. woman C. girl D. boy ( )7. A. don’t likes B. don’t like C. doesn’t likes D. doesn’t like ( )8. A. player B. singer C. swimmer D. dancer ( )9. A. class 1,grade 1 B. grade 1, class 1 C. Class 1,Grade 1 D. Grade 1, Class 1 ( )10.A. are all like B. all are like C. all like D. like all 五、比一比,赛一赛,看谁写得好 Hi! I’m Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School . I’m 12 years old. I have short hair . I love reading . Now let’s meet my new classmates . Hello! My name is Simon. I’m tall. I like sports. I often play football after school. 【答案】 一.1.welcome to Class 1 Grade 7 2.be good at swimming 3.enjoy P.E. 4.short hair 5.meet;new classmates 6.Their;tall and slim;loves swimming 7.is good at dancing;works hard 8.is;years old;reading 二.BADDBA 三.1.meet 2.plays 3.going fishing 4.playing;looking 5.to look 6.helps 四.BABAA CDDCC 查看更多

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