



1 7 上 Unit 8 Fashion Welcome to the unit 一.根据汉语提示写出单词。 1. My mother wants to buy me a ____________(女式衬衫)。She says she will buy a red one. 2. I want a _______________(领带)。But my father says I am not old enough to wear one. 3. My sister often wears a pair of _______________(靴子)。 4. My _______________(裤子)are too short.My mother says I am growing too fast. 5. I need a pair of ______________(鞋子)。My old ones are too small.They hurt my feet. 6. Do you think my _____________(短裙)looks nice?It costs 200 yuan. 7. This ________________(男式衬衫) is very expensive.But it’s not beautiful at all. 8. These clothes are out of ___________________(时尚)now. 9. Hobo thinks Eddie is too _______________(懒)。 10.I don't like white.I like ________________(粉红)better. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1._____________he__________(do) his homework every day? 2.He wants ___________________(buy) a new bike. 3.Many children like______________(swim) but Jack ___________________(not do) 4.----Where are the boys?----They _________________(watch)a football match in the playground. 5.Mike often ______________(do) his homework in the evening. 6.Last Sunday morning my mother told me a ____________(fun) story. 7.Miss Green is very _____________(friend) to her students. 三.根据汉语完成句子。 1.狗不用穿衣服。Dogs _________________________________________________________. 2. 我 想 再 睡 半 小 时 。 I’d like ____________________________________________________. 3.明天有一场时装表演,你来吗? __________ _______ a fashion show tomorrow.___________you________? 4.迈克今天戴着红领带。Mike ______________ a red__________ today. 5.你的鞋多大码?_____________ __________ ______ your ____________? 四.翻译。 1 知道穿什么 2.再多十分钟 3.多大码 4.一件白色的女生衬衫 5.一双粉红色的长筒靴 6.当然 7.举行一次时装表演 8.(在床上)睡觉2 9.再花 10 分钟 10.借给某人某物 【答案】 一.1.blouse 2.tie 3.boots 4.pants 5.shoes 6.skirt 7.T-shirt 8.fashion 9.lazy 10.pink 二.1.Does;do 2.to buy 3.swimming;doesn't do 4.are watching 5.does 6.funny 7.friendly 三 .1.don't need to wear clothes 2.to sleep another half an hour 3.There is;Will;come 4.wears;tie 5.What size is;shoes 四.1.know what to wear 2.ten more minutes 3.what size 4.a white blouse 5.a pair of pink boots 6.of course 7.have a fashion show 8.fall asleep 9.spend another ten minutes 10.lend sb sth 查看更多

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