

天天资源网 / 教学课件 / 英语课件 / 四年级下册英语课件 / 四年级英语下册Unit 1 My school Part A Lets spell课件(PEP版)

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e a-ea -e i i-e oo-e u u-eb g ui o ea em ui o ea er c ui o ea em m ui o ea ef c ui o ea ePeter father brother mother sister er er er er erPlease put the cards"_Please put the cards"_erer" " in turn, and the others spell it in turn, and the others spell it quickly.quickly. 小组内轮流摆放字母,其他同学快小组内轮流摆放字母,其他同学快 速拼读出来,进行抢答。速拼读出来,进行抢答。1. father mother other 2. winter river bigger 3. painter hunter baker m1. mother father other 2. winter river bigger 3. painter hunter baker1. mother father other 2. winter river bigger 3. painter hunter bakerPlease listen and spell the Please listen and spell the words quickly.words quickly. 请将听到的单词用字母卡片摆 出来,一人将摆好的单词举起 来,并且全组坐好的方为抢答 成功。比比哪一组又快又正确。fathfatherer bakbakerer buttbutterer My fathMy fatherer is a bak is a bakerer. He likes butt. He likes butterer..mothmotherer farmfarmerer watwaterer My mothMy motherer is a farm is a farmerer. She likes wat. She likes waterer..brothbrotherer paintpainterer tigtigerer My brothMy brotherer is a ____. He likes ____. is a ____. He likes ____.paintpainterer tigtigerersistsisterer teachteacherer computcomputerer ________________________.________________________.My sistMy sisterer is a teach is a teacherer. She likes comput. She likes computerergardengardenerer flowflowerer I want to be a gardenI want to be a gardenerer. I like flow. I like flowerer..I want to be a _______. hunthunterer house keephouse keeperer workworkerer cleancleanerer football playfootball playerer drivdriverer paintpainterer writwriterer singsingerer officofficerer dancdancererher term germ kerb person 思考:在这些单词中思考:在这些单词中erer发什么音呢?发什么音呢? 请你课后接着探索请你课后接着探索erer的发音规律。的发音规律。1.Read the 1.Read the Peter’s familyPeter’s family fluently. fluently. 2.Try to read the four chants on your papers.2.Try to read the four chants on your papers. 3.Collect “er” words, write down on 3.Collect “er” words, write down on Book Book P6.P6.Please put the cards"__ Please put the cards"__ er er" " in turn, and the others spell it in turn, and the others spell it quickly.quickly. 小组内轮流摆放字母,其他同学快小组内轮流摆放字母,其他同学快 速拼读出来,进行抢答。速拼读出来,进行抢答。I love my father, and I love my mother. I love my brother, and I love my sister. Wherever we are, we all love each other. 查看更多

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