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Unit 2 What time is it? let’s spell 10:10 a.m.clock o’clock What time is it? It’s ____. 5:40a.m.9:21a.m.1:13a.m.7:25a.m.3:05a.m.8:10p.m.11:20a.m.2:00p.m.6:45a.m.4:35p.m.12:30p.m.Let's spellbird / ə: / girl -irI’m a ___. bird girl first thirty skirt shirt / ə: / / ə /I’m hurt! The bird is hurt.hamburger / ə: / nurse -urI’m a ___.I’m a nurse! Please take the bird to the nurse.bird bird, have some water. girl girl, this is my sister. She likes hanburger. nurse nurse, have some hamburgers,too. er er er er hurt nurse hamburger purse (钱包) colour (颜色) -er / ə / -ir/ -ur / ə :/ Let’s read and pick up the eggs. 读一读,把鸡蛋放入正确的篮子里吧。 leg she bee me egg ten beef set bird sister dinner first hurt nurse colour tigerWhat can you find from the words? -ir /- ur -er 长音/ ə :/ 短音/ ə /长音/ ə :/ first dirty circle purple fur hurt our 短音/ ə / driver sister farmer teacher worker eraser over orderPick the apples. 大家来找茬,把不同类的苹果摘下来 sister farmer dancerskirt waterPick the apples. 大家来找茬,把不同类的苹果摘下来 computer first our bird furPick the apples. 大家来找茬,把不同类的苹果摘下来 dirty circle dinner girl purpleLet’s spell quickly and read loudly. 快速拼出单词,大声读一读 irbmhw purthm ger lswLet’s read quickly.考考你的眼力,快速读出来。 bir ter gir ser cir dir pur hur mir gurWords with zombies! • 将dd读音不一致的单词从我们的花丛里除 掉!wewe sheshe getget hehe memewewe please theythey thesethese memepenpen bedbed getget eggegg memewewe sheshe deskdesk hehe meme Good job! Thank you!版本2 • 僵尸们把这些单词ba babies带走了,孩子们一起把它们 找回来!要记准这几个baaabies上面有哪些单词,不要记 错啦。(这个就是按照老师的要求结合我的课件来做的,, 可是我个人觉得吧.。。。这里的几个单词的词义不太适合 做这个游戏,有些牵强附会的感觉。。。并且这几个单词 主要是训练语音,这个游戏语音训练的效果并不大。。。 不过这只是我个人愚见啦。。。您看着选用~~嘻嘻)hehe sheshe eggegg penpen wewe Find them! I can give you sunflowers! Let’s find !heheshesheeggeggpenpenwewe Great! Now call them! They will be back!Let’s shout! • We saved the babies. they are magic babies. Look!Let’s listen and tick.考考你的听力,勾出听到的单词。 √ √ √ √ √ 50Step 1 Listen and circle. 仔细倾听,圈出正确的字母 Step 2 Write the words. 在四线格内规范书写单词。 50 he red we Thank you! 查看更多

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