


Unit 2 What time is it ? A Let’s learn12 6 9 3 Look and readclockWhat time is it ? It’s 3 o’clock.It’s o’clock. What time is it ? breakfast br-eak-fa-st8 breakfast B: It’s o’clock. A: What time is it? It’s time for .12 lunch B: It’s o’clock. It’s time for . A: What time is it?lunch lun-chB: It’s o’clock. It’s time for . 6 dinner A: What time is it?dinner din-nerEnglish class 9:00 9 English class c-la-ssEn-g-li-sh B: It’s o’clock. It’s time for . A: What time is it?2:0 0 music class 2 music class mu-si-c B: It’s o’clock. It’s time for . A: What time is it?PE class 3:00 PE class 3B: It’s o’clock. It’s time for . A: What time is it?Play a game Who is the fastest? When you see the word , you must stand up quickly and read the word loudly. 当看到老师手里的单词卡时,迅速起立并 大声读出单词。Let’s play Pair work: Ask and answer (两人一组运用学到的句型与单词进行对话练习) breakfast lunch dinner English class music class PE class A: What time is it ? B: It’s o’clock. It’s time for .Homework a. Write the words and sentences. (抄写单词以及句子) b. Make your own Time Table. (制作属于自己的时间表) 查看更多

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