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《Look!No Tail》教案

  • 2021-11-09
  • 4页
  • 4.2 B




《Look!No Tail》教案徐小萌教学目标:1、在图片的帮助下,提取文本主要信息,理解文本大意。2、通过引导学生观察图片细节,培养学生的观察能力和推理能力。3、模仿、朗读故事。教学重点:能够朗读文本。教学难点:单词lizard、crab、octopus、shark的认读。教学过程:Step 1 Warming upLet’s chant:Tail   tail  tail , the monkey  has a tail.Claw  claw  claw, the cat has four claws.Leg  leg leg , the dog has four legs.Tail  tail tail ,it has no tail.Claw  claw claw ,it has no claws.Leg  leg leg,it has no legs.此chant和文本有一定的关联,以此来激发学生兴趣,为学生快速进入文本做铺垫。Step 2 Pre-reading1. 生观察封面,引出标题T:What can you see from the cover?T:Does it have a tail?Why does it have no tail?T:What else can you see?学生读书文本标题,教师在黑板上写出题目。通过自主阅读封面,培养学生正确获取封面信息的能力,提高文本意识。2. 预测文本呈现P2图片T:What can you see from this page? Does the lizard have a tail? What else can you see?What might the bird want to do ?呈现P4图片T:What has happened to the lizard? Why do you think this has happened?呈现P6图片T:What are they?Have you ever seen them? Look at the big crab,what might it want to do?呈现P8图片T:Is the little crab or big crab?What did you find?呈现P10图片T:Wow,What is this?Have you ever seen it? Where is the octopus? How many legs can you see?呈现P12图片T:What’s this? What do you know about the shark? What has happened to the octopus when the shark appears?呈现P14图片T:Now let’s count the legs.How many?T:What’s the same about the liazrd、crab and octopus?呈现P16图片T:Look at the picture.What do they tell us?(These animals all lost something but it grew again.)以图片环游的方式,通过教师的提问,引导学生在理解文本的基础上,建立对文本的整体印象。Step 2 While-readingPage 2 & Page 3Listen and repeat the sentences.看图猜词:going over 、grassFind the words that start with /g/.What other words do you know that start with/g/Page 4Listen and repeat the sentence.How do we read “no tail”?Find the words that start with /l/.What other words do you know that start with/l/Page 6 & Page 7Listen and repeat the sentences.Make a circle with your finger around the word big.How do we read it ?Page 8 & Page 9Listen and repeat the sentences.Page 10Listen and repeat the sentence.Find the words that start with /i/.What other words that start with the same sound?Page 10Listen and repeat the sentence.What other words do you know that start with the “sh”sound?Page 14Listen and repeat the sentence.Reading in pairs.Reading show.(选择自己喜欢的句子)Step 3 Post-reading 1、Find and write the words .2、Use the new words to say a sentence.3、What  will grow agian that we lose it ?What won't grow again if we lose it?4、Life is only once for us.We should cherish it. 查看更多

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